Published at 14th of June 2024 05:42:38 AM

Chapter 34

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“Brrrrrr–” A young girl, brunette, and covered in a cloak shuddered inside a carriage. “It's so cold here.”

“I can hear my teeth chattering.” Another girl inside the carriage, this time with straight black hair, fair white skin, and slanted eyes agreed with her. “Aren't you cold, My Lady?”

She addressed the final person in the carriage and the one in front of them. A young woman, with tan brown sunkissed skin, around the age of 19, sitting quietly staring outside the carriage window.

She had her black hair tied to a clean bun. She wore a furry coat over a comfy blue dress. She turned her eyes towards her two freezing maids. “I’m not cold at all. In fact, I am extremely excited!” She grinned from ear to ear.

“Ehhhh?” Soyeon, the eighteen year old girl with long black hair, gawked at her Lady. 

Teresa, the young 16 year old brunette, sighed. “You get used to it. Our Lady is a strange one.” She shrugged. “Lady Alejandra must be hot with excitement.”

The carriage soon came to a stop as it arrived at the castle gates. The Coachman slipped down the reins and knocked on the window. “We’ve arrived, My Lady.” 

Alejandra stepped out of the car with a bright smile on her face. She smiled as she was greeted by a bunch of Knights in black armor. They saluted and a horn blew to signal the appearance of someone important.

Alejandra could hear her two maids behind her clamoring to get down but try as she might, she couldn't take her eyes off the scene playing out before her, as a gigantic armored white bear walked out of the castle gates. Riding it, was a woman with short black hair, a cut on her lip, and black armor adorned with a beautiful white cape.

“Good day, My Niece.” The woman spoke, she was massive and her voice was deep. You could tell by her posture mounted on the bear that she was comfortable and in control. “I am the Duchess of the North… Amelia Azarolla. Welcome to the Northern Duchy.”

Alejandra stared in awe at the woman before her. The woman who was called the Spear of the Empire. A woman capable of holding back an army of demons on her own.

More often dubbed, The Woman Atop the Frozen Throne.

Amelia had a gentle but stern smile as she slid off the polar bear and approached the awestruck Lady. “How was your trip, I suppose you traveled through the River Fría?”

“Indeed, Your Grace.” Alejandra knocked back to her senses curtsied. “It took a few days but we’ve arrived at the City of Hielo as you have instructed.”

“It seems you at least know some manners from the Capital.” The Northern Duchess scoffed. “My sister has definitely taught you well.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Your Grace.” Alejandra bowed her head. She wasn't stupid, she knew the Duchess meant it as an insult to her mother. What surprised her was the fact that the Northern Duchess had no intent of hiding her malicious spite.

“Listen well, Alejandra,” The Duchess walked forward and tapped the Young Lady’s shoulder, “the North has barely no need for such etiquette. Surviving here means proving your worth.” She explained as she gestured the Lady and her entourage into the city of Hielo.

Alejandra had to ask one thing before she followed, however. “What if I don't prove to be useful then, Your Grace?”

The Duchess came to a stop in her step. She turned her head back with a gaze of overwhelming and freezing apathy. “Then you will simply perish under the snow.”

A lump formed on the Lady’s throat as she gazed at the Duchess’ broad back, unyielding and unmoving, the back that carries the weight of North in its shoulders.

“I will do my best then.” Alejandra bowed once more and Amelia smiled for the second time in this interaction.

“Let us hope your best will be enough.” She had a cold look in her eye but it vanished almost as instantly as it appeared. 

Then, as if to state its impatience, the massive polar bear next to Amelia nuzzled its nose on her shoulder, likely indicating its desire to start moving. Amelia chuckled a bit and scratched the bear on its snout. “It seems Candle here would like to return to the castle now.” The Duchess glanced towards Alejandra and her two attendants.

“Shall we go then, Your Grace?” Alejandra asked and the woman only shrugged.

“Knights!” She referred to the armored soldiers that greeted Alejandra alongside her. “Take her baggage and drop it off at Castle Hielo. I’ll be taking a walk with my niece.”

“Affirmative, Your Grace.” They bowed and walked over to the carriage to pick up all of her packed luggage and items.

“Now, Alejandra. Walk with me.” Amelia called to the Lady. “I’ll show you around the city.”

As Alejandra entered the city of Hielo following after her aunt, a different reunion was also happening in the North.

Amidst the cold winds and barren snow, a certain man was walking through it all. He carried with him not anything but his own body as he traversed the freezing wasteland with barely an inch of his own life left.

