Published at 30th of April 2024 07:35:44 AM

Chapter 425

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"Three Immortals Magic Avatar!"

In an instant, the Three Immortals took action simultaneously. An endless surge of Spiritual Qi converged, giving birth to three Nascent Soul Magic Avatars.

Moreover, these bodies immediately took their positions, forming an arcane array. This formation subtly funneled the power of the three Nascent Soul Magic Avatars into a single entity. And these weren't just any magic bodies; they were the pinnacle of Nascent Soul Magic Avatars.

The ability of the Three Immortals to dominate and traverse without challenge was largely due to their Magic Avatars. Even a top-tier Martial King or a Nascent Soul Great Being would usually face defeat when confronting them. They would flee in disarray or risk being annihilated by the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars.

With a swift slash, Lin Fei's Saber World crumbled under the might of the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars. Their power was earth-shattering. The trio, seemingly overbearing, truly had the strength to back up their audacity.

Even if Taoist Lord Tai Su combined the power of the nine Nascent Soul cultivators, they might not be a match for Lin Fei. Lin Fei's six bloodlines, even if fully unleashed, probably wouldn't compare to the might of the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars.

Yet, Lin Fei was not afraid. He wasn't interested in a prolonged battle of attrition with the Three Immortals. He wanted to dominate them completely and crush them utterly.

"Earth Pulse Divine Mountain Spirit Communication Bloodline!"

"Triple Yin True Fire Bloodline!"

"Annihilation Frost Bloodline!"

"Grand Yin Wind Dao Bloodline!"

Suddenly, four bloodlines manifested around Lin Fei. With a thunderous roar, Lin Fei unleashed his True Martial King Form, fully activating all four bloodlines. Representing the elemental forces of earth, fire, water, and wind, they were the bloodlines of the Four Symbols. At this moment, these bloodlines erupted in power, gradually merging within Lin Fei's True Martial King Form. His already massive True Martial King Form expanded further, swelling dramatically to a colossal size of one hundred thousand meters.

Previously, Lin Fei's True Martial King Form was roughly the same size as the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars, perhaps slightly smaller. However, as his form expanded to one hundred thousand meters, filled with the overwhelming power of the Four Symbols, it became truly awe-inspiring.

This towering True Martial King Form of Lin Fei looked down condescendingly at the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars. And then, with a deafening crash, the scene shifted.

The fist of the Three Immortals' Magic Avatar slammed into Lin Fei's True Martial King Form. Following the strike, Lin Fei's form quaked continually. But after the trembling subsided, calm returned. Lin Fei remained unharmed.

It must be understood that this was the Magic Avatar of the Three Immortals, merging the power of their three Nascent Soul powers. What top-tier Martial King or Nascent Soul could possibly withstand a blow from the Three Immortals' Magic Avatar? And yet, Lin Fei emerged completely unscathed.

"It's impossible! How can your True Martial King Form be this powerful? Is this still even a True Martial King Form?"

Shock coursed through the Three Immortals. However, before they could recover from their astonishment, Lin Fei's hundred-thousand meters True Martial King Form launched a massive palm strike.


In this palm strike, Lin Fei utilized the power of the Four Symbols. It wasn't just pure strength; it contained the might of the four bloodlines. The force of the Four Symbols, combined with the raw power, landed instantly on the three Nascent Soul Magic Avatars.


In an instant, more than half of the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars were obliterated. Lin Fei's single strike decimated almost seventy to eighty percent of their Nascent Soul Magic Avatars. It was absolute annihilation, obliteration down to the particle level. Another strike and the Magic Avatars of the Three Immortals would be destroyed.

But how was this possible? They were top-tier Nascent Soul Great Beings. Even if these were Magic Avatars, they were top-tier Nascent Soul Magic Avatars. How could they not withstand even a single strike from Lin Fei? At most, two strikes and their Magic Avatars would collapse. This far exceeded their expectations.

However, as shocked as the Three Immortals were, Lin Fei was even more stunned. In the past, facing the Three Immortals, Lin Fei would deploy every skill at his disposal: the Saber World, the bloodlines, and more. And it would take a considerable amount of time and energy, with no guaranteed victory. After all, the Three Immortals were not weaklings.

But now, having unleashed the four bloodlines of earth, fire, water, and wind, Lin Fei witnessed a new power born from their fusion: the Power of the Four Symbols.

Under the force of the Four Symbols, the Magic Avatars of the Three Immortals were as fragile as paper, easily torn by Lin Fei. With this power, Lin Fei could shatter the Three Immortals' Magic Avatars with just two strikes. The might of the Four Symbols surpassed even Lin Fei's expectations. He even wondered whether this power still belonged to the Martial King realm.

Of course, this was a benefit! Now, with his own strength, Lin Fei could overpower the Three Immortals. And so, he launched another palm strike. With this strike, the Magic Avatars of the Three Immortals would surely crumble.

Clearly aware of their peril, the Three Immortals recognized that once their Nascent Soul Magic Avatars collapsed, none of their other magical techniques would be able to withstand Lin Fei's might.

"Vajra Chain!"

In the next moment, the Three Immortals conjured the Vajra Chain.


The Vajra Chain was a series of circular, ring-shaped magic treasures. At this moment, these ring-shaped treasures started to interconnect, hinting at a deeper unity.


Lin Fei's palm came down, striking the Vajra Chain.

With Lin Fei's current strength, especially the Power of the Four Symbols, it was nearly invincible. No force at the Nascent Soul level could withstand Lin Fei's Power of the Four Symbols.

Yet, the Vajra Chain held firm. Even though Lin Fei's strike pushed the Vajra Chain to its limits, it didn't break. It truly held its own.


Lin Fei was slightly taken aback. He took a closer look at the Vajra Chain and realized it was composed of nine magic treasures, each a Nascent Soul magic treasure.

Lin Fei's strike hit one of them, but the force was dispersed among the remaining eight. The strength of his palm was absorbed and distributed amongst the nine magic treasures, which is why the Vajra Chain could withstand it.

"What a good treasure!" Lin Fei acknowledged the exceptional quality of the Vajra Chain.

No wonder Taoist Lord Tai Su was so obsessed with it, wanting to "take it back". Such a clever design and exceptional magic treasure was indeed extraordinary. Even if it was a magic treasure of the Nascent Soul level, in some respects, it was close to a god-tier level.

The Three Immortals possessed such a powerful treasure, how could they be willing to part with it? However, Lin Fei still intended to reclaim the Vajra Chain.

"Do you think only you possess magic treasures? Don't I have one too?"

Lin Fei's voice echoed in the void. Everyone was amazed. After all, Lin Fei was merely a Martial King. Could a Martial King also possess a magic treasure?

Next, Lin Fei reached out his hand, and in his palm appeared a seal – the Heavenly Pillar Seal, enveloped in a dim glow.


Lin Fei casually threw the Heavenly Pillar Seal into the air.


The Heavenly Pillar Seal grew rapidly upon contact with the wind. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a mountain range spanning hundreds of miles. The sky darkened instantly under its shadow. An oppressive aura enveloped the entire Three Immortals City.

"What kind of magic treasure is this?"

"Could it be another treasure crafted by Taoist Lord Tai Su?"

"Damn, the oppressive force of this magic treasure is terrifying!"

Fear gripped the Three Immortals. They felt a looming sense of death with the appearance of the Heavenly Pillar Seal. It seemed that once the seal landed, they would be doomed. But there was no stopping it, for the Heavenly Pillar Seal was already descending!

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