Published at 14th of June 2024 05:42:39 AM

Chapter 32

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Roselia held her daughter’s hand as they followed after the Duke, who, right now, was leading them to the Palace infirmary.

“He’s here?” Alejandra's voice quivered as she stood in front of the entrance. She couldn't keep her heart from panicking as her palms sweat from the horrifying thoughts that plagued her mind.

“Along with the rest of the wounded, most of the knights are being treated by the priests right here in the infirmary.” The Duke explained.

Alejandra clenched her fists and turned to glare at her father. “Then why was I treated differently and placed in such a fashionable room, Father?” She grit her teeth. “Who decided that I must be treated with special care over the others.”

The Duke was a bit taken aback by her statements. Roselia frowned and stepped, and was about to explain the situation when a voice cut them off.

“Do not misunderstand, Lady Alejandra.” The authority that could be felt through the air, as the one and only Emperor arrived, accompanied by an aide. “I merely wish to treat my savior with the highest quality concern. I hope you don't take my generosity as malice.” The Emperor spoke with a silver tongue, much like his son.

It's not like she could be irritated after that statement from the Emperor. She would seem arrogant for denying the thanks of the Imperial after she did in fact help keep their lives safe. Alejandra pursed her lips and kept quiet. “Apologies, You're Majesty. I didn't expect to see you here.” She looked down.

“Neither did I. I expected the Lady to be recuperating in bed, not running around in public with a mere robe.” He remarked and Alejandra blushed and immediately hid herself behind her mother.

“You're Majesty, please.” Roselia sighed and the Emperor chuckled.

“Relax, Duchess, I merely jest.” The Emperor smiled towards the young woman. “I am forever grateful, Lady Alejandra.”

“Y-you’re welcome, Your Majesty.” She muttered from behind her mother. 

“Marquis Caruso, would you please get the Lady a dress.” The Emperor turned to the aide next to him, who bowed and saw himself off, probably to search for a maid who could help.

“While he’s gone, shall I escort the Grand Duke and his family to see the injured Knights?”

“It would be an honor.” The Grand Duke gestured a bow as the Emperor walked ahead of Ramirez and opened the door. 

The infirmary smelled…well not great.

It reeked of iron, blood, and medicine. The walls were covered in white translucent curtains. The entire hall had only one window and it was a large double latch that had the symbol of the church on it. 

The light that passed through turning golden yellow as it shone across the stone floor. There were rows of beds that lined the edges of the giant room. Lamps hung from the walls and the ceilings that helped illuminate the gigantic space.

Priests were scrambling about either talking to Nuns or offering healing prayers to the injured. The beds were draped in white sheets and some of them were already covered head to toe… to hide the…


Alejandra felt the panic rise towards her throat. She scanned every bed for any sign of him anywhere. She knew he was simply unconscious as her Mother had said, but she couldn't help but worry all the same.

“Lady Alejandra, relax.” The Emperor spoke as he walked ahead of them. “Sir Lewis is alright, although he needs more ample time to rest for sustaining such serious injuries.”

Alejandra stopped in her steps and pursed her lips. “Did…Did Marquis Lewis visit?”

Jacob, The Emperor, turned to her with a forlorn expression in his eyes. “He was…busy.”

“I see.” Alejandra felt her blood boil but she calmed herself down quickly. They finally arrived by the Heir of Lewis’ bed. A wave of relief floods through Alejandra's entire bloodstream; she didn't even notice the stranger that was sitting next to him. 

“Umm…” The stranger, a short long-haired pale girl, blinked. “Who are you people?” She glanced the nobles and the Imperials up and down before she choked on her spit, realizing who was before her. “Ahem! Y-Your Majesty! and the Grand Duke!” She immediately bowed right after.

“Rise.” The Emperor smiled. “What's your name, young lady?”

“S-Soyeon, sir.” She answered.

“A strange name.” 

“I’m from one of the Southern States, Your Majesty.” She replied. “I am from a family of half-breeds in the Third Root.”

“It gladdens me to see a foreign citizen caring for my own.” He knelt down and gave her a shoulder pat. “Forever hail the World Tree.” He chanted in respect.

“A-ah…” The girl, Soyeon, bowed her head once more. “G-Glory to the Crimson Dragon!”

The Emperor chuckled and looked back towards the ducal family behind him. “I will leave you to be with him now. I must visit the rest of the Knights.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The Duchess curtsied and the Duke bowed. 

“Oh! And Lady Alejandra, after you get changed into a dress. Meet me in my office later.” The Emperor waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll see you soon.”

Roselia frowned at what Jacob had said but turned her attention to the Knight under Ramirez. “Asher?” She called upon his name but there was no response.

