Immortal Taoist - Chapter 46

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:53:13 AM

Chapter 46

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Blood was sprayed in the air with the wind blowing loudly from the recoil of a collision.

A body dropped to the ground while Meng Lin stood watching, in her left hand were remnants of a broken Gold blade.

Her eyes carried a complex set of emotions that when looking carefully seemed as if she had some regrets, she thought to herself once again about the path that she was taking.

She contemplated the gravity of her actions and her heart felt heavy, a human being lay infront of her dead.

Killed by her own hands, but it had to be done and she knew it, it had to start somewhere if she was serious about her goal.


She said before shaking her head, she needed to deal with the situation at hand before thinking about stuff like that.

She raised her head to look at the dead body on the ground before looking past it to the floating light above it.

Thinking back to a few moments ago, she remembered a bright red light had been produced when her attack tore through the man’s body and hit the lamp.

She was not surprised as to how the lamp was intact after receiving an attack from her, she had been able to get a considerable amount of information from the guy that attacked her first.

And with that knowledge she was able to excecute a perfect plan where she didn’t have to do much of anything,

Meng Lin began to think as she turned to the unconscious people behind her, ‘I didn’t think the level of destruction would be this big, but at least they are still alive’

She had initially intended for the axe to slow down the two hooded men while she sneaks in the tent to rescue the women but who would have thought that only one of them would put up a barrier while the other one stood frozen for a second.

Walking over to the bed, Meng Lin finally took a good look at this little boss of the Golden Fang Bandits.

He was an obese person with a big figure and thick grey hair, he had a young face and was adorned in a luxurious robe.

Taking a seated posture over him she placed her hand onto his shoulder while releasing her spiritual consciousness.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, she focused hard onto his body covering it with her spiritual consciousness before coming up to a new perspective.

She marveled a little, she didn’t even expect to pull this off but now everything inside him is under her eyes, the currents of energy that ran through his body, even his spiritual vains.

His spiritual consciousness that seemed dormant, his very dantian which was the source of his strength and what she was looking for.

Coursing her Qi into his body she surround his dantian with her own Qi before locking it in place, preventing him from gaining access to his qi, for the moment at least.


She breathed out with a small smile of wonder before opening her eyes again, she got up from her seated position before looking at the women besides him.

Their faces were black and blue and lashes and lacerations covered their entire body with some of them oozing fresh blood.

gazing upon them like this made her smile of wonder disappear before being replaced with sorrow and a glint of fury in her eyes.

She didn’t need to release her spiritual consciousness towards them to know what kind of pain that they had been inflicted.

Waving her hand towards them she released a small suction which covered their body before pulling them out of existence.

She had placed them inside the system inventory, which is able to keep whatever inside in a timeless zone, their injuries were too severe to try and treat in this environment.

She looked at the unconscious little boss before doing the same, she needed to know more about this organization and she planned to get it from him.

She turned to the floating lamp before storing that as well, taking a look around the place which was now only a bed in the middle of a field with dents and cracks from the earlier explosion she was surprised to discover the lack of a weapon, her axe.

Not just her axe she couldn’t find the man in black that tried to block it, even with her spiritual consciousness spread out she couldn’t find him.

She placed a finger under her chin and she thought back to the moment of the big explosion, she vividly remembered how the axe tore through the black barrier before striking at the man.

She thought back to the earlier hooded man that attacked her infront of the cave and remembered that he was also able to hide from her spiritual consciousness.

The only way she was able to get him was by predicting what he would do next, which she couldn’t do in this situation.

She was about to give up when she realized that her axe was missing as well which suddenly brought a smile to her face.

‘If I can’t find the man then I’ll find the axe’ she thought as she closed her eyes and forcused deep within herself.

It was her second time doing this so she was easily able to start channeling her Qi outwards into her surroundings.

She felt a slight tug in a direction and she followed the sensation, quickly it grew stronger and in a few seconds she was able to clearly pinpoint where exactly her axe was.

Opening her eyes she followed the sensation and headed in a straight path towards only one destination.

Moving away from the area devoid of trees she quickly found herself surrounded by the familiar trees of the Orchid Spring Mountain.

jumping from one tree to another she stumbled upon the target of her pursuit, her axe stuck to a tree.

Finding the situation weird she released her spiritual consciousness out of habit before coming back empty handed.

She jumped to the tree that had her axe and she could only hold a disappointing look as she realized that the hooded man probably left it here after finding himself being followed.

She sighed a little as she knows what that entails in the future before she shook her head, changing her focus.

She looked at her axe which now has more cracks from her earlier use of the Brute Qi and the stored it into her storage bag.

she turned back and headed to her cave, it would seem that she has her hands full now, she had s lot of stuff to do.

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