Immortal Taoist - Chapter 37

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:53:23 AM

Chapter 37

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The sky suddenly shook, a cluster of clouds started to move within the air as several pressures descended upon the area, the dozens of clouds were full of Qi as they gathered together to form a small portal that glowed in richness.

No less than seconds later figures could be seen on the other side of the portal as they all radiated strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, they were all seated in their seats as an old man at the front perked up before speaking to the young man.

“Son of Venerable Luan, since you are here I will be courteous and invite you to join our little gathering” the old man, the First Grand Elder said as he not only seems to know the young man but the father of the young man as well.

“Hah , acting the fool huh” the young man said laughably as he didn’t seem bothered with the pressure that the 7 Nascent Soul cultivators on the other side of the portal were exuding at all.

“You should be kneeling down” a man in all red next to the First Grand Elder suddenly said out loud as fiery qi rushed out of his body with the cultivator’s eyes glinted with killing intent.

He seem to be offended by the attitude that the young man was using, he was about to say something before a hand interrupted him, the First Grand Elder had put his hand in front of him, stopping the man from any rash moves.

“It is not polite to insult the guest in one’s own home, with the looming threat growing by the day, it is not wise to make enemies at the moment” the old man said as he glanced at the man in red who was sitting next to him.

“Oh, so you do know something” the young man said on the other side as he arrogantly smirked. “Good”

As the young man finished speaking a fiery blazing sphere was seen in the horizon as it didn’t take a second before appearing in front the young man.

Blowing his fine white long hair, the blazing sphere started morphing as what replaced its spot became a massive armored giant that had a woman in it’s arm.

“Oh and you’re still alive after that” the young man said as he examines the woman with his spiritual consciousness.

the woman was pale with beads of sweat on her face as one of her arms was deformed and broken while her silver dress was torn in multiple places.

Bood was flowing from her stomach which seemed to be mending itself together as a hole had been torn through it.

Barely scraping past her dantian which was releasing little energy she was injured yet her sharp aura was eerily cold around the area.

It focused on the 7 Nascent Soul cultivators that were on the other side of the portal as even unconscious she was still aware of her surroundings.

“I am sorry for my colleagues behavior towards your jokes, the Lu family matriarch is not know for her jokes” the old man said before looking towards the injured woman.

“Still keeping your pretense up” the young man said, his voice turned cold as he looked at the old man, his demeanor completely shifting from his previous one as he now started looking intimidating.

“They say that the difference between the early stage and the middle stage of the nascent soul realm is as wide as the heavens and the earth but the same is true for the late and the peak” the old man said as he touched his beard, his gaze calm and clear, his emotions hidden as he looked towards the young man who seemingly understood his message.

“Haha, as wide as the heaven and the earth, you really know how to compare the realms” the young man said as his cold look changed while he let out a funny laugh his tone indicating that he didn’t believe it, he seems to remember something as he looked towards the old man before speaking again.

“Alright I’ll come join you as I was handed an important task to do, see to it that your friend behaves after she wakes, otherwise I won’t be so kind next time” the young man said as he remembered how he was almost embarrassed.

No he would have been embarrassed earlier had he not played it off, yes he had played it off.

He looked towards the portal before suddenly remembered something.

Spreading his arms, he allowed the two voluptuous women by his side to cling to him as he walked along into the portal not the least bit caring about the view that was paced upon him.

He nodded his head gesturing towards the massive giant who followed behind them along with the injured woman in arm.

they went into the portal as their back figure slowly disappeared from the view of the crowd who looked up in awe, worry and fear while the portal closed in front of them.

**Levitation Sect**
**Restricted area**

In a dark hall surrounded by countless formations, a group of 8 individuals were currently seated around a table that had a small disk in the middle, an arrogant voice could be heard from one of them as a young man with long white hair voiced his thought as he looked around the hall.

“You have a nice atmosphere here, the qi is so thick that it would make anyone feel intoxicated”

“Thank you for the praise, these formations around us trap qi and were set up by our Forth Grand Elder, she has been developing her skills well” the old man answered.

Seated opposite the young man was an old man with a smile that trailed his lips, his eyes were still as no emotion could be read from his expression.

“Now then, for the matter at hand” the young man spoke again, this time his tone serious as he looked at the old man, “ I have come to collect the four individuals here that have ancestors soul”


A number that was not on any of the minds of the 7 other individuals that were on the table.

The old man looked at the young man with a curious look before looking at the other members on the table, all of their eyes now fixed on the young man before he looked back and asked.

“I am sorry to disappoint you but it seems that you were misinformed, there are currently only 3 such individuals amongst our youngsters”

“Oh, so you’re saying I was mistaken” the young man said with a slightly raised eyebrow, he showed a sly smirk on his face before he asked “ how were you able to identify such individuals, you don’t have any such information”

“The answer to that is right in front of you” the old man said as he looked down at the table.

The young man following his eyes saw a small disk on the table that began to glow before reveling a familiar location on the other side, the venue.

