Published at 14th of June 2024 05:43:17 AM

Chapter 11

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Ben had woken up in a completely different environment from what he had gotten used to in the past couple of months. 

Back in the battlefield, he didn't really get much sleep nor did he even time for any, since the war was constant and his sleeping time wouldn't suddenly just put it to a convenient pause.

He had grown accustomed to waking up to the sound of people scrambling, to his aide de camp calling for him, or to even outright stop invasions and ambushes from the Kingdom's Army. 

And even if there were days where he was free from those incidents. His tent, albeit the most furnished one in the camp, is still a tent. The floor is dirt, there is no soundproofing, and he can hear the noises of the outdoors constantly. It wasn't exactly that much better as some people would think.

He stretched his arms as he sat up and took in his surroundings. The Ramirez guest room was very extravagant, with the symbols of the Golden Tiger everywhere, and even rare roses dressed in vases and the like. 

He stepped out of his covers and a knock came from outside the room. "Come in!" He replied in a shout and the maid came in to check up on him.

"Good Morning, Your Highness." She curtsied. It was the same maid Lady Alejandra had with her yesterday. She was a small brunette, probably of similar age to him, with eyes the color of coffee and a sweet experienced smile formed on her lips. "My name is Teresa Montgomery, I have come by the request of My Lady to give His Highness a small tour of the mansion and estate."

"By all means." Ben thanked the maid's courtesy. "However, if I may request a bit of time to change my clothes?" He pointed to his bare body, which only had a robe to cover the things below his waist.

"Very well." She bowed and left the room without saying another word. Ben raised an eyebrow as she didn't even bother giving him a second glance.

This was new…

A maid who won't be gunning for him every step of the way would be such a blessing. He had often struggled with women his age or older than him trying to seduce or flirt to try their luck at getting an easy up. It was extremely irritating and tiring. He was the Crown Prince after all, and no fear can beat the greedy's desire.

Because of this he's replaced his entire maid staff multiple times already. 

He looked at the clothes that were prepared for him in the closet. They were all of high quality fabric and of regal display, something fit for a true royal, and that of which Ben had always disliked wearing.

Growing up under the teachings of Roselia, he often wore nothing but a plain tunic and some pants, cept some armor for the occasions when it was needed for training.

This allowed him to learn to be agile and quick on his feet. He had grown accustomed to simply wearing light weighted and under fashioned clothes not only because they allowed for better mobility, but they are also simply just far more comfortable compared to the lavish coats and suits that are usually offered to him.

He clicked his tongue and picked out the least flashy pair and went out of the room, where Teri, the young maid, greeted him with a bow.

"Hello, Your Highness." She looked up at him and fired a professional smile. "Shall we get going?"

They went around the different places in the estate. Starting from the different rooms and the hallways, then towards the gardens and the stables.

And with each destination, the girl in front of him answered all his questions with little to no difficulty or problem whatsoever.

"How many books are in this library?" He asked gazing upon the many bookshelves lining the aisles and walls. 

"Approximately 2,430 different pieces of literature are kept in this library, with an additional expectancy of a couple hundred more arriving soon owing, of course, to the Lady's personal hobby of reading." She explained efficiently and meticulously.

"She likes to read?"

"Quite so, Your Highness." She smiled. "I would say she'd read roughly most of all of the books here. After observing my Lady for some time, I've picked up on her habit of reading whenever she could, even whilst doing something entirely different."

"I see."

Then afterwards, they wandered around the halls and lobbies. "How many maids are kept here? The marble is white and the floor reflects the sun, this is very well maintained, no?"

"We have a total of a dozen maids in the mansion, with more staff being separated amongst the rest of the required professions. In total, there are twenty four members of personnel here in the Ramirez Mansion in the Capital."

"That's a small amount considering such a large place."

"You humble us, Your Highness." She stopped walking and bowed her head as a form of gratitude. "We only seek to do our tasks that our employers delegated and paid us to do, this is simply keeping our end of the deal."

Ben felt more and more amazed by this place and especially the Ramirez House after engaging in a chat with one of their maids. Such a young girl being this well mannered and disciplined and with the mansion being well maintained considering a small workforce. 

And this girl…

This young maid was truly exceptional.

This was Lady Alejandra's personal maid, who was exactly as old as he was. Therefore, her maid is a large representative of her quality as a noble lady.

It seems Lady Alejandra is truly a perfect fit for the title of Empress. However, Ben still knew that he had a lot more to do before she would agree to his demands. 

While strolling in the garden and Teresa explaining to him the history of the garden and the different paths you can take to get to places, he asked her another question once again.

"You know, the palace offers a much more plentiful pay than any other House? Would you care to switch to being my personal maid instead of here?" He smirked and the maid halted her steps, turning to face him with a blank stare and an apathetic yet hostile look on her face.

