Jagged Germany - Chapter 971

Published at 13th of February 2023 07:00:05 AM

Chapter 971: abnormal situation

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"Your Majesty, our intelligence personnel discovered that the Austro-Hungarian Navy had left the Trieste Naval Base last night. I have ordered the United Fleet to pursue it." Such a big thing happened, Reinhardt? Of course Admiral Scheer didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately rushed to the palace to report to Qin Tian.

"Has the Austro-Hungarian navy finally moved? The information obtained by the intelligence agency also shows that Karl I has also gone to the Trieste naval base. I think that Karl I should be in the Austro-Hungarian navy at this moment." Qin Tian said.

Marshal Reinhardt Scheer nodded. Judging from the information he has obtained now, the possibility of Karl I being in the fleet is undoubtedly very high.

"Send a telegram to General Hipper. This time, the Austro-Hungarian Navy must be dealt with no matter what. If they are sensible and can surrender, that would be the best. If they don't surrender, then kill them all. As for Karl I, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies!" Qin Tian said.

Although, Karl I can be regarded as Qin Tian's opponent. However, Qin Tian did not approve of this opponent. In his opinion, Karl I was nothing like an emperor except for being headstrong and conceited. Although, because of Karl I, the pig-like opponent, Germany was able to quickly destroy the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, he still kept counting on letting Karl I go. If Karl I could be captured, what awaited him would probably be imprisoned for a lifetime. If you can't capture him, then send him to **** directly! For the benefit of the country, Qin Tian would not hesitate to bear the infamy even for this.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Reinhard Scheer nodded. Of course he is very clear that Germany wants to annex Austria in a stable manner, and then gradually digest it, so that Karl I can let it continue to exist. Otherwise, this will always bury some security risks.

"Without the assistance of the aircraft carrier, will the combined fleet be able to eat the Austro-Hungarian navy this time?" Qin Tian asked. In this regard, he is more or less worried. After all, the Austro-Hungarian navy is not weak. Although it is not as good as the German navy, it can be regarded as the overlord of the Mediterranean. There are too many decisive factors in naval battles, and if you are a little careless, problems may arise.

"Your Majesty, even without the assistance of the aircraft carrier fleet, we will assemble the three main fleets and eliminate the Austro-Hungarian Navy. There will be no problems. As for casualties, there may be. But it will definitely not be too big! "Marshal Reinhard Scheer is very confident in the combat effectiveness of the United Fleet. After all, when the three major fleets add up, they already have a great advantage in the number of capital ships. Not to mention, every battleship can crush any battleship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. In particular, the 50-caliber 410mm main guns of the four "Caesar-class" battleships can tear through the armor of all capital ships, severely damage or even sink them. With such a powerful fleet, the Austro-Hungarian Navy wanted to escape from the Mediterranean, it was simply a dream.

Qin Tian nodded in reassurance. Although the strength of the German navy is number one in the world, it is still a bit stretched if it is to be deployed in the world's oceans. This time, in order to deal with the Austro-Hungarian navy, the German navy had to gather more than 60% of the power of the aircraft carrier fleet. Even the Atlantic Fleet and aircraft carrier fleet were deployed in the Atlantic to contain the U.S. Navy and indirectly participated in this battle.

Although the German Navy has established the aircraft carrier as the main direction of future development. However, subject to the impact of technology. There are still great restrictions on the range and ammunition load of carrier-based aircraft. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier cannot really be brought into play. Once the carrier-based aircraft can attack targets hundreds of kilometers away, and can carry heavy aviation armor-piercing bombs and heavy aviation torpedoes, that is the time for aircraft carriers to dominate the ocean. At that time, the German Navy can use these aircraft carriers to further establish maritime supremacy. Of course, that will also make future naval battles even more tragic.

In the Mediterranean Sea, the German Navy Combined Fleet has set off from Gibraltar to integrate warships from the Home Fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet, and the Indian Ocean Fleet. Four 'Kaiser-class' battleships, four 'Brandenburg-class' battlecruisers, four 'Helgoland-class' battleships, three 'Moltke-class' battlecruisers, four 'Nassau-class' battleships and three 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers. Together with other small and medium warships, the size of the entire fleet has exceeded 150 ships. Facing the Austro-Hungarian Navy, it has an overwhelming advantage.

After leaving the Gibraltar Naval Base, the German Navy Combined Fleet immediately accelerated to the Adriatic Sea. However, although the speed of the fleet has increased to 18 knots. However, it is obviously impossible to intercept the Austro-Hungarian Navy before they leave the Adriatic Sea.

This made Admiral Hipper have to order the fleet to prepare for encountering the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Moreover, many light cruisers and destroyers were dispatched to speed up and go out to a place hundreds of kilometers ahead of the fleet. Once the Austro-Hungarian Navy is found, the main force of the fleet can be notified immediately to prepare for battle.

In addition, Admiral Hipper bought orders to deploy light warships and submarines in the waters at the junction of the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, and paid close attention to the movements of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. At the same time, seaplanes from Sicily also flew to the Adriatic Sea to closely monitor the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

On the evening of February 1, Admiral Hipper received news that the Austro-Hungarian Navy was about to sail out of the Adriatic Sea and into the Mediterranean Sea. At this time, the combined fleet of the German Navy had just arrived in the Balearic Islands. There are still thousands of kilometers away from the Adriatic Sea.

Originally, Admiral Hipper didn't care. He believed that as long as the Austro-Hungarian navy wanted to enter the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar, it would definitely meet them. However, what he never imagined was that at the request of Karl I, the Austro-Hungarian Navy had changed its route. It did not plan to enter the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar, but planned to bypass the Indian Ocean and then enter the Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean depending on the situation.

At 11 o'clock that night, the Austro-Hungarian Navy entered the Mediterranean Sea. Two destroyers of the German Navy followed them from afar. However, when they discovered that the Austro-Hungarian Navy did not turn west, but sailed east, they also realized that something was wrong, and immediately reported this abnormality to the flagship.

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