Jagged Germany - Chapter 943

Published at 13th of February 2023 07:00:37 AM

Chapter 943: Withdraw from the alliance (ask for a monthly ticket)

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On the morning of January 12, 1917, at the Imperial Palace in Vienna, the recently enthroned Emperor Karl I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire convened important military and political ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to discuss national policies.

After dealing with other affairs, Karl I glanced at the important ministers of the empire, and then said: "Your Excellencies, the World War has ended for more than a year. I think that our alliance with Germany is no longer necessary to continue to exist. Go on. During the war, in order to fight against Britain, France, Russia and other countries, we had to form an alliance with Germany to fight against powerful enemies. But now, the former powerful enemies no longer exist, so there is no need for the Allies to exist anymore Go down. I decide that Austria-Hungary will withdraw from the Allies!"

This decision of Karl I immediately caused an uproar among the important ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Although many people knew that Karl I hated the German Empire, they did not expect that Karl I would be so bold and dare to make such a decision. You know, the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are neighboring countries. Once they turn against the German Empire, wouldn't that be a dead end? Although, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is also one of the most powerful countries in the world. However, they did not think that Austria-Hungary could stand against Germany. As important ministers of the empire, they naturally know the real situation of the country now. It can be said that the current Austro-Hungarian Empire is strong on the outside and strong on the inside. The name of a big country may be able to frighten ordinary small countries. However, in front of a real big country, they are completely at a disadvantage. Not to mention facing the world's number one power like the German Empire.

"Your Majesty, have you made this decision carefully? If we withdraw from the Allies, what will happen to our relationship with Germany? Once we and Germany become hostile countries, the consequences will be very serious." Friedrich Grand Duke reminded.

Originally, at the age of Archduke Friedrich, he has not participated in the imperial meeting for a long time. To participate this time is to give the emperor Karl I a face. But I didn't expect that Karl I would make such a sensational decision.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we cannot withdraw from the Allies. If we continue to stay in the Allies, we and the German Empire can at least maintain an alliance. Even if the relationship between us and Germany is getting worse, but for the sake of the alliance , the Germans will not use force against us. However, if they withdraw from the alliance, the alliance with Germany will be terminated. So, what should we do if Germany attacks us?" Marshal Herzendorf, Chief of the Austrian General Staff Also blatantly opposed.

Karl I's complexion suddenly became very ugly. As soon as I made a decision, the giants of the military immediately objected. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to his prestige.

"Bastard! Those guys are all against my decision. How dare they do this? How dare they not do this when the late emperor was still there? All of them are obedient and obedient in front of the late emperor like a dog! "Karl I was furious.

"Even if we withdraw from the Allies, it doesn't mean we will turn against Germany. After all, the Allies were originally formed to defeat Britain, France, Russia and other countries. Now, we have defeated them. The war is over. The Allies naturally There is no need to exist anymore!" Karl I insisted.

"Your Majesty, our relationship with the German Empire is getting worse and worse. If we withdraw from the Allies at this time, it will make our relationship with Germany even worse!" Foreign Minister Baron Berchdold also reminded .

"Everyone, if we continue to stay in the Allies, won't our relationship with Germany get worse? After the end of the last world war, during the negotiations with the defeated countries, the Germans deliberately suppressed us, making us Didn't get much benefit. Isn't the reason why they do that is that we are afraid that we will become stronger? If we continue to stay in the Allies, the Germans will continue to suppress us until we are no threat to them at all. Do you want to see Will the future Austro-Hungarian Empire be able to bow its knees to Germany?" Karl I asked.

Suddenly, the ministers were speechless. It's not like they don't know that Germany is suppressing the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It's just that they don't want to face it. After all, Germany is too powerful, and if the Austro-Hungarian Empire confronts it, they have little chance of winning. Once the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Germany go to war, if the Austro-Hungarian Empire is defeated again. This time the Germans may not treat the Austro-Hungarian Empire as generously as they did in the Prussian-Austro-Prussian War. The mighty Austro-Hungarian Empire will fall apart because of this fiasco. Therefore, the ministers are afraid to face all this.

"Since our relationship with Germany is doomed to be impossible to live in peace with, then why can't we give it a go? As long as we can withstand the pressure of the Germans this time, then the Austro-Hungarian Empire can say to the Germans No! At that time, we will become even stronger." Karl I persuaded earnestly.

"But Your Majesty, this is too risky. What if the Germans really attack us?" Archduke Friedrich asked. Obviously, he did not think that the Austro-Hungarian Empire was strong enough to resist the German invasion.

"The Germans may not dare to attack us. After all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is a big country, not a small country. If they go to war with us, even if the Germans can defeat us, they will pay a heavy price for it! What's more, if If war really starts, other countries will definitely not stand by. Although the Germans are the world's most powerful country and the world's hegemony, they have not yet reached the point where they can block the sky with one hand." Karl I said.

The ministers are all aware of the meeting between Karl I and US President Woodrow Wilson, and even know that they have reached a secret agreement. Perhaps, this is where Karl I's confidence lies. If Germany went to war with Austria-Hungary, the United States would be on the side of Austria-Hungary. However, ministers remain skeptical. After all, the United States is separated from the European continent by the Atlantic Ocean. Even if they wanted to support the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they would probably be powerless.

Although, the ministers did not quite agree with Karl I's decision. However, they did not expressly object to it either. Karl I still win over a group of ministers. With their support, Karl I's decision was passed.

On January 15, 1917, Mario Weber, Prime Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, announced on behalf of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that the Austro-Hungarian Empire would withdraw from the Allies.

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