Immortal Taoist - Chapter 148

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:50:58 AM

Chapter 148

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In the days that followed, Meng Lin immersed herself in cultivation and training as she made sure to acclimate to her newfound strength in the Gold Core Realm.

She had told the trio of girls to prepare everything else as her focus became solely on cultivating.

And while cultivating she became even more aware of how easily she processed everything, no doubt because of the Chain-Bodhi Tassel on her forehead.

Meng Lin become obsessed with cultivating however the time finally came for her to leave and she, along with the three girls packed her belongings, making sure to bring the valuable things from the courtyard.

As Meng Lin bid farewell to the courtyard and the familiar surroundings she had grown accustomed to, Meng Lin couldn't help but feel a small pang of nostalgia.

She had only spent a few weeks here and she was already moving, chuckling at the thought she made her way to the designated meeting point where she was supposed to meet Luang Chen.

During the past few days Meng Lin had contacted Luang Chen and both came to the agreement to depart for the Pavilion Mountain at the same time.

Although they don’t completely trust each other, they had formed a camaraderie during their time together and she felt that it was right that they enter together.

As she approached the meeting point, Meng Lin spotted Luang Chen standing there, his expression a shade of annoyance.

"You’re late," Luang Chen said, his gaze locking onto the three scarred girls following behind Meng Lin "well it doesn’t matter. Let’s go”

Meng Lin’s eyes raised, feeling the aura that Luang Chen was unconsciously suppressing. "You broke through”

Luang Chen nodded, his gaze turning towards the road ahead. "Of course, I was already close to a breakthrough so it’s not surprising, let’s go” he said once more as he started walking towards the teleportation formations.

Meng Lin nodded as she soon followed after, she noticed how the three girls behind her were unusually quiet but she understood that they probably didn’t feel comfortable talking with Luang Chen here.

She shook her head and began to review what she had gathered about the Pavilion Mountain, their reputation, and how they are viewed by the sect.

The pavilion Mountain is a mountain that is situated at the center of the sect, around it are other mountains for the sect elders.

Because of its location in the sect, it is abundant with spiritual energy and is considered a sacred place for cultivation.

The Pavilion Mountain is mostly known for its mystery as there is no other info about it.

As Meng Lin and Luang Chen approached the teleportation formations, they were greeted by a sect elder who oversaw the process.

The elder nodded, verifying their identities and warned the three girls following Meng Lin but allowed them to enter the formation.

Inside the formation, Meng Lin could feel the energy swirling around her, a tingling sensation running through her body. The air crackled with anticipation as the teleportation took hold, transporting them to their destination.

In an instant, Meng Lin found herself standing in a teleportation formation and around her was a clearing with clouds all across.

Thd first thing she noticed was a rush of spiritual qi that pervaded all around



Behind Meng Lin the trio started coughting uncontrollably as the spiritual qi felt suffocating to them.

With a flick of her wrist, Meng Lin summoned a protective barrier of spiritual energy around the three girls. The barrier acted as a filter, allowing them to breathe in the surrounding spiritual qi without being overwhelmed by its intensity.

Luang Chen, who had already adapted to the high levels of spiritual qi, watched as Meng Lin took charge of the situation. His annoyance from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of respect for her abilities.

"Impressive," he muttered under his breath, his gaze lingering on Meng Lin's barrier. "You know how to use the Qi Filter Technique, you’ve certainly come a long way in such a short time."

Meng Lin smiled modestly, not acknowledging the compliment. She was only able to use it because of the inherent memories from the Ancestral Symbol so she didn’t really feel it was her own technique.

Luang Chen was about to continue speaking when suddenly a hand reached out towards him.

He quickly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the hand that had appeared out of nowhere. Startled, he turned to see a figure standing behind him.

It was an elderly woman with a long white long hair and a warm smile on her face.

"Welcome to Pavilion Mountain, young cultivators," the elderly woman greeted them. "I apologize if the density of the spiritual qi caught you off guard. It can be overwhelming for those of lower realms who are not accustomed to it."

Meng Lin and Luang Chen exchanged glances, realizing that this must be one of the elders of Pavilion Mountain. They bowed respectfully in greeting.

"We appreciate your guidance, Elder," Meng Lin said, her voice filled with gratitude.

The woman seemed surprised and suddenly covered her mouth “Pfft hahahah, do I really seem that old to you, well I guess I am considered your senior sister.”

The unexpected laughter from the woman caught Meng Lin and Luang Chen off guard. They exchanged confused glances, unsure of how to respond.

The woman composed herself, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Apologies for the confusion. I am the disciple of the first villa, you can just call me Senior Sister Liu. I like to keep things informal around here."

Meng Lin and Luang Chen relaxed, realizing that this Senior Sister Liu had a playful personality. They returned her smile, feeling more at ease in her presence.

Senior Sister Liu gestured towards the trio of girls who were still recovering from their coughing fit. "I see you have brought your servants, it seems you have comradely. That’s good, Pavilion Mountain values unity and camaraderie above all else."

Meng Lin nodded, unsure of what to say so she took it as words of encouragement.

Senior Sister Liu nodded approvingly. "Good, good. Now, let me guide you to your accommodations, i was getting lonely being the only one here”

As they walked through the mountain, Meng Lin couldn't help but feel gazes upon her.

“This is…” Meng Lin said as she was tempted to release her spiritual consciousness outward.

“Oh, you’ve noticed, it seems you’re more talented than him” Senior Sister Liu blatantly stated while pointing towards Luang Chen.

Luang Chen ”…”

“What is this” Meng Lin asked, clearly sensing a feeling of fondness from the gazes.

“Those would be the spiritual remnants”
Senior Sister Liu explained, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "The spiritual remnants are the remnant wills of past ancestors that recognize and acknowledge promising cultivators like yourself. It's a sign of favor and potential."

Meng Lin's eyes widened in surprise. "So, these spiritual remnants are a form of recognition from the ancestors?"

Senior Sister Liu nodded. "That's correct. Once you have the chance, you can visit the pagodas and see which one is suitable for you, within each pagoda is a spiritual imprint"

Luang Chen's expression showed a mix of curiosity and envy. "How many pagoda are there”

Senior Sister Liu chuckled. "Ah, there are nine pagoda in total, each with its own unique characteristics and cultivation methods.”

Senior Sister Liu continued guiding them through the mountain, introducing them to various places of interest and explaining the rules or lack there off.

As they reached a large pavilion, Senior Sister Liu smiled, “here is where you’ll be staying, it’s just a temporary spot until you choose your own villa but it should suffice for now. Inside, you'll find everything you need for your daily cultivation and living needs."

She continued “visit the Jade Library once you have settled, inside are cultivation techniques that work well with special physiques”

Meng Lin and Luang Chen thanked Senior Sister Liu for her guidance and entered the pavilion. The interior was simple yet comfortable, with a spacious training area, sleeping quarters, and a small study corner.

Meng Lin took a moment to appreciate her new surroundings. She felt a sense of excitement and determination bubbling within her. This was a fresh start, a new chapter in her cultivation journey.

She turned to the girls who were marveling at the place and then towards Luang Chen, who was inspecting the training area with a thoughtful expression. "’We can make the most of our time here’

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