Immortal Taoist - Chapter 147

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:50:59 AM

Chapter 147

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After leaving the blacksmith room Meng Lin walked towards the pond in the middle of the courtyard.


A large amount of water raised in the air as Purple flicked his tail in the pond, Meng Lin smiled at the sight as the water splashed towards her only to stop before it came into contact with her.

As Meng Lin stood there, a-bit mesmerized by the sight of the water frozen in mid-air, she couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable sense of awe and wonder.

The sun's rays danced upon the suspended droplets, creating a dazzling display of sparkling colors. It was as if time had momentarily paused, allowing her to fully appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the moment.

Purple, sensing Meng Lin's delight, slithered out of the pond and gracefully made his way towards her.

His scales glistened with an iridescent hue, reflecting the vibrant shades of the surrounding flowers. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming petals, intertwining with the earthy fragrance of the courtyard.

With each slithering movement, Purple approached Meng Lin, his eyes filled with a mischievous glint.

As he drew nearer, the water droplets that had been suspended in the air began to slowly descend, as Meng Lin was taken out of her daze.

Meng Lin extended her hand, her fingers delicately caressing the smooth scales of her loyal companion. Purple, ever playful, coiled himself around her body, his presence comforting and familiar.

Just as Meng Lin was about to lose herself in the enchantment of the moment, her eyes raised as she felt the presence of someone outside the courtyard.

Meng Lin walked out to see who it was and she was suprised to see someone familiar.

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard was Wen Bonshan, the one who had tended to her when she first arrived at the Soul Shattering Sect. His eyes met hers, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Meng Lin, it is good to see you," Wen Bonshan greeted, his voice filled with genuine fondness.

Meng Lin returned the smile, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity in his presence even now. "Wen Bonshan, it's nice to see you too. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

He replied. "I see that you’ve already reached the Gold Core Realm, your dedication and determination are truly commendable."

Meng Lin's cheeks flushed with a hint of pride. "Thank you for your kind words," she responded humbly. "I was fortunate enough to participate in an inheritance trial in the Nether Cloud Domain”

Wen Bonshan nodded, his gaze turning serious. "Your progress is truly remarkable. I come here today because of the events of the trial. My master sent me to you specifically”

Meng Lin's curiosity was piqued. "Your master?"

“Ohh, I hadn’t explained in our first meeting, but my master is the Sect Leader of the Soul Shattering Sect. He is one of the most revered cultivators in our sect, possessing vast knowledge and wisdom.“

Meng Lin's eyes widened in surprise. "I... I had no idea. What does the sect master want with me?"

Wen Bonshan's expression softened. "It’s because of your breakthrough, now that you have reached the Gold Core realm, you will be directly transferred to the core disciples courters and because you have Luan’s soul you will be assigned to the Pavilion Mountain that raises the sects prized potentials”

Wen Bonshan continued, "As a Pavilion disciple, you will receive exclusive resources, training, and guidance to help you reach even greater heights in your cultivation journey."

Meng Lin's eyes raised with curiosity. "I am not familiar with this Pavilion Mountain, what is it”

Wen Bonshan smiled warmly as he began to explain further, "The Pavilion Mountain is a revered and exclusive part of the Soul Shattering Sect, It is a place only for to those with Luan’s Soul”

“The resources available in the Pavilion Mountain are unparalleled, with access to rare cultivation techniques, profound insights, and valuable treasures that can greatly accelerate one's progress in martial cultivation."

Wen Bonshan continued. "I was tasked with delivering your rewards as well as telling you and disciple Luang Chen about this information”

“Luang Chen…” Meng Lin said, pondering over the information. She looked up and asked “how many people are roughy on that mountain.”

Wen Bonshan shook his head and said “I honestly don’t know but you should take note of the other six with Luan’s Soul, some of them are eccentric in the way they handle things”

“Eccentric?” Meng Lin asked with a confused expression however Wen Bonshan only chuckled as he said “you will know when you see them”

He continued “It was one of them that rescued you before”

“Oh” Meng Lin said with surprise as she had originally assumed that a group of Soul Shattering Sect elders had saved her, “what’s their name” she at least wanted to know the name of the person that saved her.

“He is called Wu Dao, currently the one of the strongest sect disciple”

Meng Lin nodded, absorbing the information about the mysterious figure who had rescued her. "Wu Dao," she repeated, committing the name to memory. A mix of curiosity and gratitude filled her expression.

Wen Bonshan continued, "Wu Dao is known for his exceptional strength and unique cultivation techniques. You'll find his approach to cultivation quite distinctive. It will be an interesting experience for you on Pavilion Mountain."

Meng Lin nooded with a determined glint in her eyes, she looked at Wen Bonshan and said, "I appreciate the opportunity. When do I leave for Pavilion Mountain?"

Wen Bonshan replied, "You have some time to prepare. I recommend a week because of the unease going on in the sect. Until then, take the time to bid farewell to your current surroundings and make any necessary arrangements."

Meng Lin nodded, a sense of anticipation building within her.

Wen Bonshan smiled seeing that and said “I have no doubt that you will excel. Here is your reward for the information about the sect artifact as well as reaching the Gold Cord Realm”

He handed Meng Lin a small storage bag as well as an intricately carved jade box. The box was cold to the touch, and she could feel a strong surge of spiritual energy emanating from it.

Curiosity piqued, Meng Lin carefully opened the box Inside, there was a small, exquisite pill with stripes on it, glowing with a soft inviting light.

"This is a Top-grade Realm Solidifying Pill," Wen Bonshan explained. "It is a very potent pill that can help you consolidate your cultivation base and breakthrough to the next realm easily”

Meng Lin held the pill delicately, feeling the overwhelming energy contained within it.

‘So this is a top-grade pill’ Meng Lin thought as she felt the pulsation of the pill.

Just like spirit weapons, alchemy pills are graded from low, middle, high, peak and top grade, all alchemist are graded in the same order as well.

Which means that a top grade alchemist created this pill, however seeing as stripes started to form in the pill then Meng Lin could only assume that the alchemist that created this pill was likely above that as well, this was indeed a precious gift, one that she knew she had to use wisely.

"Thank you, Wen Bonshan," she said sincerely, carefully placing the pill back into the jade box. "I appreciate your guidance and the Sect’s generosity."

Wen Bonshan smiled, pleased with her response. "The path of cultivation is a long and arduous one, Meng Lin. Remember to stay diligent and never lose your determination”

With a final nod, he turned around and left the courtyard, leaving Meng Lin alone with her thoughts.

She looked down at the jade box in her hands as well as the storage bag, peering into the storage bag with her spiritual consciousness Meng Lin saw an assortment of lesser valued pills, a new sect uniform and a gold pendent signifying her new status.

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