Jagged Germany - Chapter 543

Published at 13th of February 2023 07:07:33 AM

Chapter 543: Mutiny (3300 votes plus update last month)

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Determined to use extreme methods to force William II to abdicate, and after Crown Prince William succeeded to the throne in advance, they began to actively plan how to succeed.

"We can be sure that it is almost impossible to abdicate ourselves. Therefore, we can only force him to abdicate." The Duke of Württemberg said.

Everyone nodded repeatedly, but they also knew that it would be very difficult to force William II to abdicate. After all, William II is now the emperor of the empire, the most powerful person in the entire empire.

"We sent troops to break into the palace. Then, force His Majesty to abdicate! There is no other way other than this." Little Maoqi said. Although this method is very extreme, it is the only way that can work.

All eyes were on Lieutenant General Graf and Lieutenant General Plittwitz. Both of them were generals of the Imperial Guard, and they were the only troops they could control. As for the 4th Army of the Duke of Württemberg, it is now in France and cannot be used at all. Therefore, we can only rely on the Imperial Guard.

German Guards, a total of 25 battalions, stationed around Berlin, including Potsdam. These imperial guards are not only responsible for guarding the palace and government agencies, but also responsible for the safety of His Majesty and important members of the royal family, as well as the security of senior government officials. The defense of Berlin is also in charge of the Janissaries.

Lieutenant General Graff and Lieutenant General Plittwitz each commanded five battalions of the Imperial Guards. Together, the two commanded troops accounted for 40% of the total number of the Imperial Guards.

"The five battalions under me can fully obey my command." Lieutenant General Graf said.

"I can affect up to three battalions." Lieutenant General Prittwitz blushed, and his ability can be seen from this.

Crown Prince William saw all this, but didn't say anything. After all, now is the time to employ people.

"I was able to influence two battalions!" said the Duke of Württemberg. His eldest son served as an officer in the Praetorian Guard.

"I can also affect the two battalions!" Xiao Maoqi also said.

Although he has been dismissed, the influence of the Moltke family in the army is undoubtedly very strong. There are also many children in the family. It is nothing at all to serve as an officer in the army and influence the guards of the two battalions.

"I can influence a battalion!" Field Marshal Goltz also said.

"This is enough. The troops you can influence have reached 13 battalions in total, which is already more than half of the Guards. If we launch a surprise attack and occupy the palace in one fell swoop. At that time, we can naturally borrow the order of His Majesty the Emperor, Take back the military power of the Imperial Guard." Crown Prince William said.

Being able to control so many troops already made him very satisfied. You know, the main troops of the German Army have already been sent abroad to fight. In the country, there are not many troops at all. Especially in the Berlin area, it is the home field of the Janissaries. Being able to master so many imperial guards, the possibility of his success is undoubtedly very high. At that time, as long as William II is under house arrest, and Qin Tian is tricked back to Berlin, under house arrest or killed, then he will be successful.

Crown Prince William seems to have seen that victory is waving to him again.

"After we got the situation under control, the Duke of Württemberg quickly transferred the 4th Army back home to stabilize the situation. In this way, other people will no longer pose a threat to us." Crown Prince William said excitedly.

Everyone nodded repeatedly, although they all believed that Qin Tian had great influence in the army. But if Qin Tian is detained in the name of William II. Without this leader, will those troops continue to obey Qin Tian's orders? At that time, they will have enough time to divide and disintegrate, eliminate Qin Tian's influence in the army, and thus win the final victory.

"Your Highness, I hope that after we succeed, the war will continue. After all, we have reached the final stage of this battle, and we are about to win it. It would be a pity if we give up now." Xiao Maoqi said .

"Of course, Your Excellency the Earl. Of course we will continue this battle. The British and French allied forces have been defeated, and the defeat of the French is just around the corner. In the end, there is only one Britain that has suffered heavy losses. As long as we work harder, We will be able to defeat the British. Of course we cannot give up this easy victory." Crown Prince William said with a smile.

Now, he feels that the time he was unconscious and asleep, although it was painful, was not without any benefits. At least, during this time, Germany became stronger. The powerful enemies were almost beaten, and they were about to fail. After he succeeds to the throne, as long as the war continues, he will be able to secure the final victory. At that time, the German Empire will become the most powerful country in the world. And he will be the emperor of this world hegemony.

How wonderful this is! Thinking of this, Crown Prince William was very happy, thinking that the suffering he had suffered during this period was not in vain at all.

"The German Empire is about to become the hegemony of the world, and our Crown Prince will become the emperor of this empire!" Lieutenant General Prittwitz said with a smile.

Everyone else agreed.

Crown Prince William's face was about to die of laughter.

"When will we launch it?" Crown Prince William asked.

"Time is tight, and if it is delayed for too long, there will be accidents. How about it, we will start to launch in the evening of three days later!" Little Maoqi suggested.

"Three days later, the time is about the same. This time is enough for us to complete the preparations." The Duke of Württemberg also said.

Others also turned around one after another.

"Everyone, after we win, I will never forget your help. At that time, everyone will get benefits beyond everyone's expectations!" Crown Prince William once again assured everyone.

There were smiles on everyone's faces. Didn't they take such a big risk just to get more benefits?

Time passed little by little, and the atmosphere in Berlin became more and more weird.

On the night of April 26, after dark, the Guards stationed in the suburbs of Berlin immediately began to mobilize. The betrayal of Lieutenant General Graf, the commander of the Guards, prevented Wilhelm II soldiers from initiating problems immediately.

A large number of guards entered Paris. They occupied traffic arteries, railway stations, and radio stations, and hunted down high-ranking officials of the imperial government and military wantonly. At the same time, the main force of the two battalions attacked the palace.

The mutiny was staged in Berlin when the German Empire was about to win.

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