Jiaochen - Chapter 70

Published at 18th of May 2022 06:05:49 AM

Chapter 70

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The next morning, Ji Qingying was awakened by the light.

She pulled the quilt, her body seemed to have been rolled over, the pain was incomparable.

The hands are not their own, and the legs are not their own.

She rubbed her head in the quilt and reached for the next position.

Fu Yanzhi looked at her movements and bent her lips silently.


He said with a smile, "what do you do?"

Ji Qingying is stunned and his hand is held by him.

"You're not up yet?"

Fu Yan bowed his head and kissed her lip corner: "on the first day of marriage, if I leave, do you want to cry?"

Ji Qingying opened his eyes and looked at him. He was speechless: "I don't have any."

She looked at it. Fu Yanzhi was half lying down with a book in her hand.

Also do not know why, this person's life is too monotonous, do not play mobile phones, occasionally get up early, will not wake up Ji Qingying, has been a person quietly holding a book to read.

Ji Qingying glanced at her eyes and could not understand the medical books.

She pulled Fu Yan's hand: "you can sleep with me again. What time is it?"

Fu Yan glanced at the time beside his eyes: "twelve o'clock."


Ji Qingying's body was stiff: "ah?"

After the pair of narrow eyes to Fu Yan, she remembered the crazy things of the two last night.

In an instant, Ji Qingying's mouth is dry and his face is red.

She opened her lips and looked at him innocently: "it's all your fault."

Fu Yanzhi looked at her red face and probably knew what she was thinking.

He put the book down, side kisses her cheek, low smile: "yes, all blame you."

He took Ji Qingying into his arms and seriously said, "my wife is too attractive."

Ji Qingying speechless, beat his shoulder.

"The first day of marriage, domestic violence?"

Ji Qingying said You didn't blow my house last night? "

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows: "is that domestic violence?"


Ji Qingying said, but he was also worried that he would say something that she couldn't take.

"Oh, you're bored," she said

Fu Yan smiles and kisses her lips.

His dense kiss falls, kiss for a long time, he just let go of season Qing Ying, gently way: "this is very good."


Ji Qingying didn't understand: "what's good?"

Fu Yan to embrace her into the arms, "wake up every day to see you."

It's good to see you in my arms.

Fu Yanzhi thinks that he is not a romantic person. The love between them is not very exciting and intense. Compared with other people, it is more warm and natural.

But that's good.

It's the way they like to get along with each other, and it's also their personality traits.

Two people in bed tired of crooked meeting, Fu Yanzhi also did not have the heart to toss her.

After washing, they went downstairs.

"Mom and Dad, did they go back?"

Fu Yan nodded: "mom sent a message in the group, I have time."

He looked at Ji Qingying with a smile: "after dinner later, we will go to the airport after a rest."

They made a honeymoon trip.

Fu Yanzhi went to work in the hospital and had little time to rest. This time, I took a little longer vacation because of my marriage.

The hospital can operate without him, as powerful as other doctors. So naturally, it was approved.

But compared to others, it's not long.

Seven days.

Can accompany Ji Qingying to have a good time and go where she wants to go.

Ji Qingying doesn't want to go abroad. She wants to go to places with historical sites.

Fu Yanzhi naturally has no problem. She will accompany her wherever she wants to go.

Finally, the two decided on two cities, one in the north and the other in the south, which was regarded as the honeymoon trip.

In other places, there are still many years to go, and they will walk hand in hand.

Ji Qingying is not in a hurry. Fu Yanzhi basically follows her.

He would give her all the time out of work.


they stayed in the room a little longer before they went down to dinner.

Yan Qiuzhi and Chen Lunan have gone back, but left special gifts for them.

Ji Qingying can see that the gift has a little psychological barrier.

She thought of the big gift of late green.

Looking at the boxes in front of her, she turned to Fu Yanzhi: "do you want to open them?"

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly: "don't you want to dismantle it?"

Ji Qingying squatted on the ground and thought about it carefully: "I'm afraid the gifts they give are too strange."

