Immortal Taoist - Chapter 142

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:51:05 AM

Chapter 142

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Meng Lin walked through the sect grounds with serenity and countless thoughts in her head.

Before she had left for the Nether Cloud Domain she had planned for a lot of things but it seemed that all that was unnecessary.

She had planned to upgrade her blacksmith panel along the way but she barely had time for any of that once she was thrown into the real fray.

Meng Lin looked back as she noticed a disciple quickening his pace as he walked past her.

She had not realized it before but every disciple that passed by her would show the same reaction and it didn’t take her long to figure out why.

The aura that was unconsciously ozzing out of her body was too powerful for a foundation establishment cultivator and it didn’t help that she broke through not long ago.

Curiosity piqued Meng Lin slowed her pace and intentionally pushed all her aura down, she released her consciousness outwards, covering a few hundred meters in all directions.

As she released it she was given a big suprise when she noticed how it easily passed through a diciples courtyard to show her the view inside.

Within was a disciple practicing their moves in the courtyard, the sharp sound of metal clashing against metal echoed through her spiritual consciousness as she observed with intrigue.

Over to the other side of the spiritual consciousness a group of disciples gathered around a master, listening intently as the elder demonstrated a complex technique, his hands moving in a series of intricate gestures, creating an invisible ripple of qi.

It was from a building called Lecture Hall and Meng Lin was surprised that the Sect Elder didn’t take note of her spiritual consciousness.

Gathering qi into her eyes she was able to see far away, a few hundred meters away, she noticed verdant gardens filled with a variety of spiritual herbs and medicinal plants.

She also saw a group of disciples meditating under an old, spreading tree, their faces calm and serene. Their quiet presence added a sense of peace and tranquility to the otherwise bustling sect.

Turning her gaze towards the sect's grand buildings, Meng Lin couldn't help but admire the architecture.

Every minute detail of the building was visible indee her gaze, the buildings were of various shapes and sizes, each unique in its design. The buildings were made of a white stone that shone brilliantly under the sunlight, giving them a majestic appearance.

Meng Lun smiled as she only now appreciated the beauty of having a higher realm, there was so much more that she could do, she wondered how the next realm perceives things.

As she continued her walk, it didn’t take long for her to arrive at her courtyard which looked no different from when she had left it.

Spreading her spiritual consciousness inside she was slightly relieved to see that no problem had occurred.

Walking through the barrier of her courtyard, she was greeted by the familiar sight of her home.

The courtyard was tranquil and well-kept, with thr small pond in the center reflecting the clear sky above. A few lotus flowers floated on the surface of the pond, their petals opened wide in full bloom. The scent of the flowers filled the air, creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere.

Meng Lin smiled at the sight before turning to look at two girls coming out from the house.

It was De Sijie and Xi Lin, upon seeing Meng Lin, De Sijie and Xi Lin’s faces lit up with excitement and bewilderment.

They stood still for a moment before Xi Lin hurriedly walked towards Meng Lin, her eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.

"Miss Meng Lin! You're back!" Xi Lin exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. " How was your journey, did everything go smoothly”

Meng Lin smiled warmly at the girl. "It was quite eventful, to say the least," she replied. "It was quiet dangerous. But overall, it was a valuable experience that helped me grow."

Xi Lin nodded eagerly. "We've been eagerly waiting for your return," she said. "We wanted to tell you about some exciting news that happened while you were away."

Meng Lin's curiosity was piqued. "Oh? What happened?" she asked, her interest evident in her voice.

While she was outside the courtyard she had checked and was sure that none of the three had any breakthrough so she was curious what other stuff had them so excited.

De Sijie was the one to speak as she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. "Xi Lan finally came from her room and it seems that she had created a technique all on her own”

Meng Lin's eyes soften as she smiled, she had known about it before and had encouraged it, she was glad that she had done that. She turned to Xi Lin with a proud smile. "Your sister did very well, if I am not mistaken then she should be tending to a plant with the technique right now?”

Xi Lin’s eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, miss! How did you know?" she asked, her excitement growing.

Meng Lin chuckled softly. "I had a breakthrough in my cultivation that’s why" she replied mysteriously. "Shall we go and see what your sister has been up to?"

De Sijie and Xi Lin nodded eagerly, their curiosity piqued. Together, the three girls made their way to the small garden behind the courtyard, where Xi Lan now l spends most of her time.

As they approached the garden, the sound of gentle rustling leaves and the sweet scent of blooming flowers filled the air. They could see Xi Lan kneeling on the ground, her hands carefully tending to a vibrant, blossoming plant.

Xi Lan looked up as Meng Lin came into view and she instantly stood up with a scrutinizing gaze."Welcome back miss!" she greeted her. "You’re just in time, the spiritual seed in the Cherubic Fertile Soil is ready to bud.”

As the words left her mouth Meng Lin was given a suprise as a flash of blue light illuminated the garden, emanating from the Cherubic Fertile Soil.

From Xi Lan came another blue light that danced and twirled in harmony with the light from the soil.

Slowly a budding flower emerged from the soil, its petals exuding a mesmerizing glow.

It didn’t stop at just the blossom, but continued to grow at an astonishing rate. The flower stretched and extended, its stem growing taller and stronger. Its leaves unfurled, revealing intricate patterns and vibrant colors. It was a sight to behold.

Meng Lin and the others watched in awe as the flower transformed before their eyes. Its aura was powerful, radiating a sense of tranquility and spiritual energy that filled the entire garden.

Xi Lan couldn't contain her excitement as she exclaimed, "Miss Meng Lin, this is the result of the technique I developed! I call it the Cherubic Construe Art. It's the combination of my previous cultivation art called Elixer Construe Art and the Cherubic Fertil Soil that you gave me before you left. It’s the soil that is doing most of the work, I just manipulate the budding time, the spiritual vains in the plant and the overall growth speed.“

Meng Lin smiled warmly at Xi Lan's achievement. "That's incredible, Xi Lan! Your dedication and hard work have paid off. This technique has the potential to do more. You've merged your skills with the power of the Cherubic Fertile Soil beautifully."

Xi Lan beamed with pride, her eyes shining with joy. "Thank you, Miss”

Xi Lin smiled at the side and nodded approvingly. "You have a natural talent for cultivation, your creativity is truly commendable."

De Sijie chimed in. "And that's not all, I've been refining my swordsmanship technique while you were away. I've made significant progress, and I can confidently say that my sword skills have become sharper and more precise."

Meng Lin listened attentively as the girls began recounting their progress, she would occasionally say something but would mostly listen, trying to absorb all the information.

She hadn’t realized it before but she found joy in watching the growth of these three girls, it helped her with the solitude lifestyle of cultivators.

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