Izuka - Chapter 143

Published at 1st of December 2021 12:49:54 PM

Chapter 143: 143

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"You want to erase mysticism from the face of the earth? Impossible! Are you out of your mind? It is part of this universe and without it, perhaps things might turn for the worse!" Fesya argued.

"Also, everything in this universe has a purpose and none has no purpose. If something is missing, it will cause a serious chain reaction!"

"I'm aware of that." Narukami straightened his body.

"Then, why? Do you genuinely want the world to be in danger because of your selfish desire?" Fesya asked.

"I don't want to hear it from a woman like you. Using her child as a sacrifice without the intention of helping them. You should reflect on yourself more before advising someone and that includes your enemy."

After a short pause, Fesya spoke with determination, "I must kill you here, right now! You're a dangerous threat to this world! Hiiiya!" She let out a warcry as she stabbed her sword in the air.

It cracked as soon as the blade penetrated the empty air. Shortly thereafter, Fesya loudly said, "Space Sword Technique: Transmigration!"

Her sword let out a bright, golden glow. It then exploded as it spread to the entire prison. Everyone lost their vision as they were blinded by the explosion of light.

Narukami protected his body from the strange event but it was futile. The light penetrated through his shield and hit him. Everything was engulfed by the explosion before slowly fading out.

However, when it did. What appeared in Narukami's recent position was nothing. There was no one else!

Fesya looked around as she intensified her spiritual energy as she scanned the area. Making sure if Narukami was alive or not.

Knowing everything was okay, Fesya let out a heavy sigh.

"What a foolish human, wanting to erase mysticism from this world to live peacefully? Why don't you just erase your memory about it and live normally?

"Consider it as bad luck you met me." Fesya smiled.

"I see, I see. So that's what is going on." Narukami nodded a few times as if he figured something out.

Fesya was puzzled as she was shocked. She was very sure of sending Narukami to another world. Millions of light-years away from Earth.

If he could go back, it should take billions of years! What was going on?!

Slowly turning her head to the source, Fesya was stunned as she saw Narukami. Not only was he fine, but he also looked rather happy?

The reason for that question mark at the end was because Fesya was not sure. Narukami had an emotionless face yet she could faintly tell that Narukami was happy.

"How did you get here?" Fesya wondered.

"It's just a teleportation spell. Not like I don't have any. Now then, can you tell me what an angel is doing in this world?" Narukami replied before asking back.

"What are you talking about?" Fesya tilted her head to the side.

"Do not underestimate me. I'm more familiar with angels. Better than anyone else in the world."

His words were not arrogant but a fact. He once had an army of angels in one of his past lives and even mated with one. Ah, good times.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I'm a human, I am no angel. Why are you talking nonsense? Right, you want to erase mysticism out of this world. I guess your mind already messed up."

Narukami chuckled with a calm expression.

"Still playing, huh? Very well, then will this be enough?!" Narukami spread out his arms as powerful lightning flickered. It had an output of ten hundred billion volts! A person could turn to ashes! No, the entire world would suffer a huge blow!

Fesya felt chills when she saw the enormous power behind his lightning.

"How could lightning be this powerful? Are you trying to destroy the world?!" Fesya's tone slightly intensified.

A single lightning strike was enough to destroy a few countries! The impact was no different than a few nuclear bombs! The person before her was a walking calamity!

"Hey… Wait!" Fesya tried to stop Narukami.

"Admit it that you're an angel and I'm going to stop."

"Seriously, I don't know what you want me to do! I'm a human! If I became a vessel of an angel, I should've noticed it and my personality should be changed!

"What a dedication to hide oneself. Enjoy this, then!" Narukami aimed his right arm at Fesya. Lightning gathered at the tip of his index finger, accumulating energy and size gradually increasing to a purple marble.

In the next moment, it was launched at Fesya. The latter felt imminent danger and felt death was slowly closing his scythe on her, ready to harvest her life.

The purple bolt was small but it was enough to kill her to ashes once it hit her. Just thinking about it was terrifying. A small thing killed her without struggle, it was undoubtedly a frightening thing.

"Tsk, fine! I admit it! I'm an angel! I silently enter this body and even my Lord not notice it!" Fesya clicked her tongue before confessing the truth before her death.

Although the body she possessed was not hers, finding a suitable vessel was quite hard.

It was as though finding a gold blood type.

Even further, her soul might get injured. She felt bad things might happen if she got hit. Something more terrifying than hell itself.

Left with no choice, here we are. Fesya admitting the truth. Narukami fulfilled his promise as he retracted his right hand. The lightning bolt halted before gradually going Narukami's way, seeping into his body.

Fesya felt relieved and her incredibly tense shoulders loosened. He exuded a sigh of relief.

"That's a close call." Fesya's body somehow turned weak. She rested her hands on her knees as if she had just done something extremely tiring. Her face was slightly pale as she was breathing quite fast.

"Huh? What is wrong with me? I lost my strength to stand." Fesya collapsed to the ground with her equipment dropped. She did not have the strength to lift her sword and shield.

The wings behind her returned to her back and vanished from sight.

*This feeling, what is it again?" Fesya pondered curiously and weakly.

Her body slightly, oh wait, no. Not slightly but like crazy. It was as though she was trembling due to the low temperature.

"That's fear," Narukami pointed it out as he came to her side. This happened so quickly that Fesya had not noticed it!

So fast! This might be his true strength. Doesn't that mean he hid it the entire time?! Do I have a chance to win against him? Fesya shook her head as she threw the belief away. Not in a vessel anyway but in her body, she believed she could defeat Narukami.

"Fear... I have not felt it in many centuries." She paused as she lifted her head to Narukami.

"What's your name?" Fesya asked. She had no idea the identity of the mysterious intruder was.

She thought the identity was the one in the dark but it was her all along.

With his fingers, Narukami raised his six fingers.

"You're him, but why did you attack us? I heard you work for Amaterasu, you're Her underling?"

Narukami shook his head, "I am not. We simply work together for mutual benefits."

He disliked being under someone else. Probably the arrogance he got from his past lives or dignity.

Either way, his relationship with Amaterasu was not that of master and subordinate.

"What are you going to do with me?" She asked, slightly looking forward to it. Narukami slightly frowned as he felt a bit odd.

"Join with your friend, Zero."

Fesya smiled bitterly. "I guess that's the only outcome huh? Very well, take my life then. It's a pity though, this vessel is rather suitable to my soul."

Abruptly, Narukami went to her neck and sniffed it. A woman's scent entered his nostrils. It was pleasant.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Fesya's cheek was slightly red and it was ticklish when Narukami's breath hit her neck.

Narukami endure his instinct as soon as he smelt her scent but it burst out without apparent reason. Narukami opened his mouth, showing two sharp fangs as they embedded deep into her neck.

Fesya moaned in pain but to Narukami. It sounded hot and woke up the lust in him. Thankfully, he could endure that.

Blood flowed down her neck. Narukami let go of his mouth and get away from her.

"Angel's blood is delicious than I thought. I might get addicted," Narukami licked his tongue.

Fesya looked at Narukami in disbelief. She can't help but blurt out, "So I'm your food, now?"

Narukami shrugged his shoulders, "Do you want to?"

"I–" She halted as she hesitated, her eyes darted around, "No, I rather get tortured than becoming your food."

"If you get tortured, your blood still spilled out. Do you think I'll let such good delicacies go waste? Your blood is akin to a twenty million dollars golden chocolate.. Even if it dropped to mud, no one in the right mind would leave it like that."

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