Immortal Taoist - Chapter 41

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:53:19 AM

Chapter 41

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Meng Lin carefully looked at the attack as she released her spiritual consciousness around the surroundings, she needed to be sure of the condition of the attack and of any unsuspecting attacks.

As she was focusing more than ever, she didn’t fail to notice something happening in her spiritual consciousness.

A bright beam of light shot out from within the surge attack and shot right through where she was standing.


A large amount of force was produced as a small explosion appeared on the ground as the beam continued on a few meters even after hitting its target.

Fire was produced in waves as the surrounding trees in the area started catching smoke before bursting in flames.

Having moved out of the way at the last moment Meng Lin was able to tell how strong that beam was as she felt blazing heat when it traveled past her.

When she looked at the destruction produced by the beam she became slightly worried before looking towards the source of the destruction, she wasn’t sure if her brute Qi could block it.

She looked around before noticing some orchid flowers burning, she became even more concerned as she noticed the scentless fog in the air.

She worried that the more they fight the more orchid flowers would be burnt and the more the scent would increase, ‘it seems that I would have to take care of this quick’ she thought as she looked towards the creature.

The creature, coming from the subsiding ‘surge’ attack had fury in its eyes, its Draconic head had become bigger while its body had become smaller, it looked hideously dangerous with its head which amassed half its size as it opened its mouth before roaring out loud.


Meng Lin grimaced as she felt her ears ringing, carefully looking at the beast she didn’t fail to notice its blackened and burnt body.

It seems that it had taken a considerable amount of damage from that last attack but Meng Lin was more surprised that it only did that amount since it contained half of her brute Qi.

Taking something out from her storage bag she cautiously looked at the creature which now became a hideous beast.

She feels her instincts scream and her hands shake as the creature slowly moved, in a blur it suddenly appeared over her.

She felt goosebumps all around as she dropped what was in her hand before jumping back 15 meters.

She traced her storage bag, this time taking a sword out from within, as she landed she heard a loud noise from where she was originally standing.



A large chunk of the ground was gone as well as one tree trunk, they were bitten as she saw a gaping hole on the ground where everything once was.

The creature didn’t seem to want to give her time as it looked her way before lowering its head, its head which had a large draconic horn suddenly started glowing as large amount of qi formed into the horn.


A beam of pure fire was produced as it headed towards her at a fast speed, its intensity was at its peak as it threatened to burn through anything in its path.

Meng Lin had already anticipated this attack as right after seeing the creature lower its head she raised her sword in the air before slashing down with a chaotic brightly colored sword that shattered instantly after releasing the sword technique.

“Waterfall Slash”

A thin layer of highly concentrated Qi was released in the air as the whole area changed color, Brute Qi was condensed into a single unit of attack which left pressure behind as it headed for the creature.

Not being sure of her defensive capabilities Meng Lin wanted to cancel out the beam before it could reach her but as the thin Layer of brute Qi was about to collide with the beam of pure fire.

She was shocked to see a change in the trajectory of the beam as it turned left, away from the sword slash before heading back towards her again.

She was given a fright as she looked at the attack right infront of her, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth she forced all her Brute Qi to appear before her.

She also sent out her spiritual consciousness towards the creature, specifically towards the array underneath the creature.

The creature which already had its legs folded ready to jump suddenly become dazed as the attacks which were moving at speeds too fast for Meng Lin to react to met their target.

A beam of pure fire struck Meng Lin’s body while a highly concentrated slash struck the creature’s head.



Two big explosions happened simultaneously as the surroundings of roughly 20 meters became flattened, the trees in the background which were blazing in flames became more intense as any life around became extinguished.

The explosion settled but the dust and smoke continued as on one side of the battlefield was the hideous figure of a beast on the ground with a heavy gash on it’s head from which blood flowed.

Around the beast was a crookedly placed array that was producing white fog in the air around the 20 meter wreckage as it went to cover the only other being in the area that was on the other side of the battlefield.

The scarred figure of a body, a body covered in large burns all around as it lay bare in the rubble with occasional hard breaths coming from it.

A few minutes later and the dust had settled and yet everything remained silent around the area except for the large lingering fog of orchid flowers and the occasional twist in the array fog around the 20 meter radius.

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