“The priest said it’ll take at least another day before he awakens.” Soyeon said. “He was badly poisoned in the battle he had to push through.”

“What exactly happened?” The Duke, Joseph, grabbed a seat, and sat down next to the ailing man. 

“He…saved my life, Your Grace.” Soyeon looked longingly towards the unconscious knight. “Even though he could've left any time…He kept fighting to save me.”

Alejandra winced and shifted her gaze, to hide away the scornful look in her face. The Lady hated the fact that she felt angry right now.

Angry towards an innocent young woman.

Angry towards the person Asher nearly died to save.

She hated it. She hated this feeling. She hated feeling selfish and unkind, but if it had to be that girl on that bed and not Asher, she would much prefer that. 

She knew Asher would probably scold her for feeling this way but she valued her people’s lives over strangers. 

A guard then came and walked over to the Duke and whispered something as Alejandra noticed the Emperor make his leave. She then witnessed her Dad’s face turn grim and her curiosity grew. 

“Roselia.” His tone was serious. Alejandra knew this was an extremely important matter, since he didn't even bother calling Roselia by her pet name.

“My Dear Duke? Is something the matter?” The Duchess frowned and put her fingers on his chest to try and calm him down.

“Alejandra, I’m afraid your mother and I will be spending the next few days in the palace.” The Duke pursed his lips and then had a silent conversation with the Duchess just with their eyes.

Roselia nodded and followed after the Duke who exited promptly by the front door.

“A-aren’t you going with them, M-My Lady?” The girl, Soyeon, looked up at her with her slanted eyes. Alejandra felt pissed looking at her face next to Asher’s but she held herself back. 

“I’ll be staying with my personal Knight for a bit longer.” She emphasized her possessiveness towards the man but she can't exactly bully the innocent lady in front of her.

“I-I see.” Soyeon nodded. “I’ll get you something to drink then.” She ran away in a direction, leaving the Lady behind next to Asher.

Alejandra felt even more guilty. She seemed like such a nice girl too, yet there she was, a noble woman, exuding an extreme amount of hostility.

If someone looked at this scene, it would probably look like a villainess bullying a poor innocent girl. Alejandra sighed and dropped her head on the bed.

“Ash… I kept telling you. You don't have to save everyone.” She mumbled. “You may be a knight but you’re my knight. That means you being able to protect me is your top priority.”

“I don't like seeing you like this.” She glanced towards the unconscious man. “Teresa would hate it as well.”

Alejandra reached over and grabbed his hand. “I should've been there by your side when you fought, I should've fought alongside you.” Alejandra felt a lot of guilt eat her up inside. “As your sworn Master, I am sorry for being incompetent. You're my dear friend and Knight, but I can't do anything for you right now.”

Alejandra leaned her head into his hand and it felt harder to breathe. Tears welled up and she felt like she was going to burst, but she composed herself.

She decided that it was time to set her life straight. To get stronger to protect the people she loved, she was going to become as powerful as her mother. 



She remembered a few nights ago. The last conversation she carried with the Red Witch. She remembered…

What did she remember?

Her head rang from trying to remember that night.




It was bits and pieces. Like a puzzle that just wouldn't piece together.

That reminds her. What happened to Maddison?

She couldn't have simply disappeared. She was behind Alejandra while the Lady was fighting the Captain. 

“My Lady?” A voice called out and for a split second her heart jumped out of her chest thinking it was Asher but it was simply the voice of the girl he saved. She tried to stop herself from looking too disappointed.

“I brought you some water. I-It’s not anything special but it was the only thing the priests had.” She mentioned and handed her a cup.

The priests of the church. They didn't carry any special magic in them except the few Adjudicators who joined but every priest and sister is trained in medicine and herbology. You could call them less of a church and more of a charity group that wanders the Middleworld and helps distant villages in either Kingdom or Empire.

The Church of Asmodeus is an unaffiliated organization that both the Empire and Kingdom can't do anything about. It's a faith based group that worships Asmodeus and helps in the aid after a war. They don't participate in the war itself but simply stay in the backlines of both parties to heal those injured.

If you asked Alejandra, they weren't exactly as pure as you would expect a bunch of wandering doctors to be. 

As much as they hold themselves in high regard, they don't actually take any action to prevent violence and war, they simply just put a bandaid over the cut after it's already bled enough.

Still, she can't fully fault them. Their entire belief is about being passive and kind which inherently disconnects them from doing anything major.

Alejandra drinks from the cup and stands up. She wipes her eyes to hide the fact that she was close to crying. “Thank you.” She said and the girl blinked before bowing.

“Ah! It was my pleasure.” She had a smile as she did so.

Alejandra once again felt a bit annoyed but it wasn't entirely the case anymore. She was about to talk to the girl more when the door to the infirmary opened and revealed a nobleman.