On hearing this, Fu Yanzhi immediately understood her meaning.

With a low smile, he asked in a low voice, "don't you like the green delivery yesterday?"

Ji Qingying

She glared at him coquettishly, some face is hot: "like it."

She said reluctantly.

Fu Yan made the corners of his mouth light hook, reached out and rubbed her head: "take it apart, if it's not suitable to take, we'll let others send it home first."


Ji Qingying is also curious.

She opened it.

As soon as several boxes were opened, she regretted it.She knew!

Her friends, one by one, were not serious at all.

One box, full of all kinds of flavor of the set, the other box, fun inside clothes, sexy nightdress wait.

Ji Qingying looks stiff at these in front of him and secretly turns his head to see Fu Yanzhi.

What a coincidence, he was looking at her in a narrow way.

She choked, blushing, subconsciously trying to cover the box again.

As soon as his hand touched the lid, he was held down by Fu Yanzhi.

He chuckled, glanced at the gift in front of his eyes, and said in a low voice, "it's very good."


Ji Qingying doesn't want to talk and express his own opinions.

Aware of her silence, Fu Yan Zhi fondly rubbed the tip of her nose and said in a hoarse voice, "wife, why don't you speak?"

“…… I don't want to say it. "

Ji Qingying mumbled: "one two are not serious."

Fu Yan to curved lips: "very serious."

He hugged Ji Qingying from behind: "honeymoon should have prepared these, shouldn't they?"


Ji Qingying stares at him.

"Whose honeymoon is so ready..." She couldn't say the rest.

Fu Yan lowered his head and said with her lips, "well, let's try our best to use them up."

Ji Qingying has not had time to react, was blocked by his lips, no longer have the opportunity to speak normally.

Before leaving, all the gifts were crammed into the trunk.


at the first stop, it was dark.

When the wind blows at night, you can feel the biting cold.

Season Qing shadow subconsciously hit a shiver, the next second, Fu Yan to clothes on her body.

"Put it on first."

Ji Qingying looks at him wearing thin clothes, also does not struggle: "then quickly go inside to get luggage."

Fu Yan nodded.

After taking the luggage, a special person gave them the car key.

Originally, this should be arranged by Ye Qing. But Chen Lunan and Yan Qiuzhi said they couldn't give any gifts. Of course, another reason was that they didn't lack anything, so they planned to pack their honeymoon trip.

Fu Yan did not refuse, someone arranged better.

He knew that they were giving back. When they got married, all the Chinese dresses were given to them by Ji Qingying who stayed up late and worked overtime.

When they got the key, they got on the bus.

After the air conditioner in the car was turned on for a while, Ji Qingying felt comfortable.

"It's so cold."

Fu Yan looked sideways and kneaded her head: "it will be a little cold here. There is a blanket in the back. Take it and cover it."


The place Yan Qiuzhi prepared for them is a place with a very good scenery. It is the central area of tourist attractions, a large villa.

There are a lot of B & B around. The villa looks a little bit independent.

After getting out of the car, they walked in.

Ji Qingying looked at the surrounding environment and pulled the clothes of Lafu Yan Zhi: "it's so quiet."

Fu Yan laughed: "well, don't worry, safety is guaranteed."

Ji Qingying laughed: "I don't mean that."

She turned her head and looked, "isn't it a bit big here?"

"Not very much."

Fu Yanzhi looked at her: "very good."

Ji Qingying is speechless.

Fu Yan pointed to the second floor: "there is a larger room, that piece of French windows should be your favorite."

Ji Qingying subconsciously raised his head and could only see a piece of black paint.

After entering the house, the room is bright and clean, and someone has cleaned it specially.

"I'm going upstairs."

"What would you like to eat?"

Ji Qingying's footstep: "do you have food?"

Fu Li should have nodded to the refrigerator

Smell speech, season clear shadow eye bright: "husband."

Fu Yanzhi looks at her and smiles.

"Want to eat fried noodles."

