Jiaochen - Chapter 19

Published at 18th of May 2022 06:06:51 AM

Chapter 19

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Fu Yanzhi was a little helpless.

The first time.

He met a girl like Ji Qingying for the first time.

It's not that he hasn't been chased.

Fu Yanzhi knew that his appearance could be seen in the range, from school to entering society, he had been confessed many times.

But he would refuse in the first place.

After the rejection, although there are still people who continue to march forward. But within half a month, it will disappear.

Ji Qingying is an exception.

She is beautiful and graceful. Every twinkle and smile is like a graceful beauty from the pictorial of the Republic of China.

It is especially obvious when wearing cheongsam. It looks warm and soft.

Of course, her personality is also gentle and self-restraint, which Fu Yanzhi is very clear.

The same thing.

She is gentle and gentle, but the stubbornness and persistence in tenderness are incomparable to others.

She insisted much more than Fu Yanzhi had imagined.

But her insistence will not cause him any trouble.

There is a balance between the left and the right.

He couldn't find a way to deal with her in a short time. In addition to helpless, or helpless.

He choked again and turned his words around his mouth for several times, but failed to speak smoothly.

Jiqing image is aware of his dilemma, very understanding to bend the lower lip: "no other meaning, just talk about it."

"Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Fu Yan Zhi Lian Mou, staring at her eyes: "there may be something you need to help."

"Say it."

Fu Yan said, "um," help me pick out a gift. "

Ji Qingying turned the lollipop in her hand and asked in a low voice, "the little friend who sent you lollipops?"


Ji Qingying a smile, straightforward way: "good, you call me then."

Fu Yan nodded.

Thank you very much

They didn't stop at the door.

To achieve their desired goal, Ji Qingying convergence back to the house.

After entering the room, she stared at what she had in her hand for a long time and opened it to eat.

Lollipops are much sweeter than she thought.

Sweet let Ji Qingying forget all the troubles and have a good sleep.


at noon the next day.

Ji Qingying didn't go to the hospital because of the rush.

In the afternoon, she found out her mobile phone to send a message to Fu Yan.

Ji Qingying: [doctor Fu, are you busy today? ]

Ji Qingying: [would you like to introduce some local food to me. ]

just sent out, season Qingying mobile phone rings, is the message from ye Zhenzhen.

Ye Zhenzhen: [Ji Xuejie! Are you at home or not! ]

across the screen, Ji Qingying can feel the vitality of college students.

Ji Qingying: Yes. What's up? No class today? ]

Ye Zhenzhen: [yes, but there is a party in our school today. I'd like to ask if you want to come and see it? ]

this is an activity organized by the school long ago, twice a year.

The activity was organized by several majors to promote friendly exchanges.

There are music shows, there are other entertainment activities, and more importantly, fashion shows.

It's the work of schoolmates and the performance of schoolmates.

Relatively speaking, it's very lively.

Ji Qingying looks at her news, which just reminds me of such an activity.

Moreover, the activity time of each semester is uncertain, which is possible in April, may and June.

When she was at school, she and Chen Xinyu also went to have fun.

Ji Qingying has not been back to school since graduation.

If you don't want to, you won't go there for nothing.

This will look at Ye Zhen Zhen news, she suddenly had interest.

Ji Qingying: [what time does it start? ]

Ye Zhenzhen: [7:30! ]

Ji Qingying: [OK, I'll be there later. ]

Ye Zhenzhen: [mm-hmm, you're coming soon. Give me phone information. I'll pick you up at the school gate! ]

after sending a message to Ji Qingying, ye Zhenzhen poked open Fu Yanzhi's wechat: "brother!! There are activities in our school tonight. Can you get off work on time? Would you like to come to see us? ]

as soon as Fu Yanzhi returned to the Department, he saw the information of the two people.

He pointed to Weidun and replied: "where. ]

after returning, he looked at the eye leaf Zhen's.

Fu Yanzhi: [no time. ]

Ye Zhenzhen: [ah! Well, I just asked Ji Xuejie that she wanted to come. If you don't have time, I can only take a taxi. ]

Fu Yanzhi: "skin itching? ]

Ye Zhenzhen: [ I dare not. ]

Fu Yanzhi pulled his lower lip and was about to put down his mobile phone when another message arrived on time.

