Immortal Taoist - Chapter 64

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:52:51 AM

Chapter 64

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**Inner sect Mountain**

At the sky of the levitation sect, multi colored thunder flashed across the area as three figures exchanged blows.


A burst of energy was released and the three figures drew back, floating hundreds of meters apart from each other.

From one side of the battlefield was the first and second Grand Elders of the Levitation Sect.

The old man and the man in red, the old man’s body was brightly lit with gold light while the man in red had a sharpened dangerous aura all around him.

“Ha, is that it” the man in red’s voice traveled through the sky as droplets of blood fell from his sword, he had drawn blood from the woman.

Across his forehead was a crossed symbol that glowed crimson and in his hand was a multicolored sword that released dangerous lighting.

From the other side of the battlefield was a woman with ancient attire, on her head was a horn that glowed in color, and in her hand an orb that she gripped onto tightly.

Across her cheek was a cut that healed instantly and her eyes glowed red as her gaze held anger within.

“Don’t get corky brat, don’t think that you can win with just a Top Grade Spirit Weapon alone”

The woman gaze traveled down at the orb in her hand, before she muttered under her breath.

“what’s taking so long”.

**Outer sect mountain**

“Waterfall slash”


“Waterfall slash”




At the entrance of the outer sect mountain was a barrage of attacks being launched towards the figure of a giant spider with a human torso.

It’s body was engulfed in a big surge of water qi, and yet it traveled through without the slightest trace of damage.

At the other side, Meng Lin gritted her teeth, almost all of her Qi was depleted and yet she was not able to land a single scratch.

Her eyes glowed with a unique purple hue and she regained her calmness, she began to carefully examine the demonic beast.

It has eight legs, the two front legs have a thicker carapace while the others don’t have that, it’s human torso has arms with sharp claws as well as a horn that was glowing a little.

Gazing at its chest, Meng Lin noticed something before a sly smile appeared on her face.

“Weak” the torso on the spider looked towards her with jagged teeth as it jumped towards Meng Lin, all while releasing threatening aura.

In the air It’s two front legs were glimmering with power as it approached Meng Lin who’s whole body started emitting a chaotic aura.


Coming down with force, it’s two front legs slammed down onto Meng Lin, causing a massive crack to appear on the ground.

The demonic beast’s attack has landed but it doesn’t appear to be happy as it’s face showed a pained expression for the first time.

Small sizzling noises came from within the dust clouds to reveal Meng Lin’s hand gripping onto the two front legs of the spider.

Half her figure was buried in the earth, and yet her eyes gleamed with power as brute qi surround her.

The demonic beast roared out loud while the horn on its head glowed bright before releasing a powerful beam.


A small hole opened up on Meng Lin’s body as a beam ripped through her left shoulder.

‘What’ Meng Lin thought as she didn’t even see it coming, the speed was too great, her figure lowered a little but she didn’t let go of the two powerful front legs of the demonic beast.


Bearing with the pain Meng Lin uttered a scream before pushing upward with all her strength, causing the demonic beast to falter backwards in a rocking motion.

Jumping out of the waist high hole that she had been in, she gathered brute QI in her right hand to punch out with a shocking amount of force.


The demonic beast was sent flying backward, landing on the ground a few meters away.

Meng Lin looked at her shoulder with a pained expression, it was burning and the pain was unbearable.

She looked on as the demonic beast got up from the ground with a small dent in its body.

The demonic beast’s eyes suddenly changed as madden amount of qi began to be released in its entirety.

The sky darkened a little and thunder flashed across the whole mountain before rain began to drop onto them.


The beast roared towards Meng Lin who’s focus was on the chest of the beast.

On the chest of the beast was a hollow golden orb that seem to have just formed, the more qi that the beast released, the more corporal the orb became.


The beast roared once more before running towards Meng Lin with its many legs, its speed was fast and before Meng Lin could react, it was already upon her once more with its two front legs.


A clear sound of a recoil was heard as Meng Lin didn’t intend to grasp the legs once again.

In her hand was a circular object that glowed green, it was her Dragon Jade Seal.

Although it currently has a crack in it and it couldn’t be used properly Meng Lin still took it out as she didn’t have any other weapons to use.

The beast recovered from it’s recoil before bringing its front legs up as well as its human torso closer to use its claws.

It’s sharp claws glowed in a bright light as it drew them closer with blood red color onto them.


Placing the two meter long dragon jade seal infront of her, Meng Lin took the shock of the three clashes before bringing it up to perform one last attack.

She had long noticed the Brute qi breaking down the dragon jade seal, so with nothing to lose but a broken weapon, Meng Lin gathered all her brute qi before bringing it upward in a swift motion.

“Warerfall slash”

Everything became silent for a moment as the soft voice of Meng Lin sounded, a large span of raindrops disappeared as the space became covered with immense chaotic energy.

A bright light burst from the entrance of the outer sect mountain before traveling a few dozen meters into the outer sect mountain, destroying anything in its path.

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