“Where is he?” An aged man with platinum blonde hair and a tired look in his eye scanned the room and addressed the priest on duty. Alejandra knew who that man was and she wanted to punch him immediately.

“Marquis Lewis.” Alejandra muttered under her breath. The noble looked around until he finally made eye contact with the Lady.

He approached her with an indifferent look in his eye. “I see you're awake, Lady Alejandra.” He frowned.

“You're doing well, Marquis.” She bit back. She didn't even try to fake being pleasant.

“Uh–ah– Nice to meet you, Your Grace. I’m Soyeon, the girl your son saved during the ambush.” Soyeon bowed and introduced herself but the Marquis didn't even bother glancing at her direction.

“It seems my idiot son made a tragic blunder. Saving commoners when he should've been protecting the Grand Ducal Heir.” He scoffed. “Apologies for his ineptitude, My Lady.” 

“Do not worry, Marquis, he was quite dependable in his work. I apologize if the Captain of the Royal Guards is too blind to see it.” Alejandra didn't waste time insulting the Marquis, who was in fact the current Captain of the Royal Guards and the one who co-leading the investigation against Alejandra.

“Hmph.” He turned his eyes towards his unconscious son and walked towards him, pushing Soyeon away without even as much as looking at her. “It seems he’s awakened to some Adjudicator Magic as well.”

“Isn’t that lovely?” Alejandra didn't know this and when she heard it, she felt so excited for him… but she couldn't show that side of hers towards this jerk that calls himself Asher's father.

“Hardly. He should only be capable enough to do so. He is my heir after all.” He spoke with apathy. 

“Do not fret, whence we return to the East, he will be trained by my mother with the Magic he had recently obtained.” Alejandra announced. “Your Grace should not be worried.”

“I’m afraid you've misjudged my Lady.” The Marquis turned to her. “My son has already resigned from his servitude.”

“Excuse me?”

“He had put in his two week notice at your father's behest and it had been rendered effective… today.” The Marquis approached the Lady with unbridled hostility.

“That doesn't make sense.”

“My Lady, I’m afraid my son has to now begin his training to be the Heir of House Lewis.” The Marquis loomed over her. “He will not be returning to the Ramirez Duchy for the foreseeable future.”

“I won't allow that!” Alejandra stood her ground and the Marquis simply walked past her.

“I suggest you bid your farewells now, My Lady.” The Marquis began to walk away. “His treatment shall continue at the Lewis estate where we will not be taking visitors.”

“You can't do this!” Alejandra turned to glare at him with anger.

The man simply sighed and looked as uninterested as always. “It's already done, My Lady.”

He left without letting her say anything afterwards.

“M-My Lady?” Soyeon reached over and tried to touch Alejandra's shoulder but she jerked back out of anger. She turned to face the girl.

Was it her fault?

Was it because of her that Asher's being taken away?

Was it all because he got hurt?

Rage. Confusion. Hate. Guilt.

She couldn't tell which was which.

All of these were flooding her brain as she couldn't calm herself down any longer. She felt a boil in her blood. It felt horrible and her vision was waning. It also felt like her body was being swallowed by a dark haze.

“My Lady, you're glowing!” Soyeon pointed out. Alejandra had begun to radiate a white aura around her. It was her Spirit, it was leaking out due to her anger.

Alejandra quickly closed her eyes and punched the floor to calm herself down. The floor cracked and it created a dent as the powerful amount of her spirit was released in that blow. Thankfully, doing so seemed to have quieted the rage inside her.

She fell to her knees and struggled to breath. She grasped her chest as she stared at what she had just done. 

“My Lady!” Soyeon, without a second thought, rushed to her side and helped her. “Do you need some more water? Priests!”

The Priests and Nuns who were simply staring at her in fear finally were called to their senses by Soyeon. They ran and got some water for the Lady to drink.

“Have you calmed down?” Soyeon caressed her back as she drank some water.

“Why are you being so nice?” Alejandra grit her teeth. “I was pretty rude to you wasn't I?”

“Ah…” Soyeon looked away, embarrassed. “I think from now on, I’d rather be kind to people no matter what. After all, that's the reason I’m still alive.” Her eyes drifted to Asher who laid quietly in his bed.

The Lady grinned and turned to face the young girl. She grasped the girl's hands who yelped and dropped the cup which shattered on the floor. Alejandra felt pissed right now, no longer at the girl but at the Marquis. She was going to prove to him that he shouldn't mess with her people, even if one of them was his son.

She looked at the girl’s eyes. If she couldn't accept Asher’s sacrifice for a stranger. She's going to make that stranger one of her people.

“Soyeon.” Alejandra stared at the panicked girl. “Would you like to become my Maid?”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!