Published at 14th of June 2024 05:42:52 AM

Chapter 20

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“Don't look back!” The Emperor tightly gripped the young heiress’ hand as they ran through the hallways looking for safety. “We need to get somewhere safe.”

“Your Highness, are we near any evacuation areas?” Spoken Maddison, still dressed as the fake Lawrence Madeline. 

The Empress gulped and shook her head. “I’m afraid the direction we went will take us a long while before we reach the Evacuation area.”

“Then I suggest we keep running then.” Said the exhausted Alejandra. “Your Highness, lead the way please.” She looked towards the Emperor.

“Naturally.” He nodded.

They ran across the marble-floored hallways seemingly stretching infinitely. With every turn on every corner, a new hallway appeared like some kind of mocking insult to this tiresome endeavor. Alejandra felt more and more impatient as they circled mindlessly to what felt like looping paths.

“I swear, this whole place wasn't like this before.” The Emperor grit his teeth as he opened doors to similarly looking rooms.

As they continued to run, Maddison, or Lord Madeline stopped in his tracks catching the rest of his group off guard.

“Why’d you stop?” Alejandra raised an eyebrow.

“There's something off…” The noble scrunched his eyebrows.

The Emperor felt his chest droop and a gut feeling in his body arise as he glanced around the hall they found themselves stuck in. “We’ve been going in circles all this time…I may be old but I trust my senses enough to know something’s amiss.” He agreed.

“That must mean we're under an Adjudicator’s Magic then?” The Empress shuddered and stood closer to her husband.


“Likely so, Your Highness.” Maddison smiled warmly. “Fret not, this is but a simple spell.” She walked towards one of the walls and it suddenly collapsed, revealing a hallway behind it. 

“How did you–” The Emperor blinked.

“This wall was the only one that had looked exactly the same every time we had turned a corner.” She explained. “I figured there’d be something wrong with it.”

“That's…amazing.” The Empress praised.

Maddison faltered a bit from her words but nodded. “Thank you, but we have to go quickly now.” She glanced around. “The fact that we were put on a loop means someone has their eyes on us.”

“And with their Illusion Magic,” Alejandra added. “They could be hiding themselves anywhere.”

“Let's continue on for now, but keep your eyes peeled for any strange appearances in the environment.” Maddison instructed. “We are not safe anywhere..and for all we know we might be leading them straight to the Evacuation area.”

The Emperor gulped. “So where do we go?” 

“A place where we can confront them.”

“Then the second garden near the treasury.” The Empress suggested. “An open room and a wide space, it’d also be hard to hide in such an open area.” 

“Then that settles it.” Alejandra purses her lips. “Let's go.”

“Stay behind me, My Lady.” The fake nobleman smirked.

“Although I admit you are strong, I am more than capable of defending myself, thank you.” The Lady glared back.

“Of course, My Lady.” She leaned down and kissed the top of her hand again to which Alejandra jerked back rather quickly.

“Now's not the time for that Madi– Lord Madeline.” Alejandra paused halfway through almost messing up her identity. The Master of the Underworld only smiled at her near mistake.

“Let's head on to the second garden now, Shall we? ” Maddison gestured. “Although, it seems we’re going to have some company ahead of us.”

A group of armed assailants suddenly find themselves inside the ney appeared hallway. They raised their weapons and aimed them towards the four nobles.

“Stay behind, Your Highnesses.” Alejandra pushed them behind her as she stared down the dozens of grunts ahead of them. She then glanced towards the Red Witch next to her, still dressed as a man. “I trust you can watch my back.”

“My eyes are all yours, My Lady.” Maddison smiled.

As Alejandra’s group headed towards the second garden by the treasury, there was also an ongoing fight in the first garden by the ballroom.


“Gah!” Asher stumbled backward as a blade cut across his cheek.

“Sir!” The girl behind her, the thief, Soyeon yelled in concern.

“Get back!” Asher grit his teeth and stomped his foot hard on the ground.

“Gahahaha!” The Tall Guy deliriously laughed. Half his face was bruised and caved in and he had lost much of his teeth, but his eerie smile still presented itself shamelessly.

“Ack!” Asher groaned as his face felt pain long after the cut had been dealt. “What the hell!?”

“Poison really works wonders doesn't it?” The Tall man cackled. “You stand no chance, boy. You get weaker and weaker while I stay the same. Just give up.”

