Jagged Germany - Chapter 1219

Published at 13th of February 2023 06:55:52 AM

Chapter 1219: Special Forces (seeking monthly ticket)

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"Call the battalion headquarters, we need reinforcements. The size of the Russian guerrillas will not be too small. Otherwise, they will not wipe out the entire transport team in a short time." The captain officer ordered.

They belong to the reconnaissance battalion of the 27th Infantry Division of the German Army's 3rd Army. This captain officer is the commander of the 2nd company of the battalion, named Franz. When the Russian partisans attacked the convoy, he happened to be leading people on a cruise not far from here. However, he arrived immediately after receiving the order for reinforcements. But I didn't expect it to be too late.

"Yes, sir!" The communications soldier immediately contacted the battalion headquarters, requesting reinforcements.

Soon, the signaler reported to Captain Franz.

"Sir, the battalion headquarters agreed to reinforce us. The other troops of our company are on their way. In addition, the 3rd company will also arrive, and it is expected to arrive tomorrow afternoon. In addition, a small group of the special forces of the group army, It will come tomorrow, too," said the signal soldier.

"The special forces of the group army? They will come too?" Captain Franz felt a little incredible.

You know, the special forces to which the group army belongs are the most elite troops in the whole group army. There are not many people, only more than three hundred people. But the commander was a colonel. The members of these special forces are all selected from the scouts of the subordinate ministries. They are equipped with the best weapons, but also receive the most rigorous training, making them truly the true king of soldiers.

However, the area where special forces operate is often the battlefield behind enemy lines. They spied on the enemy's intelligence, attacked the enemy's headquarters and important strongholds, or traffic nodes, etc., and strongly supported the frontal battlefield.

The guerrillas who encircled and suppressed the Russians before were all in charge of the reconnaissance troops. Now, there are special forces involved. It can be seen that the top German army is very dissatisfied with these increasingly active guerrillas. Began to make up my mind to use strong troops to get rid of them.

Captain Franz also signed up for the special forces, but unfortunately he was not selected. Therefore, he is still in the investigation team. But he was quite satisfied with being the company commander of the reconnaissance company. I don't think I'm worse than those special forces.

The next day, other German reinforcements arrived. At the same time, a team of special forces also arrived. There are only more than twenty special forces in this team. But the way they arrived on the battlefield made the other scouts very envious. Because they came by helicopter.

This is the first helicopter officially equipped by the German Army, code-named Cold Wind. Each helicopter can carry five soldiers in addition to the pilot and co-pilot. Moreover, in addition to a 12.7mm heavy machine gun installed in the front of the helicopter, rocket launchers are also installed on both sides. If the hatch is open, a 7.62mm heavy machine gun mounted there can also be used to pour firepower on the ground. It can be said that the firepower is very powerful. At the bottom of the helicopter and key parts such as the fuel tank, steel plates are also installed to resist the shooting of machine guns and further improve the survivability.

Of course, even so, these helicopters have been damaged a lot since they entered service. Except for a small number that were destroyed by ground fire on the battlefield, many were destroyed due to mechanical failure.

Because the helicopter's flying altitude is too low, if an accident occurs, the crew on it often has absolutely no way to survive. This also makes every flight of the helicopter crew risk their lives. But even so, helicopters have become the favorite means of transportation for special forces. They are very satisfied with this fast and concealed way of breaking in.

A major officer got off the helicopter, and Captain Franz and Captain Adam, the commander of the 3rd company, hurried up to meet him.

"Sir, Commander Franz of the 2nd Company of the Reconnaissance Battalion of the 27th Infantry Division (Commander of the 3rd Company Adam) reports to you!" Captain Franz and Captain Adam saluted.

The major officer returned a salute: "My name is Schultz, and you follow my command from now on."

Although the other party's arrogant attitude made Captain Franz and Captain Adam a little dissatisfied, they still obeyed the other party's orders. Because this is an order from their superiors, requiring them to fully cooperate with the special forces to encircle and suppress the Russian guerrillas.

"Yes, sir!" Captain Franz and Captain Adam both replied.

"Have you found anything now?" Major Schultz asked.

"Sir, those guerrillas should be hiding deep in the forest. However, this forest is too big, covering thousands of square kilometers. It is very difficult to find them, especially in the current weather. nasty," said Captain Franz.

Major Schultz nodded, on the plains of Eastern Europe, the forest is dense. Those guerrillas avoided the encirclement and suppression of the German army by establishing strongholds in the forest. After attacking the German supply line, he fled into the forest. It is undoubtedly very difficult to play hide-and-seek with the guerrillas in the forest in the cold winter. This also added a lot of trouble for the German army to encircle and suppress the guerrillas.

However, no matter how troublesome it is, these guerrillas must be cleaned up. Otherwise, they will be like blood-sucking worms, wiping out Germany's vital forces little by little. That would be very detrimental to Germany in this war.

"The size of this guerrilla group is at least more than one hundred people, or even around two hundred people. Their combat effectiveness is not strong. If we confront us head-on, we can easily eliminate them. However, the most troublesome thing now is that it is very difficult Find them." Captain Adam also said.

Major Schultz's eyes fell on the map.

"Is this village the only one near the forest?" Major Schultz asked.

"Yes, sir. This is the only village near the forest, and the other villages are far from the forest." Captain Franz said.

"Very well, then let's go to that village. I believe that we will be able to get the clues we want there." Major Schultz said.

As the village closest to the forest, there is no doubt that the village must have connections with the guerrillas in the forest. However, because there is no definite evidence, the German army has never attacked the village.

However, now the top German army is determined to clean up these guerrillas. Then, some of the previous concerns don't care about it at all. In order to wipe out those guerrillas, it seems acceptable to cause more casualties.

Captain Franz and Captain Adam both understood what Major Schultz meant. However, none of them objected.

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