"With all due respect, Your Highness. I dare not betray the faith placed on me by the Duke and Duchess for a mere extra dime. I am loyal to my Lady, and will be by her side until she no longer needs me." She spoke and Ben caught a glimpse of her clasped hand clenching with annoyance.

"It was simply a jest, Miss Teresa. Please, do not get too offended." He apologized and she flashed him back with another professional smile.

"Now if it's alright with you, Your Highness." She pointed her head towards a direction. "It is time to go meet my Lady. She will be nearing the end of her training around this time."



Ben blinked, she didn't answer his question this time around. 

Did he make her mad? Well he kinda feels bad now.

He wasn't actually joking when he said he wanted her as his own maid, since it was the first time somebody treated him with sincere professionalism and nothing more. He needed people like by his side instead of inept brainless chickens running around for a worm while pecking at stone.

He did expect to be turned down as that would have been a total betrayal to her position as a maid and to the Montgomery House, who had served under the Ramirez house for decades.

He followed her footsteps towards what looked to be a barracks with a large fenced up open field in the side. 

Within that small arena, was a tall girl with her hair tied to a high ponytail, light armor adorning her body, and a sword raised on her hand. Across from her was a boy, platinum blonde hair, and wearing the same armor as her, also with a blade on his hand.

It was Lady Alejandra and her Knight. The two of them were sweaty and had their weapons drawn, circling each other, waiting for the other to make the first move in this spar of theirs.

So this is what that maid meant with training.

Well she is her mother's daughter after all.

Alejandra noticed the Crown Prince watching her from the sidelines but she didn't let him distract her.

Asher sidestepped and thrusted his sword quickly after. Without averting her eyes on his form, she weaved her body away from the thrust and skidded her own blade against it.

Asher put his foot to the ground and took advantage of his larger build to swing hard to the side and try to knock her down.

Anticipating this movement, Alejandra ducked down and made Asher swing into the air. She then used her foot to kick him in the shin and have him lose his balance. 

Asher stumbled but swiftly regained his stance by hopping a way to create some distance between them. Alejandra breathed in and stood up to take her position once more as he and Asher stared at each other again.

Alejandra rushed in and did a vertical slash that was easily blocked by the knight. He took control of the flow, by taking one step backward and letting Alejandra's blade fall before following up with a vertical slash himself.

Trying to avoid his attack, she dropped down to her chest and rolled on the ground and swung her sword up catching the knight by surprise.

Asher blocked it with his sword but not before losing his footing due to the unconventional way of striking. The Lady took this chance to lift her lower body up and land a straight kick down his torso. 

This made him crash to the ground and Alejandra took it as her chance to end the spar. She grabbed her sword and swung it down on the knight who laid on the dirt. 

Thinking quickly on his feet he rolled to his left and dodged her slash, then, copying the Lady's move, he drew his blade, passed it to his other hand, and slashed it toward her neck.

He stopped before it could reach her, however. "My Lady, It's my win this time." He chuckled and Alejandra smiled.

"Damnit." She laughed and stood up and offered her hand to help him stand up. She then turned to Teri who was watching alongside the Prince. She raised her chin and gestured for the maid's announcement.

"It's now 94 wins by Sir Asher over 89 by My Lady." Teri announced stoically and bowed her head. 

"Haaaaah…" Alejandra picked up a bottle of water and poured it on her face, drinking the drops that found their ways into her mouth. She then leaned on the wooden fencing and grinned at the Crown Prince staring at her. "Good Morning, Your Highness."

"Good Morning, Lady Alejandra." He smiled and then addressed the knight who was cleaning up the equipment. "To you too, Sir Lewis."

"It is an honor, Your Highness." Asher bowed and made his way back to the barracks carrying the swords and armor that they had used.

Ben leaps over the fence and walks towards Alejandra who crossed her arms, watching him come closer. "I didn't know, you practiced bladework, My Lady." He mused.

"I have the blood of an Azarolla." She replied. "It would perhaps be even more strange if I did not practice bladework, Your Highness."

"That is true." He smiled and looked inwards to the barracks that had other knights training inside. "I suppose this is where your knights train for the day."

"For the ones in the Capital, yes." She explained. "The knights here tend to train hard in the chance that some of them will be brought to the estate in the East."

"Although, it makes me wonder why the Heir of Lewis stays as your guard when he should be preparing to inherit the March." Ben raised an eyebrow as he observed Asher laughing and hanging out with his fellow knights and comrades.

"His Father simply wishes him to be a powerful knight before he becomes worthy of the seat as Head of the Family." She traced her fingers down the lines of the wooden fence. 

"I may have been a bit too harsh on him." He assessed the boy's form and technique earlier. "He doesn't seem like a bad swordsman, instead, he seems to have an exceptional room for growth."

"If only his Father sees what you see." She frowned and Ben could tell the topic had turned sour. He cleared his throat and grabbed a weapon from the ones displayed.

