Izuka - Chapter 129

Published at 1st of December 2021 12:50:21 PM

Chapter 129: 129

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But that's just life. Problems come and go, you cannot run away from them. If you did, it was the same as conflict with the act of nature. As a human, one could not do that, or else, you were bound to be doomed and lost.

One must not go against nature, you have to accept it.

And when you encounter a problem, you have to solve it, do not run away. If you did, you simply prolonged your pain.

When trouble came, your first instinct was to seclude yourself, you want to be alone. That was not human nature but the whispers of Anomaly. They persuade you to be alone so that you do not have to be with someone.

Anomaly loved it when someone fell for their persuasion, especially so for teenagers to young adults. Their emotions were often unstable and their thoughts were chaotic.

Pursuing in life yet never felt satisfied. Wealth, fame, and power. One could not be satisfied. Human greed was bound to no limit.

The solution? Well either pray to the deity so the latter calmed your heart and mind or talk to someone about your worries and problems.

Narukami then put Ryu's body into his space shadow. It was safer and convenient that way.

And with his space shadow having healing attributes, he probably went back to his peak when everything was over.

Now what Narukami had to do was to destroy the energy source, free those children, and bail.

The five major organizations were on their way. They could handle the rest so Narukami had no worries.

The energy source was a strange machine he had never seen. Narukami did not think much as he destroyed it.


Waves of the explosion spread out throughout the entire energy source. It caused a chain reaction which ended with the ceiling crumbling as it buried everything in the room.

That's easier and faster than I thought… Narukami said to himself and was not sure how he should react.

He thought he had to fight with two or three more enemies that were guarding the room of the energy source but there was none.

He was not disappointed though. Oh wait, he did but only a tiny bit. The size of sand.

He teleported to where the children locked, released them, and went to where the Leader was trapped.

He tapped it a few times and the black cube formed a door as it opened in the next moment.

In the Illusion Realm, the Leader was panting heavily. Sweat flowed down his cheek.

Out of the blue, bright light was formed on his left and so, he turned his head.

He saw a figure coming in and he thought it was someone who came to help him but when the figure revealed itself, his expression fell.

But this lasted a brief moment and his expression turned calm.

He did feel pain but with his mental fortitude of someone in Level 10. He more or less got used to the pain.

Yes, the pain he felt intensified after a round of torture ended but his mind quickly get used to it.

"You still have your sanity? That's a surprise," Narukami asked playfully.

The Leader coldly snorted, "hmph, a brat like you can't break me easily."

"Well I live longer than you," Narukami blurted out as he said so proudly.

"What? You?" The Leader asked as he was shocked.

Narukami smiled mischievously. Since the Leader thought so, why not entertain him a bit longer?

"Yes, I'm a vampire. I lived for more than thousands of years. I even witnessed when primal humans migrate to another continent," Narukami explained a lie as naturally as though he was breathing.

"Are you serious? So that is what's going on. Then your ancestor is older than what she said!" The Leader was shocked as he uncovered an amazing truth.

If his words are true, that explained his strange abilities and battle techniques, the Leader thought to himself. He was thinking that it was weird he saw a lot of strange and foreign abilities from a brat.

But upon learning the 'truth'. It was logical.

"I've been wondering though, how do you end up like this? Your mind is not in madness yet, you still have your clarity as you do not pray and believe crazily with that evil deity of yours.

"Your abilities are also still normal, albeit creepy. It is still on the line, it still hasn't corrupted."

What was corrupted here means there would be prices in every ability the user used. Corrupted abilities were always in line with sacrifices.

The stronger it was, the sacrifice it needed would be pricey.

"You could say I'm one of a kind," the Leader simply replied. He had no intention of telling the truth and Narukami had no problem. He expected this after all.

"How long are you going to last?" Narukami asked. Each round of torture lasted an hour to five hours, based on the Leader's performance.

If the Leader felt like he was on edge and about to faint, even if Narukami cast a spell which was unable for him to faint, the torture would stop and give the Leader five minutes of rest.

At the same time, his body recovered to normal but prevented him from circulating his spiritual energy.

After each round ended, the pain would be increased two-fold.

If all things considered, the Leader could see a flaw in this and take advantage of it to escape but Narukami was confident the chance of him escaping was less than 2%!

This was his Illusion Realm! Nothing can escape from his eyes! Even with how many times the Leader was breathing, Narukami knew it!

"Long enough to beat your ass." The Leader smiled.

Narukami shook his head as he approached the Leader's head and pulled his hair as he grabbed it.

"The head of the leader of one of the most hideous organizations out there is in my hand. Anyone would go crazy upon learning the news.

"Sixth, an unknown Sorcerer killed the Leader of the Fallen Nightless. Either my prestige and name increased or the five major organizations are wary of me or perhaps both.

"Either way, my mission succeeded. I only have to give you to Amaterasu."

"Amaterasu?" The Leader narrowed his eyes before realization dawned upon him. 

"You… You worked under her? But this does not make sense. She despises mortals and is incredibly arrogant, even with the other gods.

"Yet she worked with you… just who are you?" The Leader asked as he was extremely shocked and confused.

The reason why Amaterasu was willing to work with Narukami was either Narukami was special or Amaterasu was interested in him.

But this also narrowed to one question. Why?

Why was Narukami special? Why was Amaterasu interested in him?

This was a shocking truth and also an answer. The Leader doubted Narukami would do this far to save his friend and give him a lesson.

Now that he said it himself he did this to Amaterasu, there was a tinge of delight in his heart.

To think the number one deity in the country was looking for him and even wanted him to die, was a pleasure.

"So She wanted me dead? What an honor."

"Not only you, your entire organization to be exact."

"I see. So this is the end."

"You seem to be extremely calm."

The Leader then raised his body. Although he was separated, he could still control his body as though a dullahan.

He shrugged his shoulders, "What can I do anyway? My struggle is fruitless, I'm the type that saves as much energy as possible.

"If something I'm going to do is pointless in the end, why do I have to bother?"

Wow, this guy is more than I thought, Narukami thought to himself as he was impressed.

"So, what's your evil deity thought?" Narukami asked. He was aware the evil deity the Leader worshipped was watching and could not help him.

If He helped the Leader by descending personally, not through the summoning of His believer, the other gods had no choice but to do the same as Him and take Him down together before going back to their own 'palace'.

"He's cursing you and has put a curse on you."

Narukami smiled, "I'm honored to be personally hated and cursed by an evil deity. Tell Him this, after I annihilate your believers' organization, I will slaughter you next."

Then, the Leader's aura sharply increased as his presence changed. Sharp and intense killing intent spilled out as it locked onto Narukami.

Narukami skipped a beat. Either to the sharp killing intent and the aura.

This aura is without a doubt, an aura of a god! Narukami said to himself as he was alarmed.

Did He descend Himself by taking the Leader's body as a vessel? Narukami silently speculated.

"This is bad!" Narukami felt his Illusion Realm was shaking.

Nevertheless, he was still at the peak of Level 8! He had no chance of killing a god yet.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!