Published at 24th of June 2024 05:49:54 AM

Chapter 86: Ambush

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Chapter 86: Ambush

After an intense battle, the five individuals found themselves exhausted, each taking a corner in the mountain cave to rest and recover from the spiritual energy depletion.

Wang Hong sat in a corner of the cave, assessing the gains from the battle. The most significant loot this time was the Resplendent Visage Fruit.

Directly plucked from a branch, there were three Resplendent Visage Fruits, but only one was fully mature. Wang Hong took the ripe one and planted the remaining two immature ones in the soil of his spatial realm.

Senior Brother Gao also shared one Resplendent Visage Fruit with him, giving Wang Hong a total of two mature fruits in his possession.

The several cultivators slain by him contributed additional Foundation Establishment Pill main ingredients, bringing his collection to sixty-five, with a total of twenty different spiritual medicines. He was only lacking sixteen more to complete his collection.

After a day of rest in the mountain cave, Senior Brother Tian, who had been injured, had recovered enough to move freely. The group decided to set out again.

They were now on the outskirts of the central region, where the abundance of Spiritual Medicine increased. The search yielded several second-tier Spiritual Medicines and Foundation Establishment Pill main ingredients for each person.

The frequency of encounters with other cultivators had also risen, leading to more frequent clashes. In the past few days, they faced conflicts almost daily, with victories and losses, leaving everyone with some injuries.

Although the group consisted of five people, the main combat strength currently resided in Wang Hong and Senior Brother Gao. Senior Brother Tian could only unleash sixty to seventy percent of his full strength due to his severe injuries.

The two female cultivators, initially fearful of combat, had grown more aggressive after the life-and-death experiences. They no longer relied solely on others and had developed a formidable combat prowess. Wang Hong couldn't help but marvel at their fierceness, thinking, "Female cultivators are terrifying when they go all out!"

Despite the change in mindset, their combat skills had only moderately improved, limited by their previous lack of experience in battles and training in combat skills.

As the days passed, Duanmu Shimei, with her Goose Egg Face and Qi Liu Hai, and Ke'er Shimei, with her melon seed face and twin ponytails, showed significant changes. Duanmu Shimei engaged in deep conversations with Senior Brother Gao, while Ke'er Shimei and Senior Brother Tian enjoyed playful moments, finding joy in small activities.

Observing these scenes from his corner, Wang Hong couldn't help but wonder if he truly belonged in this team.

On this particular day, the group officially entered the central region, where the concentration of Spiritual Qi was ten times higher than the forest where Wang Hong initially entered. Such an environment promised richer natural treasures.

As they approached a place with numerous strange stones, they noticed a Fiery Sun Mushroom growing in front of a massive rocka key ingredient for Foundation Establishment Pills. However, with many hiding spots among the strange stones, they remained vigilant against potential ambushes.

Deciding to have Senior Brother Gao collect the Spiritual Medicine, the others stood guard. However, as Senior Brother Gao touched the Spiritual Medicine, it dissipated into spiritual light.

"Trouble, we've been tricked!"

Simultaneously, the brick-like Spiritual Weapon, which he had just dodged, descended again from above, showing no intention of giving him a breathing space.

The other three were also in perilous situations, facing opponents with superior strength. Engaging four enemies simultaneously made their lives precarious.

Although Senior Brother Gao was still trapped in the Restriction Formation, he relentlessly attacked the Light Screen. However, the formation seemed to be of high quality, and despite his Qi Cultivation peak level, it only caused ripples on the surface.

Wang Hong raised his Long Spear to block the descending golden brick Spiritual Weapon, feeling an overwhelming weight that numbed his arms. His legs sank into the ground, reaching his waist. He estimated that this Spiritual Weapon weighed at least a hundred thousand pounds.

Trapped in the soil, he couldn't move momentarily. Seizing this opportunity, the enemies intensified their attacks.

The golden brick Spiritual Weapon rose again and struck Wang Hong's Light Screen. Though it didn't break, the screen sank several inches, and its color dimmed.

"Hehe! So, you're a fat sheep hiding a Spiritual Weapon. But having a Spiritual Weapon, how long can you endure?"

Eagle-nosed Man sneered, harboring some jealousy. He had schemed and spent his savings to acquire his Spiritual Weapon. Now, facing an opponent with a defensive Spiritual Weapon, his sense of superiority vanished.

He continued his fierce assault on Wang Hong. Each time Wang struggled to escape, the golden brick promptly descended, preventing him from catching a breath.

The situation for the other three was even more perilous. Ke'er Shimei had been in danger, and in a critical moment, Senior Brother Tian had taken a blow meant for her, resulting in his arm being crushed. The three were now in a desperate situation.

Wang Hong was swiftly contemplating a counter-strategy. He understood the principle that prolonged defense would lead to defeat.

As long as the opponents broke the Light Screen or Senior Brother Tian and the others couldn't hold on, he would be inescapable.

Suddenly, a spark of inspiration hit him. He pulled out a talisman, slapped it onto himself, and the entire person sank into the ground. From several yards away, he then leaped out.

At a critical moment, he remembered he had a few Earth Escape Talismans. Since he couldn't climb out from this position, he chose to dive into the soil and emerge from another location.

As Wang Hong jumped out of the ground, countless black Poisonous Bees flew out from his sleeve.

These were his Poisonous Bees, cultivated over time, and it was the first time he had used them in a battle against cultivators.

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