Immortal Taoist - Chapter 153

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:50:53 AM

Chapter 153

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**Two weeks later**

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft golden hue over the Fushi Island of the Scattered Islands Region.

Within the bustling market of the Luner Stone City, various Qi Gathering Realm cultivators moved to and from the stalls, their robes billowing in the gentle breeze.

Very few cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Realm could be seen within the market as only the major forces within the Scattered Islands Regions bothered to send their disciples to this remote island.

Amongst the buildings was a large restaurant by the name of Lark Jade Restaurant that served as a hub for cultivators in the area. Its grand entrance stood tall and proud, adorned with intricate carvings depicting fish and aquatic spirit beasts.

Inside the Lark Jade Restaurant, the atmosphere was vibrant and lively. The main hall was filled with long wooden tables, where cultivators gathered to enjoy their meals and discuss the latest news.

Everyone within had an easygoing attitude as this was Lark Jade Restaurant. One of the major forces in the city, under the jurisdiction of the Benevolent Jade Sect, a third-tier sect that has multiple branches in the Scattered Islands Region.

In a private room tucked away from the main hall, the Mid Stage Foundation Establishment manager of the restaurant, Yao Ming, was sweating profusely under the gaze of the two individuals before him.

Before him was the figure of a young woman in a green robe who exuded a calm and composed demeanor with an air of calmness and confidence.

Standing next to her was a young man that has indifference towards his surroundings and his gaze reflected an unknown suppression in the air.

The two of them had just used a small teleportation formation to travel from another island a few hundred miles away from Fushi Island.

Yao Ming, the manager of the Lark Jade Restaurant, felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead as he tried to maintain his composure under the intense scrutiny of these two prestigious cultivators.

The Benevolent Jade Sect, to which the restaurant belonged, was a third-tier sect that held considerable influence in the Scattered Islands Region. However, compared to the Soul Scattering Sect they were considered minor players.

Yao Ming knew that it was an honor for the Lark Jade Restaurant to host cultivators of such high status. The reputation and power wielded by the Soul Scattering Sect is in no way inferior to some of the revered 5th-tier sects.

The Benevolent Jade Sect had made it clear that they did not want to offend fourth-tier sects, and Yao Ming was well aware of the consequences if he mishandled this situation.

Gathering his courage, Yao Ming straightened his back and spoke in a respectful tone, "Esteemed cultivators, we are deeply honored to have you grace our humble establishment. Please allow me to introduce our finest dishes and provide you with the utmost service. Is there anything specific you would like to order or any special requests you may have?"

Meng Lin and Luang Chen exchanged a brief glance before Luang Chen spoke, his voice carrying a hint of authority, "No need, we’re just passing by, Do you have a detailed map of the surroundings.”

Yao Ming nodded and quickly retrieved a rolled-up map from a maid. He carefully unrolled it on the table, revealing a detailed map of the surroundings of Fushi Island.

Pointing to various locations, Yao Ming explained, "Esteemed cultivators, this is a detailed map of the Scattered Islands Region, with Fushi Island right over there,” he continued while pointing with his finger “Here, you can see the Lunar Stone City where we are currently located. To the north, you'll find the Azure Blossom Sect, known for its mastery of wind-based cultivation techniques. And to the south, you'll find the Scarlet Water Sect, renowned for their expertise in water-based cultivation techniques."

Meng Lin and Luang Chen studied the map for a few minutes as the map stretched over a large area, thousands of miles across with dozens of different areas occupied by others.

Luang Chen tapped his finger on a specific location at the edge of the map and asked, "Manager Yao, what can you tell us about this place?"

Yao Ming had a confused expression as he looked at the spot on the map indicated by Luang Chen. It was an area in the open sea, far from any known landmarks or sects. The manager furrowed his brow, trying to recall any information about that particular location.

"I apologize, esteemed cultivators," Yao Ming said, his voice filled with uncertainty. "That spot on the map appears to be an area in the open sea. I only know of a yang group of fish called the Whitetip Weever in that area, I don't have any other specific information about it."

Meng Lin glanced at Luang Chen who revealed a smile. “Thank you for your assistance, let’s go” he said turning to face Meng Lin.

Meng Lin nodded and the two of them quickly made their way out of the restaurant before flying towards a specific direction.

Meng Lin wore the low-grade Swaying Leaf Robe to fly, even though she could fly now that she was in the gold core realm, she couldn’t fly fast enough for Luang Chen who cultivated some sort of technique that specialized in speed.

As they flew towards the distance Meng Lin couldn't help but ask, "Luang Chen, this is already the second week, are you sure you didn’t forget”

Luang Chen chuckled lightly, a carefree expression on his face. "Don't worry. I have a good memory, and I'm sure this is the right place. Trust me, we're on the right track."

“Isn’t that what you said the last 7 times I asked you” Meng Lin snorted, how come he just repeats the same thing over and over again, it’s already been a week sincerely their venture into the scattered seas.

Luang Chen turned to Meng Lin with a smile on his face. "I'm sure," he replied confidently. "The group of fishes that was mentioned is the same one I encountered before, so I'm certain it is this one."

“Why did you reveal the location so brazenly back there, aren’t you worried that we would be followed?" she asked.

Luang Chen's gaze towards her flickered with sadness as he turned towards the horizon. "It doesn't really matter if they know or not, I would be happy if someone was greedy enough to follow”

Meng Lin's gaze deepened as countless thoughts ran through her mind and in the end, she shook her head and followed, it was not like she could do anything about it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!