Jagged Germany - Chapter 1230

Published at 13th of February 2023 06:55:41 AM

Chapter 1230: bargain

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Hopkins looked at the expressions of the ministers of the island countries and smiled inwardly. This is the mentality of the islanders! He knew that it was absolutely impossible for these islanders to refuse this temptation. He has studied these islanders deeply, and he has already guessed their reaction.

Of course, this is just a bait thrown by the Americans, in order to let the islanders do their best to fight. Only in that way will they burst out with 100% fighting power. Otherwise, once the islanders steal and play tricks, the United States will have to bear tremendous pressure. Using the islanders to hold back part of the strength of the Germans is also using the Germans to weaken the island nation. This is undoubtedly the strategy of the US government. Now, the U.S. government is already planning for the post-war period. If they can win this war, the U.S. government will also be able to gain world hegemony. All other countries will become enemies of the US government. Even the current allies will become targets of US suppression in the future. Not to mention the island country, a dog that was originally rebellious. The United States has not relaxed its vigilance against them.

"Your Excellency, the rich resources in Southeast Asia and Australia are naturally what we desire. But even if we can defeat the Germans entrenched there, and then exploit those resources, it will take a lot of time. So, before that , The United States must not have any problems with the supply of our war materials. Otherwise, this will make it impossible for us to defeat the Germans!" Konoe Fumimaro is not a fool, and he is not so easily fooled.

"Of course. Once the island country enters the war, the United States will fully support the island country. This is our guarantee. We all have a common enemy. We also hope that the island country can win on the battlefield." Hopkins said.

"Your Excellency Special Envoy, when will your country join the war?" Konoe Wenmaro asked.

"Our country's war preparations have not yet been completed. However, the current situation is critical, so it should be soon. It is expected that we will join the war by the end of this year at the latest. At that time, the Germans will face a third-line battle. No matter how strong they are, It will definitely not be our opponent!" Hopkins said.

All the important ministers of the island cabinet breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing the exact time when the United States will enter the war, they know that the pressure will be much less in the future. After all, Europe is Germany's center of gravity. Once the United States enters the war, Germany and the United States will inevitably break out in an extremely tragic war in the Atlantic Ocean. At that time, Germany's investment in other battlefields will be relatively reduced. And this, for the island country, is undoubtedly an opportunity. Maybe they can seize this opportunity and easily occupy Southeast Asia and the whole of Australia.

"Your Excellency Special Envoy, does the U.S. government have any plans for the distribution of benefits after the war?" Konoe Fumimaro asked.

"Your Excellency, this is not yet. After all, the Germans are too powerful, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to defeat them. Therefore, it seems a little too early to talk about this now." Hopkins said calmly .

He knew that the islanders wanted to blackmail the U.S. government and make clear the distribution of benefits before joining the war, so that the U.S. government would not deny it after the war ended.

"Your Excellency Special Envoy, please make it clear first, so that you will save a lot of trouble in the future!" Konoe Fumimaro said.

Hopkins nodded, and then said: "Your Excellency, if you have any requests from your country, just ask. Even if I can't agree, I will report to the country. Our two countries are allies, and now we have common interests. Enemy, there is nothing that cannot be discussed."

"Okay, Your Excellency the Special Envoy." Konoe Fumimaro said.

"Your Excellency Special Envoy, we hope that after defeating Germany, Southeast Asia and the whole of Australia, as well as those islands in the Pacific Ocean controlled by Germany, will become our territory. In addition, India will become our colony. The oil resources in the Persian Gulf in the Middle East, We have to have our own!" Konoe Fumimaro said.

Hopkins' complexion suddenly became a little unsightly. These islanders really know how to talk like a lion! Such a request has completely exceeded the expectations of the US government. They are not afraid of so many benefits, will they not be able to swallow it, will they all be exhausted?

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, your country's request is too great. Such a request is unacceptable to the U.S. government!" Hopkins shook his head.

"Your Excellency, in order to win this war, the empire will dispatch millions of troops. Many of them will even lose their lives in the war. Therefore, I think these requests we have made are not excessive at all. The United States As our ally, the Republic should consider our interests." Konoe Fumimaro said.

Although he also knew that he had asked too much, the so-called exorbitant price paid back the money. This is true in business, and it is also true in diplomatic negotiations. First put forward harsh conditions, and then the two sides bargain, and if they make a little concession, they may be able to reach an agreement. This also makes the island government desperately want to get more benefits from the Americans. This also made them put forward harsh conditions when they proposed conditions.

"Your Excellency, even if this is the case, this condition is unacceptable. Most of India, Australia, and Southeast Asia are British colonies. Although these colonies were all occupied by the Germans, the British Empire government has never Give up these territories. The United Kingdom is also an ally of the United States of America, and we cannot use the interests of one ally to satisfy other allies." Hopkins said.

Konoe Fumimaro sneered in his heart, of course he knew that this was just an excuse for Hopkins. Although the British Empire was very powerful before the last world war, it was once the target of the island government's tight thighs. However, the current British Empire has lost its former glory. They lost their homeland and all their colonies except Canada, and now they can only linger in Canada. How could such a British Empire be compared with a powerful island country. The country is weak, and it is impossible to protect its own interests. All in all, Fumimaro Konoe directly ignored the British Empire.

"Your Excellency Special Envoy, if the British Empire can make the same contribution as us in this war. Then we can recognize that they continue to own these colonies." Konoe Fumimaro said.

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