Jiaochen - Chapter 10

Published at 18th of May 2022 06:07:08 AM

Chapter 10

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He has deep eyebrows and eyes. When he looks down at her, he doesn't have much special emotion in his eyes.

On the light, people can not figure out the meaning of his question.

Ji Qingying stopped and said slowly, "if I said I was counting your eyelashes, do you believe me?"


Fu Yan said nothing.

As if to prove that she was counting, she quietly added, "your eyelashes are longer than most girls."

Fu Yanzhi looked her eyes sideways. The people in front of her looked calm and did not understand what "shyness" was.

He was about to say something when a scream broke out on the other side.

It's the women's group on the stage, changing clothes, wearing loose white shirts and dancing stools.

They are charming in body and bold in action, which makes the audience scream.

Ji Qing seized the opportunity and immediately changed the topic: "Fu Yanzhi, what do you think of this one?"


Maybe he just woke up. His voice is a little hoarse.

Ji Qingying said while watching: "dance on the stage."

"I don't know."


Ji Qingying chokes and says nothing about his ignorance.

She turned to look at him, only to find that he had withdrawn his eyes.

I don't seem to have any interest in the hot dance on stage.

Ji Qingying gazed at him for a while, surprised and asked, "don't you like watching this kind of performance?"

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyes with reluctance: "well."

Ji Qingying said Don't you say men like it

She spoke in a low voice, but Fu Yan didn't hear her clearly.


"It's OK."

Season Qingying curved lips, suddenly feel that they really have unique vision, but also found such a treasure.

"I praise you for your independence."

Fu Yanzhi:

He glanced at her indifferently and did not answer.

Ji Qingying doesn't care about his eyes and continues to look at the stage.

They were quiet.

Ji Qingying focuses on stage performance and Fu Yanzhi looks at his mobile phone. Occasionally she glanced at the past and saw English passages with black characters on a white background.

Ji Qingying saw a few words clearly and always knew what he was looking at.

He's looking at medical information.

It's all in English.

It's amazing.


after the performance of the women's troupe, the three returned home.

Ye Zhen Zhen's work has not been finished, and the quarter after discussion, two people intend to stay up late to continue to do.

Fu Yanzhi listened to the conversation between the two, and asked in a cool voice, "stay up late?"

Ji Qingying nodded: "she needs to rush out. I only have time to teach her today and tomorrow, so I can only stay up late."

She looked sideways and looked at Ye Zhen Zhen: "can you endure?"

Ye Zhen Zhen nods: "of course can."

She looked at Ji Qingying, a little curious: "Ji Xuejie, are you going to be busy with your work the day after tomorrow?"


Ji Qingying smile: "I took a film costume guidance, have to run with the crew, at home time should not be much."

Smell speech, leaf Zhen Zhen Zhen eye bright: "that good ah, what movie is it?"

"Keep it secret for the time being."

Ye Zhen Zhen very understand nodded: "that is good ah, after can you see in the cinema?"

Ji Qingying laughs, "should be able."

After three people got home, Fu Yan Zhi gave Ye Zhen Zhen two words, then went with her.

After Ye Zhen Zhen enters a room, he hangs eyes to see to season Qing Ying, "that trouble you."

"No trouble."

Ji Qingying said with a smile: "but can I ask you for some reward?"

Fu Yanzhi:

He looked at her quietly.

In that pair of pupil eyes, did not have too much deep meaning and emotion, but still attracted her to go in.

Ji Qingying was watched by him, inexplicably still a little nervous.

He looked at me with a serious smile

"I'd love to teach her," she pointed

Fu Yan responded in a low voice: "I heard her say you don't want her to pay tuition?"

Ji Qingying smile, shallow voice way: "raise a hand, I also did not teach her anything."

Fu Yan nodded and said, "if you need help in the future, please say it at any time."

Ji Qingying looked up at him and blinked: "good."

Of course, she would not refuse the door-to-door service.

Although she help Ye Zhen Zhen is not because of Fu Yan Zhi, but if you can kill two birds with one stone, why not.


this evening, Ji Qingying and ye Zhenzhen basically did not sleep.

In addition to Ye Zhen Zhen midnight can not hold up to sleep for an hour, basically are busy.

The pure handmade cheongsam is not as easy as you can imagine. Each step of measuring, plate making, cutting and bucking needs to be done by yourself.

When sewing, if you make mistakes, you may need to start over again.The night passed, and the clock turned a half circle.

The light outside the window is getting brighter and brighter, and a cheongsam is forming.

After finishing the final work, Ji Qingying put the cheongsam on the mannequin, and instantly the whole room seemed to be lit up.

This cheongsam is hung here and decorated all over the room.

See the moment of complete cheongsam, Ye Zhen Zhen's sleepiness is driven away instantly.

She was surprised to see Ji Qingying: "Ji Xuejie! It's beautiful. "

Ji Qingying's eyes are full of little bits of light, she looked at, smile Yingying way: "Congratulations, do very well."

Ye Zhen Zhen is excited unceasingly, a person embraces: "thank you season Xuejie!"

Ji Qingying smile, can understand her excitement.

"Don't thank me. You did most of it. I just taught you something basic."

Ye Zhen Zhen shakes his head, just want to talk, doorbell rings.

Ji Qingying a Leng, "I go to open the door."

"I'll go to the toilet."

Fu Yanzhi looked at the person who came to open the door, his eyes fell on her face for a moment: "still busy?"


Ji Qingying surprised to see him: "how did you come over?"

