Published at 24th of June 2024 05:49:46 AM

Chapter 92: Saving Lives

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Chapter 92: Saving Lives

In the days that followed, both of them became exceptionally cautious.

Wang Hong had obtained an unnamed secret technique from the Ma Brothers, and they had used it to fake their deaths, deceiving everyone. Little did they know, Wang Hong was someone who couldn't rest easy until he turned his enemies to ashes, almost setting them on fire.

Wang Hong passed this secret technique to Wang Yi, emphasizing its use in critical situations.

"I'm telling you, there's no need to recklessly fight with others. Life is precious; if you can win, fight, if not, run. Seize an opportunity to strike back. Only when pushed to the extreme should one fight desperately. That's called fighting to the death for a chance at life, not throwing away your life for nothing."

Wang Hong took the chance to lecture Wang Yi, who, in normal circumstances, didn't talk much with others. But since encountering Wang Yi, he became a bit of a chatterbox.

"Us cultivators should be brave and make progress, advancing without fear. How can we be timid in the face of death?" Wang Yi spoke passionately.

Wang Hong was startled by these words, wondering who had taught him such ideas.

"Who taught you this twisted philosophy?"

"Our sect elders always teach us this. It's not a twisted philosophy; it's a universally accepted truth in the world."

"Well, I often say the same things to educate other people's children. When your sect elders instruct your own disciples, they surely won't say the same. They would teach them to fight when they can win, run when they can't."

Wang Yi joined Taihao Sect when he was not yet ten years old, too young to understand many things. He simply followed whatever others taught.

Many organizations trained young disciples because cultivating them from a young age yielded better results. Moreover, children were easier to mold compared to adults.

"If you recruit adults and ask them to be loyal, even to the point of sacrificing their lives, they would agree readily if you offer enough Spirit Stones. However, when the crucial moment comes, most of them would choose to run without hesitation."

"I'm telling you; we should keep ourselves useful and do meaningful things. Right now, you can only fight desperately against a group of Qi Cultivation cultivators. Once you reach Foundation Building, you could easily crush several Qi Cultivation cultivators with a flick of your finger. Isn't that a waste?"

Wang Hong tried to slowly change some of Wang Yi's dangerous thoughts.

At this moment, the two were walking in a canyon when a rumbling sound echoed, and several figures ran towards them.

Not wanting to get involved, Wang Hong pulled Wang Yi behind a tall rock.

As the Daoist Masters approached, it turned out that there were five people escaping in front, pursued by about a dozen others.

To Wang Hong's surprise, the escaping group consisted of Qingxu Sect cultivators, who had shared a meal and drinks with them a few days ago.

The Elder Brother from Kaiyang Peak seemed heavily injured, running with blood streaming from his mouth.

The pursuers were from the Beast Spirit Sect, led by a refined-looking cultivator mounted on a bird-like Demonic Beast.

The Demonic Beast had a wingspan of one yard, moving at incredible speed. With a few flaps of its wings, it swiftly reached the front of Elder Brother.

Wang Hong, who often enjoyed throwing many Talismans at others, now found himself in a similar situation, feeling like it was karma.

While dodging various attacks, Wang Hong retaliated by throwing a bunch of Talismans back at the cultivator. To his surprise, the cultivator took out an Ancient Jade, emitting a faint white light. The attacks from the Talismans entered the light and disappeared.

Angry that Wang Hong adopted his tactics, the Beast Spirit Sect cultivator began exchanging a barrage of Talismans with him. The difference was that the Beast Spirit Sect cultivator, riding on his flying beast, was protected by a Spiritual Weapon, looking quite composed.

Wang Hong, on the other hand, faced many difficulties. While throwing Talismans, he had to dodge various attacks, not only from Talismans but also from other cultivators' Magical Weapons. His body bore multiple injuries, but his agility, combined with body refining, kept him alive.

Approaching the river while being attacked, Wang Yi, with the four Qingxu Sect cultivators, had already crossed. Wang Yi took two flying Magical Weapons, leaving one for Wang Hong.

The refined-looking cultivator blocked Wang Hong's path, riding his flying beast, which was faster than Wang Hong's Flying Boat.

"Thinking of running? No one can escape from me."

He took out a Copper Mirror, unleashing a beam of light toward Wang Hong. Before he could dodge, the light hit him, disrupting the flow of his Spiritual Energy. Controlling even the Flying Boat became difficult, let alone using the Dragon Serpent Escape technique.

Without his advantage in agility, Wang Hong became an easy target for the pursuers. He probably wouldn't survive another breath.

Just then, Wang Yi arrived on a flying Magical Weapon. He grabbed Wang Hong and headed for the other side of the river.

Simultaneously, Wang Yi swung a sword energy at the refined cultivator. Although the attack was ineffective, it slowed the cultivator down a bit.

Chasing them were six more Beast Spirit Sect cultivators, using flying Magical Weapons. Wang Yi flew toward the riverbank, releasing a sword energy to hinder their pursuit.

As they reached the opposite bank, Wang Yi tossed Wang Hong to the ground and turned back to confront the pursuing Beast Spirit Sect cultivator.

Six Beast Spirit Sect cultivators, along with the refined young man, made a total of seven.

After a brief recovery, Wang Hong's Spiritual Energy was back to normal. He handed four bottles of Spirit Wine to the Qingxu Sect cultivators, whose Spiritual Energy had depleted besides their injuries.

After drinking the Spirit Wine, they felt a surge of Spiritual Energy, revitalizing their meridians.

Wang Yi and the refined young man were engaged in combat, but Wang Yi's attacks couldn't break through the opponent's defense, and he had to constantly guard against the Copper Mirror.

Observing this, Wang Hong released a swarm of Spirit Bees, specifically the Green-tailed Spirit Bees he had cultivated, possessing anti-magic properties.

As the Spirit Bees approached, entering the area covered by the Ancient Jade's light, they emitted a green glow, gradually blending with the white light from the Ancient Jade. The Spirit Bees moved closer to the young man.

At the same time, the other six Beast Spirit Sect cultivators had engaged in battle with the four Qingxu Sect cultivators. Wang Hong released Poisonous Bees to join the fray, attacking the refined young man from a different angle.

The remaining Beast Spirit Sect cultivators without flying Magical Weapons were swimming across the river, and though slower than flying, they would arrive shortly.

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