Published at 24th of June 2024 05:49:49 AM

Chapter 90: Clash of Ideals

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Chapter 90: Clash of Ideals

Wang Yi, now heavily injured with depleted Spiritual Energy, stood at the brink of defeat. Despite resolving one opponent with a single stroke moments ago, his swordsmanship could muster only one more attack.

The remaining four opponents emerged from the bushes, slowly closing in on him. Their Magical Weapons circled around them as they approached.

Wang Yi raised his longsword once again, locking eyes with one of the four. As his gaze shifted to another, that person discreetly took two steps back.

Seeing this, the other three hesitated, reluctant to advance. They exchanged glances, each hoping someone else would take the lead.

"Hahaha! A bunch of spineless rats!"

Infuriated, one of them shouted, "Attack together!"

Four Magical Weapons hurled towards Wang Yi simultaneously. With a swift stroke, he brought down another opponent.

After this strike, blood oozed from Wang Yi's wounds, and his stance became unsteady. Despite this, he defiantly declared, "Spineless rats, care to guess who's next?"

The remaining three were conflicted, recognizing that Wang Yi was near his limit. They sensed the tremendous energy drain from his powerful sword technique, wondering if he could unleash another attack.

However, none dared to test it with their lives. Abandoning the fight now, so close to success, seemed regrettable. Skilled cultivators like Wang Yi usually possessed valuable treasures.

As the three hesitated, an elderly cultivator appeared from behind a large rock. He casually tossed a water arrow talisman towards Wang Yi and swiftly retreated.

Clearly attempting to provoke Wang Yi and gauge his strength, the elderly cultivator intended for Wang Yi to engage, leaving him vulnerable to the others.

Wang Hong collected the remains and the entwined Devilish Vine. These dried serpent bodies could be offered to the demon-hunting tree.

The smaller branches Wang Hong had planted had grown considerably, now capable of consuming some Demonic Beasts. Their potent digestive abilities left nothing but bones.

Ordinarily, plants grown from seeds using the Entanglement Technique lacked inherent strength and would wither once their vitality dispersed. However, Wang Hong discovered that these vines survived when stored in his spatial storage.

Having observed Wang Yi's limited survival methods, Wang Hong decided to equip him with an array of Magical Weapons, Talismans, and other items he deemed useful. However, Wang Yi declined, asserting that a true swordsman only needed his blade. He believed in breaking through any defense with his sword, and if he couldn't, it meant he needed to improve.

Wang Hong embarked on a prolonged effort to persuade him. "Look, cultivating immortality involves various techniques. With a mere gesture, the demon python is eradicated."

While collecting the demon python, Wang Hong lectured Wang Yi. "I could accomplish the same with a sword or even a spoon. Any means to kill the enemy is a good one. Why be so fixated?"

Despite Wang Hong's earnest attempts, Wang Yi remained steadfast. "Whether with a sword or a spoon, I choose the sword. I'll master my art rather than dabble in everything."

Undeterred, Wang Hong emphasized, "A good technique is one that ensures victory, be it with a sword or a spoon."

This philosophical divide persisted as the brothers sought the Seven-star Mushroom together. In the central region, they encountered treacherous cultivators, whom Wang Hong dispatched using unconventional methods. Some fell victim to Poisonous Bees, while others unknowingly succumbed to toxins, smiling in their final moments.

The poison was from the Red Blossom Skeletona rare substance that Wang Hong had been reluctant to use until now.

While Wang Yi admired his brother's resourcefulness, he remained resolute on his path of sword cultivation. He understood Wang Hong's concern for his safety and appreciated the intention behind providing the best resources.

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