Published at 10th of June 2024 10:50:40 AM

Chapter 469

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"The Laws?" Lin Fei's consciousness followed the irresistible pull deep into the void of the Divine Realm. There, he "saw" the immense sea of Origin, a sight so terrifyingly vast and powerful that it dwarfed anything he had ever witnessed. This boundless sea of Origin exerted a pressure so formidable that even a fraction of its force seemed capable of obliterating Lin Fei's consciousness.

The strength of a world could be gauged by its sea of Origin. In comparison, the Sea of Origin of the Ancient Continent was but a mere pond against the oceanic vastness of the abyssal sea. Lin Fei also keenly sensed the flaws in his own Laws, as if a significant portion was missing.

Fortunately, Lin Fei had not yet undergone tribulation. Had he done so in the Ancient Continent, his Laws would have strengthened, but they would have been fundamentally lacking compared to the advanced Laws of the Divine Realm. More tribulations passed would have meant falling further behind. Therefore, undergoing tribulation should ideally be done in the Divine Realm.

Now, all was not lost. Lin Fei hadn't experienced any tribulation yet, and there was still time for rectification. It took him several days to fully remedy his Laws.

He then turned his attention to the hundred particle worlds within him, each originally based on the world Laws of the Ancient Continent. Using the Divine Realm's world Laws, Lin Fei reinforced and solidified these worlds.

The results were remarkable. Although the number of particle worlds remained the same, each became significantly more potent, consequently enhancing Lin Fei's own strength. His physical body also became more robust.

Despite these improvements, Lin Fei refrained from attempting the Thunder Tribulation. Having just arrived in the Divine Realm, he preferred to stabilize his newfound strength. After all, he had yet to witness the might of the Divine Realm's tribulation. A concrete benchmark or firsthand observation of the tribulation would be ideal.

For the time being, Lin Fei continued to stay within the Ancient Covenant, gathering information and researching various materials.

Gradually, Lin Fei developed a deeper understanding of the Divine Realm. This vast and boundless realm, its Origins shrouded in mystery, seemed to be the center of all worlds, connecting countless smaller worlds like grains of sand in the Ganges. Lives from these myriad worlds, upon reaching the divine level, would converge in the Divine Realm to pursue the exalted state of "True Immortal."

A True Immortal transcends all time and space, existing eternally across all worlds, embodying the ultimate freedom and liberation. This title of 'Immortal' transcends mere nomenclature for cultivators; it represents a realm of achievement. Even Martial Ancestors, for instance, are considered on par with True Immortals. Other cultivation systems too, can achieve this exalted level.

The Ancient Covenant, a major force within the Divine Realm, primarily consists of cultivators from the Ancient Continent. These cultivators, having arrived in the Divine Realm in the remote past, constitute one of the oldest powers in the realm. Their strength is unfathomable, and their heritage is unimaginable. This is evident by the fact that even Taotie, a fearsome beast and demon king of the Divine Realm, had to sneak into the Ancient Continent covertly.

In the Divine Realm, without the backing of a powerful faction, progression is nearly impossible. Affiliation is crucial for almost every endeavor, especially for those seeking to enter smaller worlds. Many cultivators, in pursuit of resources and enlightenment, must venture into these worlds.

Although the Laws of smaller worlds might be inferior to those of the Divine Realm, understanding them can serve as a stepping stone to comprehending the grander Laws of the Divine Realm.

This was precisely Lin Fei's experience. Having grasped the world Laws of the Ancient Continent, he was able to complete and integrate with the world Laws of the Divine Realm upon his arrival.

Indeed, Lin Fei's profound understanding of the world's Laws was the first reason. The second was that, having mastered the Laws of the Ancient Continent, he found it less challenging to grasp those of the Divine Realm. Thus, many cultivators yearned to explore these minor worlds.

However, these worlds were controlled by major forces. The discovery of a world brimming with potential could even spark conflicts and wars among these powers.

For instance, the Ancient Continent, rich in potential and capable of nurturing True Immortals, formed the bedrock of a top-tier power, naturally governed by the Ancient Covenant. Outside of the Ancient Covenant, entry into the Ancient Continent was prohibited.

Therefore, joining a power was essential, whether for entering or contesting these minor worlds. Such affiliation provided both legitimacy and support. Consider Taotie, who dared to smuggle himself into the Ancient Continent. Would a solitary cultivator or a member of a minor power possess such audacity?

In truth, Taotie was a member of the All Beast League, a top-tier force within the Divine Realm, and thus dared to undertake such a venture.

Lin Fei had already made up his mind. He needed to join a power, and it had to be the Ancient Covenant. There was little hesitation in his choice of allegiance. While his options for power were limited, the manner of his joining was not.

"The Ancient Covenant," Lin Fei mused, "boasts two Supreme Beings, twelve True Immortals, eight Martial Ancestors, and three Hermits. These figures form the apex of the Ancient Covenant's hierarchy and its core echelon."

"The two Supreme Beings, needless to say, are revered and omnipotent, reigning supreme over all. They are among the most eminent figures in the Divine Realm, elusive as dragons, seldom seen by others, let alone approached for allegiance," Lin Fei reflected. "The remaining twelve True Immortals, eight Martial Ancestors, and three Hermits exist on an equal footing."

Despite being named the twelve True Immortals, their ranks include numerous martial artists and even Martial Gods, though primarily composed of cultivators of the immortal path. The three Hermits, diverging from the paths of immortal and martial cultivation, follow alternative systems. Their power is not particularly formidable, and they offer little benefit to my cultivation, given the divergence in our paths.

My choice, then, lies with the eight Martial Ancestors. Each Martial Ancestor has their own lineage and legacy. They are all exceptional and renowned throughout the Divine Realm, though they differ in preferences and temperament. If I am to choose a faction to join, it should not overly constrain me, yet it must not be too weak. In this regard, the Great Dream Sect seems a fitting choice."

Lin Fei finally narrowed down his selection to one faction: the Great Dream Sect. This faction, while not the most prominent within the Ancient Covenant, was undoubtedly strong and boasted a substantial following. Founded by one of the eight ancestors, the Great Dream Ancestor, a notable Martial Ancestor renowned for achieving Dao Integration in his dreams, the sect was known for its intriguing philosophy and lax governance, embracing the concept of 'following one's heart.'

The Great Dream Sect was relatively easy to join, though only at its periphery. Advancing into its core ranks would undoubtedly be more challenging. However, as a Martial God, Lin Fei's admission into any faction was almost guaranteed, as long as his identity was unquestioned. Joining the Great Dream Sect would offer him fewer restrictions.

"Then, it's decided. I shall join the Great Dream Sect," Lin Fei resolved.

Having made up his mind, Lin Fei promptly left the inn and flew towards the mountain gate of the Great Dream Sect.

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