Immortal Taoist - Chapter 143

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:51:04 AM

Chapter 143

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**Thousand Mountain Region**

At the cliff of one of the mountain peaks within the thousand mountain region was a cracked space that suspended in the air, as if the gaping mouth of a long-forgotten being.


From within the crack came a pulsating energy that drew in the surrounding air slowly before releasing outward the aura of the Nether Cloud Domain.

The mountain underneath the cracked rumbled as the aura caused the surrounding flora and fauna to wither and die. The once vibrant and lush landscape now turned into a desolate wasteland.

Three similar events were taking place all across the continent as any area that was once the gateway to the Nether Cloud Domain became an unrecognizable place that only held the crack in space surrounded by the aura of the Nether Cloud Domain.


Within one of the courtyards of the Soul Shattering Sect, Meng Lin sat in her room slowly circulating large amounts of qi through her spiritual veins.

Within Her Dantian her Gold Core shone bright and radiant, pulsating with power as she circulated power through it.

Meng Lin opened her eyes as she breathed her last circulation, her aura even more compact and stable but she held a concerned expression as she focused deep within her dantian.

Within the dantian was not just the Gold Core as away from it was the Brute Qi that held the same chaotic energy as before.

The reason for Meng Lin’s concern was that the Brute Qi had started to show signs of instability. It was as if a wild beast had been awakened within her, constantly thrashing and trying to break free from its confinement.

Meng Lin could feel the energy fluctuating unpredictably, sometimes weak, and other times so powerful that it threatened to overwhelm her Gold Core. She had been trying to tame this energy, to integrate it with her Gold Core, to harness its power for good. But the more she tried, the more resistant it became.

The Brute Qi, the stronger it becomes, the more chaotic it becomes as well. Of course, because of her physique, it would not harm her body but it might cause a problem with her gold core.

With a deep sigh, she rose from her meditation, her face etched with worry. She couldn't ignore the way the Brute Qi was but she knew she could do nothing about it at the moment.

Walking outside her room Meng Lin looked towards the pond which was purple whose large body left a shadow over the surface of the pond.

Meng Lin contemplated for a bit and decided to go to her blacksmith room, she had to see if the system had any solution for her brute qi.

Entering the room that had become her sanctuary, Meng Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of ease as she took a seat in the same spot as always.


[Meng Lin]

[special physique: Brute Qi physique]

[Gold Core Stage(early)]

[Experience points: 3%]

System coin: 6030

Taoist Gacha wheel: available x2

Spiritual Roots: [Water>Fire>Gold>Wood>Earth]

Variant Elemental Qi : [Mud] [ Erosion]

Main Cultivation Method: [Black Tortoise Essence Art, 4th Layer]

Side Cultivation Methods: : [Basic Qi Gathering] [Formless Cultivation method]

Techniques: [Celestial Moonlit Sword Art] [Focused Qi control] [Waterfall slash] [Refine Yin Qi] [Surge] [Thunderbolt Flash] [Wrath of Thunder]

Ancient Spirit Seals: ~Black Tortoises~, Gong Fu - Golden Lizard.

[Market] [Blacksmith] [Alchemy]

Gazing at her system menu Meng Lin suddenly had a beaming smile as she recognized that she was finally able to learn the next technique of the Formless Cultivation Technique.

[Formless Cultivation Method]

Form 1: form concealing

Form 2: unlocked

Form 3: locked

From what she could remember when she first learned the cultivation method, cultivating the first method gives her the ability to conceal her self into anything that has form.

That has proven to be extremely useful and inefficient, her style doesn’t revolve around that and the only time she used it was when she tried to lower her aura.

It’s a very useful ability for stealth, and could be used for hiding from enemies but she was more interested in the second ability which she had a glimpse of before.

Meng Lin began to mentally prepare herself as she started circulating the cultivation method of the Formless Cultivation Method, this time aiming to learn the second Method.

Meng Lin took a deep breath, her eyes closed tightly as she began to concentrate on the flow of her qi, directing it to the center of her dantian. She could feel the chaotic energy of the Brute Qi as it thrashed and roared within her, but she was not deterred.

Instead, she focused on the power of the Gold Core, allowing its radiance to guide her through the turmoil. As she gradually aligned her internal energy with the rhythm of the Gold Core, she felt a change.

The Formless Cultivation Method began to envelop her, its energy intertwining with her own. The room around her seemed to blur, her senses became heightened, and the air seemingly vibrated with her energy.

Her body began to sway, moving in tandem with the energy flow within her. It was as if she was partaking in a dance with the universe, her every move in sync with the energy of the cosmos.

She could feel the second form of the Formless Cultivation Method starting to take shape within her. With every breath she took, she could feel it growing stronger, more substantial. It was as if she was erasing her very form, becoming one with the universe around her.

With a sudden burst of energy, she felt it. The second form, 'form eraser', had been perceived. She could feel her energy flow changing, becoming more fluid and adaptable. It was as if she had been set free, released from the constraints of her physical form.

As she slowly opened her eyes, Meng Lin found herself immersed in a sea of energy. The room around her was no longer solid, but a canvas of fluctuating energy. She could see the flow of qi, the pulsating waves of qi that coursed through everything - the walls, the furniture, even the air itself.

As she slowly opened her eyes, she could feel the transformation that had taken place. The once familiar surroundings of her blacksmith room were now a vibrant display of fluctuating energy. The air itself seemed to shimmer, as if touched by a gentle breeze.

The Formless Cultivation Method had enabled her to perceive the world in a new light, to see the very essence of life and energy that was infused in all things. She could see the flow of qi, the pulsating rhythm of life that connected all things.

The second form, 'form eraser', seemed to have amplified this perception. She could feel her form blending with the surrounding energy, becoming a part of the air around her.

Her physical form seemed to fade, replaced by a formless entity that moved with the ebb and flow of energy around her.

Yet, she remained in control, her consciousness guiding her through this new state of existence. She could feel the energy of the room, the aura of the objects, and the life force of the plants outside.

Experimenting with her newfound power, Meng Lin tried to manipulate her form, her body shape-shifting and blending with the surrounding energy. She felt a sense of liberation, as if she had transcended the physical constraints of her existence.

Excited by this discovery, Meng Lin spent the next few hours experimenting with her new ability. She found that she could control her form at will, becoming formless and blending with the surroundings or maintaining her physical form as needed.

However she noticed some potential drawbacks. For one, the higher her energy output, the quicker she seemed to tire.

The more she manipulated her form, the more energy she used. It was clear that the form eraser technique was resource-heavy, and might not be feasible for prolonged use without adequate preparation or rest.

Currently, the longest she can stay in the form is 5 minutes and her energy would tire afterward.

Secondly, she discovered that while in her formless state, her sense of interaction was greatly diminished. It was as if she was a ghost, unable to physically interact with her surroundings, which could potentially be a disadvantage in some situations.

Lastly, the control over her form was not perfect. There were moments when she struggled to maintain her formless state or revert to her physical form. It was clear that mastering this technique would take time and a lot of practice.

Despite these drawbacks, Meng Lin felt that the benefits of the form eraser technique far outweighed its downsides. It offered a new level of flexibility and adaptability that she had never experienced before. It was a powerful tool, one that she was eager to master.

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