Immortal Taoist - Chapter 192

Published at 19th of June 2024 12:55:27 PM

Chapter 192

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Looking at the crystal Meng Lin was slightly surprised, it was twice as big as the others, indicating a difference in strength, her gaze traveled to the beast carcass, she realized that it was a middle-stage rank 4 beast. 

She realized that If it had utilized its Armor, then she wouldn't have disposed of it so easily. 

She began to look around, wondering if there were other beasts within this place when suddenly a white light appeared not far from where she was. 

It appears that the flood dragon was the only one on this floor, Meng Lin wondered what the next floor would hold as she stopped circulating the Black Tortoise Essence Art, returning back to her normal form. 

She flew towards the light, quickly arriving next to it, she allowed it to envelope her, and she felt her vision shift while her body became weighted again as gravity took control.


Meng Lin found herself sprawled on the ground, her limbs tangled awkwardly. She winced, feeling the sting of embarrassment more than the physical pain. Before she could regain her composure, a laugh echoed through the space.

"Hehehe! You should have seen your face!" A voice boomed, filled with amusement.

Meng Lin's eyes narrowed as she scrambled to her feet. There, floating with a smirk plastered across his ethereal face, was another spiritual imprint.

 This one looked younger, way younger, he looked no more than 13 years old, and there was a mischievous glint in his eyes that contrasted sharply with the solemn aura of the previous StarLord King.

"You are?" Meng Lin groaned, brushing the dust off her wet robe while surveying the area, It appears to be in the middle of a clearing that was only 30 meters in diameter.

The spiritual imprint chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "You really fell with such... grace hehe.  I am the Starbeast King."

Meng Lin raised an eyebrow, as she looked at the little boy, floating in midair, 'another name with the star in it, I wonder what that means for the title' she asked. "What is this place?"

The Starbeast King floated closer, his mischievous grin never wavering. "This is my Reward Floor," he said grandly, spreading his arms wide. "You've proven yourself somewhat, and now you get to choose a prize."

Meng Lin's curiosity piqued, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement despite the boy's playful demeanor. "A prize? What kind of prize?"

The Starbeast King snapped his fingers, and three pedestals appeared before them, each holding a different item. The first pedestal held a shimmering sword that seemed to hum with power. The second pedestal displayed a delicate, azure amulet. The third pedestal showcased a crystalized drop that flickered like dancing flames.

"You may choose one," the Starbeast King said, his voice suddenly serious. "But choose wisely. Each item holds a drawback"

Meng Lin's eyes flickered between the three items, her mind racing. Each one seemed to radiate something weird, but the Starbeast King's warning echoed in her ears.

"Drawbacks?" she asked, trying to gauge the seriousness of his words.

"Indeed," the Starbeast King nodded, his mischievous smile returning. "And they take too much of your spiritual energy to use".

He pointed towards each one, explaining their drawbacks. "The sword holds an Ancient Lighting Tiger spirit beast's will, try using it and the will could try to control you, the amulet contains the essence of the Mystic Serpent, and it can summon a spirit beast seal that doesn't discern friend from foe."

"The crystalized drop is the blood of a Crystal Flame Lion, Its blood can grant you momentary strength and recovery, but using it could burn you from the inside out if you're not careful."

Meng Lin then understood what the Starbeast King meant when he said drawbacks, although from their aura she could tell they were at least high-grade items, the risks were equally formidable.

However, after thinking about each of the items, the one that stood out was the Azure Amulet, she wondered what the reaction between the amulet and her ancient spirit seals would be.

Meng Lin took a deep breath and stepped closer to the pedestal holding the azure amulet. The gem's pulsating glow seemed to synchronize with her, and she felt a peculiar connection to it. Her curiosity about the interaction between the amulet and her ancient spirit seals outweighed the potential risks.

"I choose the amulet," she declared.

The Starbeast King nodded approvingly, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "A brave choice Meng Lin. The Mystic Serpent's essence is not to be trifled with, but if you can use it right, the rewards could be immense."

As she reached out and grasped the delicate amulet, she felt a small surge of energy through her. The gem's glow intensified for a moment before settling into a steady, gentle pulsation. 

She nodded, fastening the amulet to her waist. "Thank you," she said, her eyes meeting the Starbeast King's.

The Starbeast King chuckled softly. "Now do you want to continue or leave, the Fourth floor is full of middle and late-stage beasts"

Meng Lin considered her options, facing middle and late-stage beasts would be a bit difficult, but she shouldn't have a problem with it, she thought.

"I choose to continue," Meng Lin replied with determination in her voice. 

The Starbeast King nodded, his playful demeanor fading slightly as he looked at her with a mix of admiration and caution. "Very well, then continue to the next floor, if you pass the next 3 floors we will meet once more".

With those words of encouragement, the Starbeast King waved his hand, and Meng Lin felt a shift in her surroundings as she appeared on the next floor at once.


Heat permitted the air and Meng Lin felt the floor shake while lava lit the whole area, she was within a volcanic crater.