Ji Qingying: [how about the university town? Zhen Zhen said that their school has a party activity, do you want to have a look together? ]


Another message from ye Zhenzhen also came: [brother! You think my school is in the remote suburbs, right? Can you bear to see Ji Xuejie take a taxi here alone? In case there is any accident in the wild. ]

it seems that this is not fierce enough. Ye Zhenzhen is holding the mobile phone and typing: [and I still owe Ji Xuejie's kindness. Last time, you said that she would come to you at any time. I don't want you to come to see me. Can you give me Ji Xuejie's current driver. ]

Fu Yanzhi glanced at her long message, reached out and rubbed her temple, then knocked down two words: "say more. ]

Ye Zhenzhen: [ Wait for you. ]She put down her cell phone and laughed.

Roommate looks at one eye, curiously asks: "Zhen Zhen, picked up money?"

Ye Zhen Zhen single hand opens easy to pull cover, smile Mi Mi way: "have no."

Roommate:.... "

She took a sip of coke and said triumphantly, "I'm just looking forward to the party tonight."

Tonight, she has a good time.

Ye Zhenzhen is a person who knows his cousin.

If Fu Yanzhi doesn't answer a single word, it will prove that there is no hope. But this time, he has returned two words like that. 90% of them will come.

Such a thought, leaf Zhen Zhen Zhen again happy point.

-It's a coincidence.

Fu Yanzhi is not as busy as he imagined today. He has not encountered any unexpected situation. By half past six, he will be off work on time.

Lin Haoran was surprised to see him in the parking lot.

"Not busy today?"

Fu Yan nodded.

Lin Haoran picked up his eyebrows and said with a smile, "that's a good idea. Have dinner together in the evening?"


Lin Haoran: No, how long have we not eaten together? "

He accused Fu Yanzhi: "is it hard to come true? As Xu Chengli said, you are in a golden house? Now I don't even eat with you. "

Fu Yanzhi didn't even want to respond to this kind of nonsense.

Lin Haoran did not care about his indifference and followed him forward.

The lights flashed and Fu Yanzhi opened the door.

Lin Haoran quickly opened the door of the co pilot.

"Go down."

Lin Haoran:

He choked and turned his head to look at him: "no, my car was sent for maintenance, I rubbed a car."

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyes: "no time."


He light way: "Ye Zhen Zhen has something to look for me."

Lin Haoran nodded his head and said with thick cheek, "that let the Zhen wait."


Fu Yan to drop eyes, looked at the eye time: "send you to the front of the subway entrance."

Lin Haoran choked and could not shake his hand: "OK, cold-blooded and merciless doctor Fu."

Fu Yan did not answer.

After taking Lin Haoran to the subway, he drove home.


as he approached the gate of the community, Fu Yanzhi saw the man standing beside him.

Ji Qingying is still a cheongsam, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Her cheongsam materials, less and less.

What Ji Qingying is wearing today is a short cheongsam with short sleeves.

The color is light gold, very light. The material is made of lace, which doesn't make people feel vulgar. Instead, it's very high-grade and shows temperament.

When the sun falls, there is a kind of illusory light and shadow, graceful and chic.

Qipao to the knee below, exposed a small half of the bone and flesh uniform leg.

It's thin, white and imaginative.

It can't be ignored.

From Ji Qingying appeared at the door of the community, many people cast their eyes on her.

She didn't feel much.

Until she felt a familiar sight in her heart, she moved her sight away from her mobile phone and looked at the side of the road.

Fu Yanzhi glanced at her and whispered, "get in the car."

Ji Qingying put away his mobile phone and walked towards him.

After getting on the bus, she turned to look at the people next to her.

"It's early today."

Fu Yanzhi looked sideways at her eyes, "have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Not long."

Ji Qingying opened a window: "can we make it now?"

"It may be late."

It's rush hour. The roads are congested.

Ye Zhen Zhen's school is not in the remote suburbs, just relative to the city center, do want to deviate a bit.

That's the university town.

Ji Qingying nodded and asked no more.

She looked out of the window, then turned her eyes to the people beside her.

Fu Yanzhi was very attentive when he was driving. He looked straight ahead and didn't have too many expressions on his face.

