Immortal Taoist - Chapter 95

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:52:04 AM

Chapter 95

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[Blacksmith (beginning) 0%]

Weapon slot: none

Ingredients: none

Chance of success: none

Meng Lin narrowed her eyes at the panel before her, trying to figure out what each function meant.

As it’s her first time, she had never seen the blacksmith panel before and was eager to learn.

She focused on the first function listed, the weapon slot. From what she could gather, it seemed to be where she could select the type of weapon she wanted to create.

Next, she looked at the ingredients function. Meng Lin assumed it was where she could select the materials she wanted to use for her creation.

And lastly was the chance of success, she wondered if it will show the chance based on the ingredients listed or if it was something else.

She remembered the large amounts of clearstone rock and iron she had bought earlier and thought to experiment a bit with the panel.

She began with selecting the weapon slot and was presented with another list.

[Weapon Options] [Item Options]

Clicking on the weapon options Meng Lin was greeted with a very long list.

1. Sword - A long, sharp-bladed weapon that is commonly used by cultivators. It is a versatile weapon that can be used for both offense and defense.

2. Bow - A ranged weapon that shoots arrows. It is commonly used by cultivators who specialize in archery.

3. Staff - A long, wooden weapon that is used for striking and blocking attacks. It is often used by cultivators who specialize in magical spells.

4. Whips - A long, flexible weapon that is used for entangling and restraining opponents. It is often used by cultivators who specialize in capturing and subduing enemies.

She was amazed at the variety of weapons listed in the panel, she had only known about swords seeing as it’s the most common weapon used by cultivators.

The panel was showing her weapons that she doesn’t even know of.

Meng Lin went back to the previous panel to see the items that she could create.

Item Options:

1. Alchemy Furnace - A device used for refining pills and elixirs. It is often used by cultivators who specialize in alchemy.

2. Formation Flags - Flags used to create formations that can enhance or weaken certain aspects of the environment. They are often used by cultivators who specialize in formations and traps.

3. Refining Cauldron - A device used for refining weapons and armor. It is often used by cultivators who specialize in weapon and armor crafting.

4. Soul Crystal - A crystal that contains a cultivator's soul. It is often used as a backup in case of death.

Meng Lin was fascinated by the items listed. She saw some of some of them but didn't know of them beforehand. She made a mental note to learn more about them in the future.

Meng Lin selected a basic sword and was shown the ingredients she required which matched the materials she already has.

Taking out the ingredients Meng Lin saw a small couldron appear before her, a refining couldron which’s inside were completely void of color.

She tossed the ingredients inside while two more panel appear before her.

[Blacksmith (beginning) 0%]

Weapon slot: [normal sword]

Ingredients: [ Clearstone rockx1, Ironx2, Coal2x, SandDustx2]

Chance of success: 50%

The first panel showed the overall panel with the success rate of the creation, which was currently at 50%.

Meng Lin began wonder why it wasn’t higher, she had already gathered all the ingredients listed and it was just a normal sword, completely different from a cultivators sword so why was the success rate at 50.

She racked her brain for a while before coming to the conclusion that the success rate was based upon her knowledge and experience as a blacksmith.

She realized that the success rate was not only determined by the ingredients but also by her skills and expertise as a blacksmith.

She took a deep breath and focused her attention on the second panel, which showed a start button.

Meng Lin hesitated for a moment, wondering if she was ready to start the forging process. But she knew that she wouldn't learn anything by just staring at the panel.

With a hopeful look on her face, she clicked the start button.

The couldron began to heat up, and a countdown appeared on the couldron.

1:27 seconds.

Meng Lin watched as the void insides of the couldron began to light up, while she began to imagine the ingredients fusing inside.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as she waited for the countdown to be completed.

As the countdown reached zero, a loud ding echoed through the air, signaling something had happened.

Meng Lin was about to approach the couldron when suddenly a system panel appeared before her face, surprising her.

[Congratulations for successfully creating your first weapon]

[You have received a reward for creating your first weapon]

[you have received taoist gacha wheel ticket]

[you have received the items:, Clearstone rockx24, Ironx16, Coalx5, SandDustx8]

[You have gained experience for creating a normal sword]

[Do you wish to accept the rewards]

Meng Lin was ecstatic, she had successfully created her first weapon and even received a reward for it.

She wanted to try the Gacha wheel right away but she let it go as she focused on the others.

She looked at the ingredients she had received and noticed that she had gotten more than she had put in.

She assumed it was probably because she would not get a reward like that again, maybe when she reaches a breakthrough in blacksmith.

[Do you wish to accept the rewards]

Meng Lin naturally picked yes while the bunch of ingredients appeared floating before her, it made her feel proud even though there was practically nothing to be proud about.

She reached out to grab the sword that appeared above the couldron but slightly pulled her hand back as it was still too hot to touch.

Meng Lin stood there, admiring the sword that she had created. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start.

She knew that she had a lot to learn and improve upon, but she felt that she had it easy compared to the other blacksmiths.

Meng Lin decided to spend the rest of the day exploring the blacksmithing panel.

She experimented with different ordinary weapons as the system wouldn’t allow her to create any cultivation weapons as a beginner.

As the hours passed, Meng Lin began to feel more and more confident in her abilities, even her cultivation experience had increased by 1% just from doing blacksmithing.

She had created several more weapons, each one with the succes rate better than the last, the only unfortunate thing was the lack of ingredients as she began to run out of them.

As the sun began to set, Meng Lin knew that it was time to call it a day. She gathered up her newly created weapons and stored them before finally getting up from her crossed legged position.

“Ouu..” Meng Lin winced as her legs protested from being in the same position for so long.

She stretched her limbs and took one last look at the blacksmith panel before leaving the room to go to take a bath.

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