Meng Lin steadied herself, taking in the heat and the sight of bubbling lava every 10 meters from her. She could feel a small amount of Elemental Qi radiating from the bubbling lava, the air was thick with the smell of sulfur, and the ground beneath her would rumble every once in a while.


Suddenly from one of the bubbling lava, a black ant emerged, she instantly recognized it as an Ancient BlackFire Ant, a beast known for its poisonous attack.

It was the size of a large hound, with an exoskeleton that glistened like jade in the fiery lava. Its eyes glowed with a red light, and it moved with a deliberate, menacing gaze.


The ant let out a high-pitched shriek that echoed through the crater, sending a heatwave all around, Meng Lin's face changed as she felt the aura of a rank 4 mid-stage beast emanating from it.


The ant spat a searing glob of fire towards her, the flames crackling and hissing as they tore through the air. Meng Lin swiftly dodged to the side, the fireball missing and exploding against the rocky ground behind her in a shower of fire.

Meng Lin's eyes narrowed as she focused on the ant. She wanted to experiment with the Amulet however seeing the environment, she became serious.

She quickly retrieved the top-grade Celestial-Thunder Blade from within her system, intending to use it for the first time, as it emerged, lighting crackled all around her and she used the Wrath of Thunder, cloaking herself within a ball of highly charged electricity.

The air around Meng Lin buzzed with energy as she circulated her Main Cultivation Method, channeling all her Elemental Qi into her weapon, feeling even more lighting surge through the blade.


With a burst of speed, Meng Lin lunged at the Ancient BlackFire Ant. The ant raised its front legs and they suddenly darkened as it slashed to meet her sword.


The sound of impact reverberated through the volcanic crater as Meng Lin's Celestial-Thunder Blade clashed against the ant's front legs. The force of the collision sent sparks flying, illuminating the fiery surroundings.

Meng Lin's eyes widened in surprise as she felt the immense strength of the ant. Just its two legs could block an attack fully powered by a Sacred Grade Elemental Qi Technique.


One of the ant's front legs cracked under the impact, but it managed to block her strike with the other leg.


The ant, enraged spat out a ball of black gas which almost consumed Meng Lin as it released a foul odor that made her grimace.

'Poison', thinking quickly, Meng Lin leaped back, creating distance between herself and the toxic gas. She hasn't even inhaled any but she was already feeling lightheaded.

She had to finish this soon, she thought.




Suddenly bubbles of lava began to burst as ants releasing the same aura began to emerge one by one.


The ground began to quake even more as more ants emerged from the ground, swarming toward Meng Lin like a relentless army. Their fiery red bodies glowed with a malevolent aura, and their sharp mandibles clicked together menacingly.

Meng Lin's heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation, there were over 20 of them and they all released the aura of the mid-stage.

If she were to continue fighting them she would quickly become overwhelmed, the weakness of these ants is ice, but with the environment full of fiery heat, she knew any ice attack would just melt as soon as it appeared.

"I guess I can finally use this" Meng Lin said with a deep breath, as she closed her eyes to stir her dark Elemental Qi. Slowly a black mist began to emanate from her body, spreading and enveloping the entire space in complete darkness. 

Taking a deep breath, Meng Lin felt the Elemental Qi of Darkness pulsing through her veins, it was cold and unyielding. The world around her plunged into a deep, consuming darkness, swallowing the fiery landscape and silencing the crackling of the lava.


The ants were momentarily confused, as they found themselves engulfed in an inky black void. Their mandibles clicked frantically, trying to understand the sudden absence of light, but Meng Lin didn't let the chance slip by.


A blinding flash of lightning cut through the darkness for a split second, as she targeted one of the ants, this time adding the Thunderbolt Flash Technique.


The bolt of lightning pierced through the ant's exoskeleton, targeting its head, it pierced through with ease, causing the confused ant to drop lifeless on the ground. 


Another ant fell victim to her Thunderbolt Flash, its body pierced as it tried to block with its legs. Meng Lin moved with urgency, as she felt the darkness within her waning, she could only keep it up for a few seconds.


A concentrated explosion of intense lightning erupted from Meng Lin's sword targeting a cluster of ants. The combined elemental attack caused a massive shockwave, sending them flying in all directions, because of the sudden attack some of the ants died.


Meng Lin was about to finish off the rest when suddenly the ground rumbled again, this time more intense than before.


Suddenly the darkness surrounding the whole area was lifted as a massive fire burst through the ground, illuminating the battlefield with an intense, blazing light.

Meng Lin squinted against the sudden brightness, her eyes adjusting to the sight of an enormous ant emerging from the ground. This ant was far larger than the others, with a fiery red exoskeleton that shimmered like molten lava.

Its mandibles were as large as scythes, and its eyes burned with a fierce, malevolent intelligence. The giant ant shrilled, its voice reverberating through the air and sending tremors through the ground. 

It was an Ancient Ant Queen, the source of the mid-stage ants, its aura was that of the late stage, and it radiated an overwhelming suppression.

Meng Lin's heart pounded in her chest as she realized that she was facing a true threat. The other 15 remaining ants seemed to rally around their queen, their aggressive clicking growing louder as they prepared to attack her in unison. 

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