"This sword fits well in my hand." He turns his eyes to the Lady watching his every move. "Are you tired already, My Lady? Or are you up for a spar?" He egged her on with a sassy look.

Alejandra took the egging face first and took him up on his offer. "Oho? My Mother's favorite student, I want to see what she's taught you."

"You humble me, My Lady." He grinned and he looked around to see the brown haired maid still standing there and looking at the two of them with a worried expression.

Alejandra wasn't gonna let this opportunity pass. Of course, she was personally taught by her mother about the proper sword techniques and stances and the different ways you can wield a sword, but this was the boy her Mother considered a prodigy in swordsmanship, a genius like no other.

She felt a bit annoyed and possessive around the fact that her mother favored this boy over even her own daughter.

She knew she still had a lot to think about and mull over, especially the deal with the Underworld, but for now, the hilt felt just right within her palms. Plus…she now had the chance to beat up this sneaky prick without any repercussions.

Of course she'd take it.


Away from the Ramirez mansion in the Capital and in a hidden location in an office sat a man with gray hair and stubby gray beard. 

He wore a simple white shirt with a long overcoat. He sat patiently, tapping at a table, waiting for his boss to arrive. He sipped some tea and before he knew it there were three people in front of him.

"Welcome back, Madam." Hesser bowed his head the moment Maddison reappeared in her office with Elijah and Leslie in tow. "Did the elimination of the rest of the discovered hideouts prove to be successful?"

"It doesn't matter." She waved her hands and Elijah and Leslie disappeared on a moment's notice.

"If you say so." Hesser stood up and approached Maddison, who now sat annoyed in her chair. "Is there any reason as to why you haven't sent me out yet?"

"The Ramirez House, I'm planning to visit there tonight." She clenched her fists. "I'm thinking of talking to the Lady again, in hopes for her approval in the deal. I need you to stay here to manage things while I'm out."

"Do you believe she has thought about it through?" He countered with a question.

"Perhaps…Perhaps not…what matters is that the more I talk to her, the more chances I have of getting her to take my offer." The witch groaned. "If she says yes, we gain more influence and connections throughout the Empire and it won't be long before we spread to the Kingdom."

"Quite so, however…what if she says no?" Hesser pointed out and there was suffocating silence in the office.

"She won't."

"How can you say that, Madam." He sighs. "I have been by the side of the Underworld for the last 3 leaderships, but you, my Madam, have had the greatest ambition out of all them."

Maddison glared, "Your point?"

"If you choose to follow your ambition you cannot get caught up in any emotions whatsoever. Whether it be empathy or whatever else." He explained. "The previous leader already taught you this, Master Bellias was—"

"Don't talk about him!" Maddison suddenly stood from her seat and a choking sensation wrapped around Hesser's neck. "Bellias was someone incapable of chasing after his own dreams, that's why he died, that's why he had his limbs torn off and left for the world to see. He was incompetent and had no shot of succeeding in what I wanted to do! That's why I killed him! That's why he's useless!"

Hessers body floated up and then was thrown to the wall.

"Old man, you don't lecture me about ambition." She grit her teeth and the whole room turned dark from her anger. "I know what I am doing, and I won't let useless emotions get in the way of what I want."

"Y-yes, Madam." He coughed, his eyes diluting in fear of the demon in front of him. 

"Like you, Alejandra Ramirez is nothing but a tool for me to use. She is a mere noblewoman, whose only purpose is to serve as my entryway to the economic web that is this Empire. Just a tool." She walked over to the map in her office and stared at the East of the Empire. "Do you know what happens to useless tools, Rowan Hesser?"

The old man gulped as he felt an intimidating presence from behind the Madam, like a hundred different tentacles warped around her body. 

She looked at the old man with a smile and as fast as the pressure came, it vanished. She walked over and helped him stand back up. She placed her palm on his shoulder and leaned into his ear. "I throw them away." She whispered and like an overwhelming storm, the pressure collapsed over him once more. 

The fear crept up to his throat and he felt like he was going to vomit. His knees buckled and he felt like he was going blind. He fell to his knees in shock.

Maddison simply giggled and jogged back over to her chair and started fiddling with a doll on her table. "Don't worry, Hesser." She addressed him once more, spinning the little doll under her fingers. "If the Lady merely refuses, we leave her alone. After all, we can always make a plan B."

"Of course, Madam." He bowed his head, afraid to look at her in the face again.

"But…if that woman ever goes behind us to stab our backs, well…" Maddison kept smiling as the doll's head exploded into a bunch of stuffing. "You get the idea."

"Y-Yes, Madam." He mutters shakily.

"Now…" She clasps her hands together and gives him an innocent smile that doesn't look like it came from someone as monstrous as her. "I'll prepare my things for tonight."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!