Fu Yan made a "um" voice and gave her the things in his hand: "have some breakfast and continue."

Ji Qingying is stunned and looks at the breakfast in her hand.

"Thank you."

Fu Yan Zhi did not say much, low voice way: "busy finished let Ye Zhen Zhen go back, I go to work first."

"His heartless, said to the quarter of heartless

Looking at Fu Yan to enter the elevator, the season Qingying this just closed the door.

"Ji Xuejie, who is it?"

"Your brother."

Ye Zhen Zhen a Leng, look to the gate over there: "my brother to do?"


Ye Zhen Zhen can't believe to see what she put on the tea table, pulled up the volume: "when is my brother so good?"


Ji Qingying forbear to smile: "your brother used to be bad?"

Ye Zhen Zhen shakes his head: "be like that, not good bad, too cold."

Fu Yanzhi's personality has been cold since he was a child. No matter who he is, he has the same attitude.

Ye Zhen Zhen also does not hold what hope, already used to.

It's a bit strange to be taken care of by him.

After having breakfast, Ji Qingying did the finishing work for her.

After all the work, the house was quiet again.

Season Qingying played a yawn, after receiving the information that ye Zhenzhen said to be home, the mobile phone was turned into mute, and then went to make up for sleep.


when he woke up again, Chen Xinyu came with his dinner.

"Why are you still sleeping?"

Season Qingying whole person hides in quilt, stuffy ground should voice: "sleepy, now what time?"

"Six o'clock in the afternoon, don't you?"

Ji Qingying

"Oh," she said, closing her eyes. "Then I'll sleep another hour."

"No way."

Chen Xinyu pulled the man up and said seriously, "you must get up. You can't sleep at night."

She looked at Ji Qingying's face and frowned: "what time is busy at noon?"

"More than ten."

Chen Xinyu was helpless: "I know you want to help Dr. Fu's sister, but do you think about it for yourself? How many days before you stayed up late last night? Have you done it yourself? "

Before in order to catch up with the crew's cheongsam, she has not had a good rest for more than a week.

Ji Qingying was silent and suddenly said, "No

"What's not?"

Chen Xinyu goes to open the window.

Ji Qingying lies back on the bed again, stares at the ceiling and says, "it's not because she is Fu Yan's sister that she helped."

Chen Xinyu hands a meal, looking back at her: "I know."

She pursed her lips and approached her bedside: "can I tell you something?"

Ji Qingying looked at her eyes: "I know what you want to say."

Chen Xinyu:

She choked and turned her prepared words around her mouth. Finally, she changed her sentence: "how do you know what I want to say?"

Ji Qingying looks at her.

Chen Xinyu said calmly, "what I want to say is, do you know Sanqing?"

Ji Qingying opens the quilt and gets up: "well."

Sanqing is a luxury brand in China. It has many subsidiary companies, and clothing is the main focus of the company.

Chen Xinyu nodded: "Sanqing is preparing a new generation designer competition recently, there is no registration restriction."

She stood at the bathroom door: "I think you can try it."

Ji Qingying did not say a word.

After brushing her teeth, she said, "I don't have time."

"Where are you running out of time? Time is squeezed out. "

She looked at Ji Qingying directly: "I'm not the one who asked you to participate in the whole country. You don't want to take part in this one?"

She did not wait for Ji Qingying to retort, and said directly, "are you planning not to participate in the competition all your life?"

Ji Qingying just wanted to talk, was blocked by Chen Xinyu: "or do you give up your dream?"The room was quiet for a long time.

Ji Qingying bent down to wash her face and dried the water on her face before turning to look at Chen Xinyu.

Two people deadlocked for a moment, she dropped her eyes, light way: "No."

"If not, sign up."

"You just need to draw the design draft, and I'll help you with the rest," she said

It's not that she has many things to do, nor does she want to force Ji Qingying.

But if she doesn't force her, she can keep herself in the same place all her life.

It's not bad to walk where you are.

She just wants to know what her heart knot is.

She didn't want to see her do it all the time.

Since she took over the film clothing guidance, Chen Xinyu knew that this was a breakthrough.

She stares at Ji Qingying and whispers, "if you still don't have other ideas after the three youth's participation, I won't force you any more."

"Think about it. Just give me a reply before the 15th."

After dinner, Chen Xinyu left.


by the time Fu Yanzhi got home, it was already late.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw the man squatting in front of his house.

She was wearing a light white household dress, showing her white ankles and dragging slippers on her feet. His hair was loose and sagging, blocking half of his face.

Because people are thin, they look very pitiful.

After hearing the sound, Ji Qingying's eyes move away from the mobile phone and look up at him.

Fu Yan looked down at her: "how is it here?"

Ji Qingying "ah" sound, slowly said: "just came a gust of wind, closed my door."

Fu Yanzhi turned his head and looked at the password lock on the door.

Ji Qingying followed his eyes and added, "I was going to sleep in a lock, so I can't open the password."

Fu Yanzhi stares at her for a long time, "um" voice: "why don't you call the locksmith?"

Ji Qingying blinked and looked at him: "I didn't unlock the master's phone. And it's ten o'clock now, and the master should have a rest. "

She pursed her lower lip with a little caution: "can I stay with you for a night? I won't disturb you. I'll sleep on the sofa


Fu Yanzhi stares at her for a while and opens the door.

He opened the door and walked in two steps. He looked back at the man who was still squatting in place. The voice line was deep and said: "come in." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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