“Shut up.” Asher winced through the pain and raised his sword. “You talk too much.”

“Brat.” The Tall man leaped again and swiftly reached Asher's blade as he blocked the enemy’s initial strike but the knight did not expect a second blade to come from the Tall man’s other hand.

The dagger slashed horizontally, nearly gutting Asher then and there. Fortunately, the young knight dodged right in time to only suffer a graze.

Unfortunately, it was still a poisoned blade. “Damnit!” Asher staggered backward gripping his chest that had a shallow gash on it. If only he had armor, he’d have been able to fully commit without being worried about being struck with poison.

“The Captain was right, it was best to ambush when you were all partying, so the strong have no time to defend themselves.” The Tall man smirked. “I’ve heard of you, heir of Lewis. It would be a valued honor to be the one to take your life.”

“On my dead body.”


“Tsk.” Asher struggled to stand but he held his ground and kept his eye on the enemy ahead of him. He was not letting the woman behind him get hurt at any cost.

“Let's see how long the esteemed Knight lasts shall we?” The Tall man spun his daggers around his palm and then stuck them between his fingers. “Time to test your…reaction time!” He threw his daggers forward.

Asher’s eye widened as he stared down the impending tips of the blades hurtling towards not him but towards the girl behind him. He blinked and a lump formed on his throat.

“Damn.” He sidestepped and, unable to raise his sword in time, took both dagger throws straight at his chest. “Gyack!” Blood spurt from his lips.

“Sir Lewis!” The girl behind him shrieked and raised her hands to catch the stumbling boy. 

Asher struggled to breathe. His left hand dropped the blade it clenched so dearly before and favored on gripping the squeezing pain in his torso. A 19-year-old boy was on the verge of death with no family by his side.

“Sir…please.” The girl, thief, maid, criminal, or whatever else name you could call her cried helplessly as she held the dying Knight in her arms. Her heart wavering perturbed at the idea that a noble like him would go so far for a common girl like her.

“I’m sorry, Miss.” He croaked. “I can still fight.” He stabbed his sword into the dirt and used it as leverage to stand up once more.

“Why…?” The girl’s tears fell smoothly down her pale white cheeks. “I don't understand why you're so determined in protecting me?” 

“The reason doesn't matter. Whoever you are, as a Knight, I must defend those who can't defend themselves.” He directed his sword towards the Tall man who smiled amusingly.

“You're tough, Young Man, I'll give you that.” The Tall man cackled. “but bravado won't be enough.” He pulled another set of daggers from under his coat and stretched his arms as if he were preparing his muscles for a simple morning exercise.

“Don't play me for a fool.” Asher glared. “I’ll fight until I die!” The poisoned Knight charged bravely onto his enemy who laughed in anticipation.

“You truly are a fool!” The Tall man unsheathed his daggers and parried the forward swing that came from Asher.

Asher ducked down and raised his hand towards the sky, bringing it down, and seamlessly transitioning his horizontal cut to a vertical slash.

The two began exchanging cuts and blocking the advances of the other, as they both held ground throughout the sword fight. Each experiencing cuts from the other and each dealing cuts to the other.

“RAAAAAGH!” Asher yelled as he fought with all his might. Cuts formed around his cheeks, arms, and legs, as the fight harshly went on.

“AHAHAHA!” The Tall guy ecstatically laughed back as his body felt the blows and slashes that Asher delivered his way. “THAT'S IT! KEEP FIGHTING!”

Asher swung his arm back and arched his hand for a gigantic slide slash. The Tall guy followed suit and crossed his arms, preparing for a cross-cut attack with his daggers.

The wind picked up as the girl behind a few meters away from them watched the two’s strikes collide and clash into a loud crushing noise followed by a terrible slicing of flesh.

The girl covered her mouth as blood started spewing to the ground and seeping into the dirt. Her knees fell weak as like the body of the Knight that was protecting her, they dropped down to the floor.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the palace was the giant frontal courtyard by the front gate now being used as the main evacuation point for all the nobles gathered.

“Is everything gonna be okay?” Panicked a scared young noble.

“With Her Grace, The Grand Duchess of Ramirez, and His Grace, Duke Bay, the strongest man in the continent… We're going to be fine.” Calmly replied another.