Fu Yan made a slight hook to the corner of his mouth and nodded: "OK, you can take a bath first, and estimate the key time."


Ji Qingying ran upstairs and went around.

She found that the house was very special. Walking back from the second floor, there was a courtyard behind, which was an artificial hot spring.

Ji Qingying raised her eyebrows and had to approve of Yan Qiuzhi's vision of choosing a place.

She bent down and touched the water and sent a message to Fu Yan without thinking about it.

Ji Qingying: [there is a hot spring pool behind. ]

Fu Yanzhi: "would you like to take a hot spring? ]

Ji Qingying: [thought. ]

Fu Yanzhi: [then come back first and take you after eating noodles. ]

Ji Qingying curled her lips and put away her mobile phone.

As she walked into the room, she saw the floor to ceiling window which she had just seen downstairs. The French window was very large and was surrounded by an arc. She could see the scenery outside at a glance.

The villa is located on the hillside, which can bring the night view of the city into full view.

The visual effect is excellent.

Ji Qingying stares at it and likes it very much.

She took two good photos and sent them to the group of their little sisters.

Ji Qingying: [good looking! Thank you Yan Yan. ]

Yan Qiuzhi: [as long as you like, there is a hot spring pool behind, you can enjoy it. ]

chi green: [I also want to take a hot spring! ]

SHEN MuQing: [go to winter in winter. There is a beautiful place in winter. You can also see the snow outside when you soak in hot springs. ]

Chen Xinyu: Won't be seen? ]

SHEN MuQing: [you can only see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside! And that house is very remote, surrounded by shrubbery, basically no one in the past, all natural hot springs. ]

chi green: [that's going. ]A few people chatted and gave the schedule of winter in an instant.

Ji Qingying couldn't laugh or cry, but she was very happy. Although occasionally she can't get in a word, she feels happy when she looks at the noisy people in the group. It seems that time slows down and everything becomes extremely beautiful.

After chatting with them upstairs, Ji Qingying goes to the kitchen to accompany Fu Yanzhi.

The sauce is ready. He is cooking noodles for her.

Ji Qingying watched eagerly and swallowed his saliva eagerly: "I'm so hungry."

Fu Yan to the side of the head, bow his head and kiss her: "there are other things in the refrigerator, cushion belly first?"


Ji Qingying held him from the back and rubbed with coquetry: "I want to eat what you do."

Fu Yan to laugh, holding her fingers to play: "right away."


in the spacious dining room, two people sit side by side.

Ji Qingying looks at the deep fried sauce noodles in front of him, and his stomach purrs.

Fu Yan made a funny look at her, low way: "a little hot, eat slowly first."


Ji Qing Ying blinked and looked at him: "you eat first."

Fu Yanzhi raises eyebrow: "how."

Ji Qingying chuckled: "nothing, you've worked hard." Fu Yanzhi didn't refuse her feeding and opened his mouth to eat.

See him eat, season Qingying is not polite to him, buried his head to eat up.

Fu Yanzhi's cooking skills are getting better and better.

Ji Qingying is always thinking about what shortcomings this person has. I can't think of it for a long time. No one can do a good job, be professional and cook so well.

After eating noodles, it was midnight.

Ji Qingying slept on the plane for a while, but he was not sleepy.

Fu Yanzhi carried the luggage upstairs and looked at the people who were moving around on the carpet and felt funny.


Ji Qingying looks up.

Fu Yanzhi beckoned to her and said in a low voice, "come here."

Ji Qingying smiles and bumps into his arms and presses Fu Yan on the bed.

Fu Yan snorted, but his hand consciously pressed her in his arms.

"What's the matter?"

Ji Qingying rubbed in his arms, coquettish way: "are you tired?"


Fu Yanzhi touched her scattered hair and said in a low voice, "I want to hold you."

Ji Qingying smiles.

She stood up in his arms, her hands beside him, and her eyes were burning at him.

Two people smile in the eyes, only reflect each other's appearance.

