Jagged Germany - Chapter 340

Published at 13th of February 2023 07:11:10 AM

Chapter 340: Blitz Lviv (seeking monthly ticket)

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Uzhhorod, Austrian Army Command. The three armies of the Russian Southwest Front Army are still launching a fierce attack on the Austrian defense line. Although, the Austrian army successfully resisted the attack of the Russian army by using fortifications and powerful firepower, and caused great casualties to the Russian army. But at the same time, the casualties of the Austrian army continued to increase.

As the casualties increased, the morale of the Austrian army inevitably began to decline. The consequence of this is that the defense line of the Austrian army has been in danger several times. There are several defense lines that were almost broken by the Russian army. This made Marshal Herzendorf very nervous, and even had to start splitting and supplementing the 4th Army as a reserve to the front line to stabilize the defense line.

Regarding the performance of the Austrian Army, Qin Tian couldn't help shaking his head. Initially, the Austrian Army's performance is not bad. But as the casualties appeared, the performance of the troops began to develop in a worse and worse direction. The reason is undoubtedly that the fighting will of the Austrian army is too fragile. In the case of the German army, such a situation is absolutely impossible.

However, the Austrian army has been weak for a long time, and Qin Tian has nothing to do about it. He can only hope that the Austrian army can persist until the German army's strategic plan is realized. In that case, they will win this battle. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, is the Russian army's offensive still fierce?" Qin Tian asked.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness. The Russians seem to be crazy, and they continue to launch fierce attacks on our defense line. Our troops are under great pressure." Marshal Herzendorf said with red eyes. He didn't sleep all night last night. Because, at night, the Russian army organized several night raids and almost broke through the Austrian army's defense line.

As the Chief of Staff of the Austrian Army, Marshal Herzendorf knew very well how serious the consequences would be if the Austrian Army failed to hold on to the line of defense. Therefore, he has been guarding the command post, constantly contacting the front line, knowing that he has personally sent a telegram to the commander of each infantry division, asking them to hold the line of defense no matter what.

"The losses of the Russians are even greater than ours, and much larger. I think their high-intensity attacks should not last long. If you persist for a few more days, there will be a turning point." Qin Tian Said.

Marshal Herzendorf nodded, he thought so too. After all, the Russians suffered far more casualties than the defending Austrians. Even if it is such a fight for consumption, the Austrian army is more dominant. It is precisely because of this that Marshal Herzendorf took a very rare and severe attitude towards those generals, requiring them to hold the line of defense no matter what, and not to retreat without an order, and those who violated the military law will be punished.

It was precisely because of the strong suppression of Marshal Herzendorf that the generals of the Austrian army desperately defended the line of defense. If the performance of the Austrian army on the battlefield before, their defense line had already been broken by the Russian army.

"Your Highness, how is the progress of the German army?" Baron Marshal Herzendorf asked.

"The progress of the 8th Army is still a victory. Our battle at Chelm is about to win. The Russian army tried to send an infantry army to reinforce Chelm, but we were defeated. The battle of Zamosic has also begun Yes. There, we also have an absolute advantage. The Russian 4th Army has been completely defeated, which is an irreversible fact. Soon, they will be killed." Qin Tian said quite confidently.

Marshal Baron Herzendorf could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard what Qin Tian said. He knew that Qin Tian would not deceive him on these issues. As long as the progress of the German 8th Army goes smoothly, it means that victory is expected.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry. This time, we will never hold back. Before the German army completes the scheduled battle plan, we will firmly hold the line of defense, and we will never let the Russians break through our line of defense!" Baron Marshal Herzendorf said.

"Your Excellency Marshal, I believe that your army will be able to do it. The Russians will definitely not be your opponents this time." Qin Tian said.

Marshal Herzendorf Baron nodded, he seemed very satisfied to be recognized by Qin Tian.

Backing to his office, Qin Tian received the battle report from the front line.

"The Russians actually surrendered? How is this possible?" Qin Tian was also very shocked when he learned that the Russian army stationed in Chelm had surrendered to the German 17th Army. After all, although the combat effectiveness of the Russian army is not very good, their will to fight in this war is still very admirable.

"Perhaps it is because of the hopelessness of victory. Now that the Russian army has surrendered, the combat mission of the 17th Army has undoubtedly been completed ahead of schedule. Your Highness, what should we do next?" Brigadier General Manstein asked.

Qin Tian's eyes fell on the map hanging on the wall.

"General Manstein, what's your opinion?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Highness, I think the 11th Army can be dispatched. Let Colonel Rommel lead the remaining tanks, support the 11th Army, and directly attack Lvov. If we win there, we will surely win the battle!" Brigadier General Manstein said.

Lvov is the most important strategic node for the defense of the Russian 4th Army, where it is an important material distribution point for the Russian Southwest Front Army. It can be said that 60% of the supplies of the entire Southwest Front Army of the Russian Army arrived here first, and then distributed to the various troops. If the German army can capture Lviv, it means that the Russian Southwest Front Army will face a shortage of supplies. Maybe in less than half a month, the German army and the Austrian army will be able to defeat the Russian Southwest Front Army together.

"Is the 11th Army ready?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Highness, these days, the 11th Army has been secretly moving to the front line. For the 11th Army, we have assembled more than two thousand trucks. Including their original transformed trucks, it is enough for the 11th Army to move as fast as possible. They rushed to Lviv as soon as possible. If they are not intercepted by the Russian army, they can arrive in Lviv and launch an attack in just one day," Brigadier General Manstein said.

Qin Tian nodded, although the 11th Army is now more than 100 kilometers away from Lviv. But if the whole crew travels in a truck, it is not a problem to march more than 100 kilometers a day. And after arriving, the soldiers can still devote themselves to the battle with full energy.

"Well, let General François act! Attack Lviv directly. Within three days, Lviv must be taken!" Qin Tian ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness."

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