Published at 30th of April 2024 07:35:47 AM

Chapter 423

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Taoist Lord Tai Su hesitated for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he said solemnly, "Although I have always been kind to others, as a refiner, the many magic treasures I've created have inevitably attracted envy and malice. Especially when the magic treasure is highly coveted. Some Nascent Soul or Martial King powerhouses have coveted my magic treasures and even demanded them forcibly."

He continued, "My conditions are simple. Firstly, you must become an honorary elder of the Tai Su Treasure Pavilion. Just an honorary position and you won't be required to do anything. Only when the Tai Su Treasure Pavilion faces life and death do we hope for your assistance."

"Secondly, there's a task for you. I once crafted a set of magic treasures named 'Vajra Chain'. It's composed of three Nascent Soul magic treasures, making up one powerful Nascent Soul magic treasure. Its power is immense, arguably one of the strongest magic treasures I've ever made. However, it was 'borrowed' by the 'Three Immortals' of the Three Immortals Sect and has not been returned to this day. I hope you can retrieve this magic treasure from the hands of the Three Immortals."

After Taoist Lord Tai Su laid out his conditions, Lin Fei pondered over them. The conditions weren't excessive. The first was merely a ceremonial title at the Tai Su Refining Pavilion, which posed no problem. As for the second, reclaiming a magic treasure from the San Xian Sect, especially one that the Three Immortals merely "borrowed" from Taoist Lord Tai Su, seemed straightforward. It might just come down to a show of strength. As long as the opponents were at the Nascent Soul cultivator level, Lin Fei wasn't concerned.

"Very well, I agree," Lin Fei responded. "Now, please start refining Heavenly Pillar Mountain. Craft it in the manner of the Great Mountain Divine Seal, so the final magic treasure can change its size while retaining unparalleled power."

Having agreed to the terms, Taoist Lord Tai Su nodded. "I will begin the refining process immediately. However, Daoist fellow Lin, you should stay nearby. During the refining process, we might need the Phoenix bloodline within you."

With that, Taoist Lord Tai Su began his work. The vastness of Heavenly Pillar Mountain, spanning hundreds of miles, left Lin Fei curious about the method Taoist Lord Tai Su would employ. After all, this mountain was notoriously difficult to damage. How would he go about refining it? How to refine it?

Taoist Lord Tai Su led a group of Golden Core and Foundation Establishment Daoists, casting one spell seal after another. These seals were inscribed onto Heavenly Pillar Mountain. At first, there seemed to be no effect.

However, as time went on, one day, two days, three days... up to five days and more...

Over a month, almost two months, in fact, was spent just inscribing these spell seals.

By now, nearly every inch of Heavenly Pillar Mountain was covered in these inscriptions, which finally began to exhibit their power.

"Om." With a jolt of Taoist Lord Tai Su's spiritual power, the mountain began to tremble.

"Shrink!" He shouted, and immediately, Heavenly Pillar Mountain began to gradually decrease in size. The process was slow, but the vast mountain indeed began to reduce. Taoist Lord Tai Su was pleased with the progress and continued to cast his spells, chanting repeatedly, "Shrink, shrink, shrink!"

The hundreds of miles of Heavenly Pillar Mountain would soon reduce to just a hundred miles, then dozens of miles, ten miles, nine, eight, seven, six...

The shrinking process was swift. By the time the mountain was reduced to about a mile, Taoist Lord Tai Su paused.

"We've reached the limit!" He declared. "Daoist fellow Lin, we need your Phoenix bloodline now. Drip it onto Heavenly Pillar Mountain."

Lin Fei nodded. The True Phoenix Blood inside him surged forward.

"Go," he whispered, allowing the Phoenix Blood to drop onto the mountain. The inscriptions on the mountain shone brightly, seemingly absorbing the True Phoenix Blood until no trace was visible on the surface.

As the True Phoenix Blood manifested, Taoist Lord Tai Su began to summon flames.


Flames roared to life, with countless Golden Core True Persons also channeling their energy to feed the blaze. For a magic treasure of this caliber, the combined effort of everyone in the Tai Su Pavilion was necessary. Relying solely on Taoist Lord Tai Su wouldn't suffice.

Moreover, even with everyone's collective effort, Heavenly Pillar Mountain was no ordinary divine mountain. It was an ancient divine mountain, connected to both heaven and earth. Thus, the flames couldn't affect it easily.

"Do you need my assistance, Tai Su?" Lin Fei suddenly asked, noting he could also summon flames, not only the Triple Yin True Fire but also the ultimate Yang Flame. It was just not the True Flame.

"I appreciate your help, Lin," Taoist Lord Tai Su replied, "but please, follow my lead."

"Of course!" With a thought from Lin Fei, the Saber World descended.


This was an ordinary flame. But within the Saber World, Lin Fei's flames seemed endless, fiercely burning, and overwhelming, engulfing the entire Heavenly Pillar Mountain.

"How powerful these flames are! The power of Daoist Lin's flames alone seems to be more terrifying than all of ours combined."

"But this is good. We can refine Heavenly Pillar Mountain faster."

Taoist Lord Tai Su was taken aback. He hadn't expected Lin Fei's flames to be so formidable. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have struggled to summon flames himself. He would have directly sought Lin Fei's assistance.

As the flames blazed, the surface of Heavenly Pillar Mountain began to melt. Taoist Lord Tai Su continued to cast his spell seals. With the combination of these seals and Lin Fei's flames, the mountain started to tremble violently and shrink further.

Each time the mountain shrank a little, Taoist Lord Tai Su would have Lin Fei drop in more of the Phoenix bloodline. This cycle repeated nearly twenty times.

With a resonating "Om," Heavenly Pillar Mountain shuddered slightly and transformed into a magic treasure resembling a seal. It was just like the original Great Mountain Divine Seal.

Moreover, after these twenty-plus rituals involving the Phoenix blood, Lin Fei felt a deep connection to Heavenly Pillar Mountain. He could even control it merely by using the Phoenix blood. And no other bloodline would work; only the True Phoenix Blood could control Heavenly Pillar Mountain.

Two months had passed.

"Daoist fellow Lin, your trust was not misplaced. The magic treasure is now complete!" Taoist Lord Tai Su exclaimed.

"It's done?" Lin Fei looked at the seal-like peak in his hand, which was Heavenly Pillar Mountain. It appeared ancient and wild, emanating an age-old aura. This magic treasure was somewhat out of Taoist Lord Tai Su's expertise, as he couldn't refine it completely. The best he could do was adjust its size.

But even this feature was significant. It meant Lin Fei could carry Heavenly Pillar Mountain with him, and in a battle, simply hurl it at his opponents. For beings at the Martial King and Nascent Soul stages, the mountain was nearly indestructible. It would hit its mark with surety every time. Aside from top-tier Martial Kings like Lin Fei, who could withstand its impact?

The previous Great Mountain Divine Seal from the Taiyi Dao Palace was somewhat similar. However, its base was nowhere near the caliber of Heavenly Pillar Mountain.

"Daoist fellow Lin, this magic treasure is now refined. Though it requires a blood sacrifice, any Phoenix bloodline can control it. It's also very convenient if you wish to gift it to someone. Do you have a name in mind for this magic treasure?" Taoist Lord Tai Su inquired.

"Let's call it the Heavenly Pillar Seal," Lin Fei responded, having thought of the name beforehand. He promptly stored Heavenly Pillar Mountain and said to Taoist Lord Tai Su, "Thank you for your efforts, Taoist Lord Tai Su. I must now visit the Three Immortals Sect and retrieve the Vajra Chain."

Without delay, Lin Fei transformed into a beam of light and vanished into the horizon.

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