Fu Yanzhi looks good-looking, Ji Qingying has always known.

But every time she looked at him carefully, she thought he was more beautiful than she imagined.

Two people looked at each other silently for a long time. Ji Qingying didn't hold back and took the initiative to kiss him.

Fu Yanzhi allowed her to move, not stopping, but not taking the initiative.

Ji Qingying fell in his arms and kissed for a long time. When he was tired, he stopped.

"No more?" Fu Yanzhi touched her hair and asked.

Ji Qingying hum voice, light voice way: "tired."

Fu Yanzhi pinched her face, crying and laughing: "just this strength."

Ji Qingying curls her lips.

"Then you don't Before finishing his words, the man hugged her for a change of position and kissed her with her lips.

"Open your eyes."

Ji Qingying subconsciously opened to see him, and the smell of the man's body was drilled in between his breath, and the faint fragrance on her body were entangled together, and it was hard to part with.

She looked at Fu Yanzhi's movements, the way he looked when he was kissing himself, and the black and bright pupil of his eyes.

She blinked, subconsciously trying to close her eyes again, but heard the man say, "do you like me to kiss you?"

"Yes." Ji Qingying opens his mouth to respond, the hand that hooks his neck gradually tightens.

"Very much."

I don't know why, she seems to like Fu Yan to kiss her more than to do love.

There is no other reason, just like, or even sink.

Two people in bed kiss for a long time, to the season Qing shadow mouth numb, he just slowly let her go.


Ji Qingying murmured.

Fu Yan made a chuckle, pinched her face and said: "small no conscience, now heavy?"

Ji Qingying opened his mouth and bit his hand with his side head: "well."

Fu Yan to helpless, patted her head and said: "how to become delicate."

Ji Qingying blinks and doesn't speak.

"But I like it."

Fu Yanzhi likes her delicate appearance very much. It may be ambiguous to say so, but he really likes her like this.

She used to be too strong to carry everything by herself. Now she will be coquettish and ask him for help. This also proves that he is a person she can rely on and trust.

Fu Yanzhi is very glad that he can give her these.

It also proved that she had come out of the shadow circle.

That's good.

Ji Qingying looks at the person lying on his side, nests in his neck socket: "well."

She said, "you've brought up the delicacy. It's no use hating. "

Fu Yan made a smile: "don't dislike."

He bowed his head and dropped a kiss between her forehead: "I love it."They hugged each other quietly, and then they thought about going to the hot spring.

"What time will you get up tomorrow?"

Fu Yanzhi looked at her: "at will, we do not set the time."

Ji Qingying raised her eyebrows: "how can I go to the scenic spot?"

Fu Yan to laugh: "this time can't, next time, this will be more comfortable."

Ji Qingying thinks that's right.

They took their clothes and went to the back yard.

The hot spring pool is very big. It's made of small wooden houses.

Fu Yanzhi studied and let the water flow out.

Not long after, the room will be haunted by dense fog, looks like the Fairy Spirit floating.

Ji Qingying bent down to touch, a little excited.

"Then I'll change first."

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows: "hmm?"

He looked at Ji Qingying: "where to change clothes?"

Ji Qingying

She choked, her face inexplicably hot: "there is no dressing room over there, I just saw it."

Fu Yanzhi raised eyebrows and looked at her with a smile: "Mrs. Fu."


Ji Qingying and he look at each other, face and neck are unable to control the red up.

She was a little embarrassed: "do you want me to change here?"

Fu Yanzhi came to her and deliberately suppressed his voice, as if seducing Ji Qingying.

"I'll change it for you, eh?"

Ji Qingying legs a soft, can't stand his provocation.

"I It still hurts. "

Fu Yanzhi reached out and began to borrow buttons for her: "what?"

He pretended he didn't understand, and his tone was frivolous: "I'll change your clothes for you. I don't want to do anything."

Ji Qingying choked That's how much I think about it. "

"Of course, if Mrs. Fu wants to, I can be satisfied," he said slowly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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