Jagged Germany - Chapter 954

Published at 13th of February 2023 07:00:26 AM

Chapter 954: Abandoned son (seeking monthly ticket)

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Karl I has now understood that he has lost a complete defeat. The German offensive has just begun, but the seemingly huge Austro-Hungarian Empire has already fallen apart. One after another, all the states, behind his back as the emperor, reached a secret agreement with the Germans, betraying him and the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire. Even now, even the Austrian army has retreated without fighting. Under such circumstances, what else do they use to resist the German invasion?

Karl I found himself as if he was a clown, and when this matter got out, he would definitely be ridiculed by the whole world.

"It turns out that all my efforts, all my persistence, and all my ambitions are just a joke!" Karl I murmured. Then he stood up and left the war room.

The military and political ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire watched Karl I leave, but no one stopped him.

Although, Karl I is still emperor now. However, after such a major mistake this time, it is almost impossible for Karl I to continue to be emperor. Even if the German Empire spared the Austro-Hungarian Empire this time, Karl I would definitely step down. The Germans will never allow a person who is hostile to Germany to be the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or the emperor of the Austrian Empire.

These military and political ministers have already guessed the result. The best result is undoubtedly that the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart, and everything returned to before the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary formed the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Of course, if the German Empire is determined to completely destroy them, even the Austrian Empire will not allow it to continue to exist. Then, everything will be impossible. The thousand-year rule of the Habsburg dynasty will come to an end.

"Your Excellency the Baron, you set off immediately and head to Berlin to see His Majesty the Kaiser. In any case, let Germany give up its attack on us." Chancellor Mario Weber said.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Prime Minister. However, the conditions of the Germans may be very harsh!" Baron Berchdold reminded.

Chancellor Mario Weber said with a wry smile: "Of course the conditions of the Germans will be very harsh, there is no doubt about it. However, we have no capital to resist. As long as the Austrian Empire can continue, we can accept it." .”

Baron Berchdold nodded, he hesitated, and then asked: "What if the Germans ask His Majesty Karl I to abdicate? Will we accept it?"

The military and political ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire present here suddenly turned ugly. If the Germans really asked Karl I to abdicate, it would undoubtedly slap the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the face again. It even threw the face of the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire to the ground, and stepped on it fiercely. However, they have to admit that the Germans are very likely to put forward such conditions.

"Your Excellency, what do you think?" Mario Weber asked Prime Minister. On this issue, it is far from enough for the government to reach an agreement. It must have the full support of the military.

Archduke Friedrich sighed, and then said: "Your Majesty Karl I, it is indeed not suitable to be an emperor!"

This sentence made the other ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire nod again and again. It was only half a month since Karl I became the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but such a big incident happened, which directly made the huge Austro-Hungarian Empire become like this. If everyone knew that there would be such consequences, even if they tried their best to rebel, they would not let Karl I inherit the throne.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

"His Majesty Karl I caused such a big mess, it is indeed not suitable to be the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If after this time, only the Austrian Empire can be preserved, it is better to choose a new one from the children of the Habsburg family. The new emperor!" said Duke Kasbah, Minister of War.

Baron Marshal Herzendorf also nodded, agreeing with this point of view.

Archduke Friedrich, Duke Kasbah, and Baron Marshal Herzendorf expressed their positions one after another, which undoubtedly represented the attitude of the entire Austrian Army. There may be others who hold the opposite attitude, but that is beside the point.

"In this case, if the Germans insist on asking His Majesty Karl I to abdicate, then they can also agree to their conditions." Mario Weber said.

Obviously, this time the Austro-Hungarian Empire didn't care about face at all. As long as they can preserve their country to the greatest extent, they would rather give up all external things.

However, unfortunately, even so, their goal may be difficult to achieve.

"Your Excellency the Baron, you should set off immediately, for us, time is very precious!" Prime Minister Mario Weber said.

Baron Bercidold nodded.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, since time is very urgent, let the baron take a plane to Berlin! In this case, you can arrive in a few hours. If you take the train, I am afraid that you will be able to arrive tomorrow." Minister of War Duke Kasbah suggested road.

Baron Bercidold couldn't help but glared at Duke Kasbah viciously. After all, aircraft in this era are undoubtedly very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will end up with a plane crash and death. Baron Bercidold didn't want to die so vaguely.

Prime Minister Mario Weber couldn't help but shine, and other ministers also thought this idea was good.

For the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the most important thing now is to get the understanding of the Germans, otherwise, once the German army continues to advance, it will not be a good thing for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It would undoubtedly be the best if we could rush to Berlin in the shortest possible time to negotiate with the Germans.

Although, flying is somewhat risky. However, this is undoubtedly worthwhile for the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Your Excellency, Baron, time is running out, so please take a risk this time! I believe that God will bless you." Prime Minister Mario Weber said.

The other ministers also looked at Baron Berchdold, which put him under great pressure.

Under such circumstances, Baron Berchdold refused to say anything at all. If he dared to refuse, the other ministers would be very dissatisfied. After this time, he might even lose his job as foreign minister. Therefore, Baron Bercidold had no choice but to accept his fate.

"Okay, everyone, I'm leaving now. If I can make it to Berlin alive, I will try my best to get the best conditions. But if Kaiser Wilhelm III is determined to destroy the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then I can't help it It's gone." There was a hint of sadness in Baron Berchdold's words.

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