There were 3 individuals amongst the crowd of elders an disciples that currently glowed in red, the color seemed unnoticeable to the others around them as only the 8 seated on the other side of the disk were able to perceive it.

“ this little device can detect soul fluctuations and hidden souls, so we would have noticed anyone else had they been releasing this red glow” the old man continued as he looked up at the young man.

“Hump, unlike your device which views only this small area, ours can spam across this whole region, and before arriving here three days ago we had detected that there was 4 such individuals, 3 at your venue and one at your sect right here ” the young man said as he seemed unfazed.

“I can assure you that i have throughly searched every individual that was at the sect, the other 6 here can be my witnesses” the old man said as he looked towards the other individuals.

A man in all white from the Raging Flames Sect said, “that’s right, after the first competition where he showed us this device, he searched every individual that was in a few kilometers around the sect just to be sure”

“So you’re saying that I was lying”, the young man asked as he looked at the old man with intent in his eyes.

The old man merely smiled and suggested for him to use his own device to which the young man snapped his fingers together.

“There is nothing that can be hidden from me so you had better not be lying” the young man boasted as he looked behind him.

One of the two voluptuous woman standing by his side next to the massive giant seemingly took out something from thin air as she handed it to the young man.

A circler tablet was placed upon the table as the young man poured qi into it, the tablet suddenly released a large burst of qi that reminded the 7 individuals of spiritual consciousness before it started spreading outward.

Anything and anyone that the burst of energy touches would be non reactive as even the Nascent Soul cultivators seated around the table wouldn’t have noticed had it not been for the circular table that was on the table that showed something.

With the table as the center, the tablet slowly revealed the surroundings from the inside of the restricted area to the outside.

It continued to the whole sect before going beyond to the venue and any further area in the whole region, the tablet had covered a magnitude of distance and yet only three red dots could be seen as the young man sprung up in shock from his overconfidence, “what”

Not just him everyone one the table were shocked, not for the same reasons though.

The young man and the two voluptuous woman behind him were shocked because it really only showed three individuals with luan’s soul while the rest were shocked at this device being able to bypass any and all things such as the arrays of the restricted area.

“I am impressed, you have such an amazing device that it not only scans the sect with ease but the entire region at that, all while unnoticeable as well” the old man commented as he and every one here were genuinely impressed.

“Hmm”, the young man replied as he looked confused, there was no way for the device to not work properly so why did it not reveal the last individual, the young man thought to himself as he looked upon the 3 identified individuals.

Currently upon the circular tablet he was looking at was a young woman in white dress, she was slightly levitating on the stage, tending to the unconscious disciples.

She picked up a child that seemed only about 12 years old as the red light surrounding her began to jump as if Interactive with the red light that was surrounding the young boy.

Across the venue seated together with the elders of the Raging Flames Sect, a young man with long red hair and eyes was currently meditating as the red light surrounding him jumped while he tends to his wound.

“Alright then I’ll be taking these as per father’s orders” the young man said as he coldly stood up, looking towards the old man, he warned, “I’ll advice you to leave here as soon as possible” the young man said as he was genuinely giving an advice.

He turned behind him gesturing towards one of the woman, the one wearing the least revealing robes nodded before suddenly opening her arms wide as a small portal began forming in front of her before she stood aside.

The seven Nascent Soul cultivators didn’t stop him as the old man spread his spiritual consciousness towards the portal penetrating it and spreading it to the people at the venue.

Noticing this the young man didn’t utter any words as a smile formed on his lips, he stepped out of the portal into the air and looked towards the crowd below him with the two women and the massive giant following behind him.

He specifically looked towards the individuals at hand before he then said out loud with a demanding presence.

“You and you, follow me, we have a long journey ahead of us” the young man said as he pointed towards the young man with the long red hair and eyes from the Raging Flames Sect as well as the organizer of the first competition, Lu Yung, that seemed to have a shock face.

He didn’t forget to add towards Lu Yung, “bring that young boy with you as well”

The crowd was silent as they had just received orders from a spiritual consciousness that was from the First Grand Elder, letting them know of the situation.

So without any fanfare or any resistance the three individuals in question were brought into the shuttle together with the young man as the crowd could only watch, the line of about a hundred souls wondering cultivators also retreated back into the small door of the shuttle as the door closed with no suspense.

The portal was still up as the 7 individuals on the other side watch the shuttle go back into the Hugh crack in space which had mended itself around the shuttle.

A sigh was released from an old woman as she closed her eyes in fear seemingly remembering something, a woman with red eyes was looking hatefully at the portal as it closed after having lost contact with its owner.

The man in white looked towards the woman before uttering, “it’s for the best, we aren’t strong enough to protect them, we were lucky that it was not the Configuration sect but the Palace that had come to take them”

The old nodded as he added, “ Venerable Luan has made a vow so you shouldn’t worry”

The others nodded, the quiet third Grand Elder interjecting as he got up “anyways it’s almost time for the formation to be complete, why not see where little Han left off”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!