“But what if…you know?” chattered the cowardly noble.

“Stop being so scared and focus on cleaning yourself, you're dirty!” Scowled the one next to him. “Plus we're surrounded by the guards, it's gonna be fine.”

There were more idle conversations of panic and worry floating amongst the rescued nobles as they stood like sitting ducks waiting for the commotion to reach its end. The air of the palace has gotten heavy as they linger in waiting for what's to come.

“Lady Alejandra?” Yelled a lonesome maid, searching for her master. “My Lady? Are you here?” Teri glanced around the many nobles situated in the courtyard, looking for any semblance of her Lady. 

Teri still wore the dress given to her by her Lady for the night. She was to enter not as the Lady’s maid but as the Young Lady of Montgomery after all.

She approached one of the nobles and tapped his arm. “Have you by chance seen the young Lady of Ramirez, good ma’am?”

The noblewoman flicked her arm away from the maid and stared callously at her. “Dare not touch my arm.” She glowered. “I don't like it when nameless nobles act as if they can do whatever they please…shoo!” 

Teri was suddenly pushed away and knocked to the ground. The young maid felt pissed and angry and was ready to spout her title but she merely stood up and tried to clean the dust off her dress but unfortunately, it was now covered horribly with mud and dirt.

“Tsk.” She clicked her tongue to herself as she felt the worry overcome her anger once more. “My Lady, please be safe…” She clasped her hands in prayer, in hopes that the Goddess would approve of such thoughts.

She too realized Asher's absence from the circle of Knights that guarded the evacuation area, as she too searched tirelessly for the young man.

“Where is everyone?” The creeping feeling of worry agonized her, as her dread began to well up more and more. “I need to find them.”

She took off her shoes and prepared herself to run back into the Palace in hopes of helping out any of her dear allies and friends.

“Oy, that girl.” A nobleman points out. “Sh-she’s running back in!”

“Is anyone gonna stop her!?” Commented a noblewoman.

“Oi girl! Don't leave!” Called another nobleman.

Yet, she ignored their calls unfettered and trudged with determination on her path. Without a care for whatever lies ahead.

Thus, at this moment, in her sprint, does she crash accidentally into a familiarly red-haired boy on her way back to the palace.

“Crap!” Shrieked Teri as her butt walloped the dirt beneath her. She glanced up only to be met with the view of the Crown Prince flat on his back on the floor. She gasped. “Your Highness?”

“Ms. Tere–Lady Teresa?” Ben quickly fixed his terms, addressing her as the young lady of Montgomery and not as just some measly maid of a noble.

The girl locked her eyes onto the bleeding thigh of the prince. “Are you okay?! You're very hurt!” She helped him stand up immediately and he thanked her with a pat on her back.

“Thanks…yeah, I’ll be good in a moment.” Ben chuckled. “Where are you going?”

“Back in.”

Ben blinked and his face immediately shifted to a frown. “No.”

“I have to help My Lady at all costs, Your Highness.” She persisted.

“No. It's far too dangerous. Can you even fight!?” Ben sighed and scolded her. “Listen, Lady Alejandra will be fine. She's with my Father, who knows this place like the back of his hand. They're probably at a safe house at this point.”


“I can't let you charge in recklessly.” The Prince grimaced. “Do you not value your life?!” He grabbed her hand tightly, refusing to let her go back inside.

“I have a duty placed upon me to uphold, Your Majesty.” She pursed her lips and snapped her hand away. “If you shall not let me do so, I’ll find another way to.”

“What duty? You're just her maid aren't you?” He said carelessly and didn't realize how much she hated hearing that. “I-I didn't mean it that way.”

“It's fine, Your Highness.” She sighed then fired a spiteful glare. “Even if I am just her maid to you, I am not just a maid to her Lady.”

“Lady Teresa, I—”

She didn't take another second to wait. Instead, she decided to run in the other direction of the castle. Not towards its first garden but towards the direction of the right side of the palace wherein lay the stables and the porte-cochere. 

“Lady Teresa!” Ben yelled warily as she watched the figure of the maiden slowly turn smaller and smaller. He smacked his own head for not watching his words and breathed out a sigh of penance. “I can't just let her run to her death.”,

He squeezes his arm and looks at his bleeding leg. “It's gonna be a bit more before you're fully healed.” He spoke to himself then chased after the young girl.

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