He put his hands on the steering wheel, and the setting sun slanted in and covered his hands, which was extremely shiny.

Beautiful as rare jade.

Staring at the meeting, Ji Qingying in Fu Yan to frown, very knowingly moved his eyes.

She looked down at her cell phone and stopped harassing him.

When they arrived at Ye Zhen Zhen school, the party had already begun.

Because of Fu Yan to the reason, Ye Zhen Zhen sent a road map to two people directly, also did not come out to receive.

Stop the car.

Two people get off to go to the school, this time point, inside and outside the school are lively.

The shops on both sides of the school are open, and students come in and out.

Ji Qingying also smelled the smell of floating over.

She pursed her lower lip subconsciously.

Fu Yanzhi didn't know whether he found her movement or he was hungry.

"Over there."


Ji Qingying surprised to see him: "where?"

Fu Yanzhi raised his chin, pointed to a shop next to him and said, "eat something first and then go in."

Ji Qingying said Don't you go and see it first? "

Fu Yan to drop eyes: "not hungry?"


Ji Qingying is very honest: "eat some, I want to watch the program in the back."Fu Yan responded and led her to the shop.

The shops around the school are very small, but they have all kinds of internal organs.

What's more, the taste is no worse than that of a high-class hotel.

Ji Qingying and Fu Yanzhi went over, she looked at it and pointed to one: "let's eat this one."

She introduced Fu Yanzhi, "the taste is very good."

"Used to come?"

Fu Yan was caught off guard and asked.

Ji Qingying was stunned and nodded: "well."

"I used to like to come with Xinyu and another friend," she said

Fu Yanzhi looks at her.

"Go in."



after eating a bowl of wonton, they walked to the activity side.

The activity was held in the open space of the playground. The stage built up has a model and a style.

There were many people watching. In addition to the students in the school, some of the students who liked to watch the scene and even graduated from the school and worked in the local area came back without being busy and having time.

Most people have deep feelings for their alma mater.

When Ji Qingying and Fu Yan arrive, they find a position in the corner and stand.

Remote, but ahead.

It's just under the big tree.

She looked up at the stage not far from her eyes and whispered, "I'll send a message to Zhen Zhen."

Ye Zhen Zhen is probably busy, dialed a telephone to come back directly.

"Ji Xuejie. Are you and my brother here just now? "

Ji Qingying answered, a little embarrassed: "late."

"It's OK, it's OK. Our fashion show hasn't started yet. Where are you now?"

"Under a tree on the left side of the stage."

Leaf Zhen Zhen blinked: "under the tree, grow very luxuriant?"

Ji Qingying looked back and said, "well."

There was silence for a few seconds, pressing the voice said: "if you are bored, you can carefully observe the tree."

Ji Qingying was stunned: "why?"

Ye Zhen Zhen contains paste not clear way: "that is the wish tree of our school."

"It didn't catch on until you graduated," she said

Ji Qingying

Zhen is said to be able to make a wish under the tree

She said word by word, "especially by marriage."


Hang up.

Ji Qingying looks back at the big tree behind him.

Her movements were too frequent, which attracted Fu Yan's attention.

He looked in the direction she turned her head. Before he could see the trees, the stage lights lit up and lit up the area.

He saw her red ears.

It is white and transparent, round and attractive.

Fu Yan was stunned and suddenly thought of her previous remarks.

He Carelessly uttered a voice: "what does Ye Zhen Zhen tell you?"


Ji Qingying still thinks deeply about the word "marriage". The more she thinks about it, the higher the temperature on her face.


Fu Yanzhi saw her daze Leng Leng's reaction, hook the next lip corner: "she said what, let your ear red."

Ji Qingying is stunned.

To the pair of deep eyes of the master's speech, she subconsciously reached out and touched her ears.


The ears are burning.

Her lips moved and she couldn't find a word to answer him.

She could not say that her cousin suggested to herself that she should seek marriage with the tree.

Fu Yanzhi, aware of her embarrassment, didn't stop to say anything. Instead, he pressed forward slowly.

He glanced at her in the eye

Ji Qingying

He paused, bent down and lowered his voice: "it's still inconvenient to tell me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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