“Haaah~” His breath was visible in the air. His legs felt like they were being pierced by needles as his limbs were all frostbitten. “Leilo. You purple bastard.” He cursed as his remaining strength depleted and he fell into the ground, sinking in the snow.

He felt around his body. That's right…he lost his arm in that battle against that monster. Thinking about it, this coldness reminds him of that night. 

He scoffed. After surviving that near death situation he didn't expect that getting betrayed was the way he was going to go.

Hughie Monroe laid on a distant unknown snowy hill as he breathed out his final breaths. 

“So the Captain of the Ambush is gonna let this be his deathbed?”

A voice rang through the cold. 

Hughie opened his eyes and what awaited him was striking red hair as a woman loomed over him. He chuckled and found his situation even more hilarious.

“What are you doing here, Red Witch?” He addressed her. 

A woman covered in a suspicious black cloak that stood out amongst the endless white. Its hood was let down so that her hair could blow on the chilly wind. She wore heavy clothing and her boots were tight that stretched to her knee.

“You didn't think, I’d let you survive that day so easily didn't you?” Maddison squatted down and placed her chin on her knees. “You’ve seemed to have gotten yourself in quite the predicament.”

“Heh, you could say that.” He turned his eyes away. “After my mission was done and we’d retrieved the Demon King's heart… Leilo, seeing that I can't fight as well anymore, decided to dispose of me.”

“Where is he now?”

“I don't know.” He closed his eyes. “He took me with them, making me think he was gonna find a way to help me, but then he threw me out in the cold with no food or anything.”

“Where did he say he was going?”

“Hah! You're really something aren't you.” He glared at her. “Someone's dying right in front of you and all you do is ask questions.”

Maddison said nothing back.

“Listen, Witch. Even if I was betrayed by my commander, my loyalty still lies with the Kingdom.” He grimaced. “Though, If you do find Leilo. Give him hell for me would you.”

“What does he look like?”

“He was the one that planned that whole ambush.” Hughie groaned. “Purple hair, stubble, slightly tall, and has this punchable energy around him.”


“Didn't know the Witch could laugh.”

“Don't cross me.”

“What does it even matter? I’m already dying.”

“Are you expecting me to save you?” Maddison raised an eyebrow and the Captain only laughed.

“I know dwarves would sooner turn sober than expect that.” He smiled. “You're a self serving girl, saving me gives you nothing but more problems.”

“That's quite a negative view of me.”

“And an accurate one at that.” He closed his eyes again

She remained silent.

“So what now?” The Captain challenged. “Are you going to finish me off yourself for almost killing your girlfriend, or are you leaving me here to die?”

“I’d rather not get my clothes dirty.”

“Figures.” He sighed and opened his eyes to glare at her again but she had already vanished. “Leaving me to die it is…” He chuckled.

At least he carried one final conversation before his demise. He clenched up and accepted his end when certain footsteps and clanging was suddenly heard from far into the snowy mist.

He found it funny. Maybe he wasn't entirely accurate after all. 

“There is a person!” A voice called from beyond the frosty veil.

“The woman was right!”

“Get the lamp and blankets!”


Hughie stared into the Northern Sky. I guess she gave him a chance to live. 


She isn't as self serving as he had thought.

Back towards the City of Hielo, Alejandra’s jaw had not once shut as they walked around the bustling streets.

She saw many things she never did in the capital or the east.

There were many other races roaming the streets, some carried with them goods for their business, others simply looked like normal citizens.

Dwarves were stroking their beard and having a pleasant conversation in some beastwoman’s outdoor food stall. 

There were elves scanning and arguing over some scrolls and books.

Orcs ran forgeries and handed weapons over to Humans and a bunch of other races.

It was such a diverse crowd. One that Alejandra never even thought about before.

“Surprised?” Amelia shrugged. “The other regions always carried intensive procedures for foreigners to get accepted into their society.” She then gestured towards the whole city. “The north has no need for that. We allow those who are seeking opportunities here in this barren snowland.”

Alejandra blinked… The North was so desolate in its resources someone wondered why so many races and merchants would even consider investing time into it.

Well for the Daughter of the Empire’s Richest Man, the explanation is all so simple for her. Her Father himself owns a few businesses up in the North and she had first hand experiences in managing their taxes, revenue, and transport of goods.

The North in face value is a desolate wasteland, a place where there is absolutely no sustainable resource you could make a living with. 

Compare it to the East, with its high agriculture due to being located near two large lakes, a river, and the coast. It makes it brimming with plantlife and marine life that it can use as goods for trade.

The South has connections to Areem, the Southern Coalition, not only that they're a source of high amounts of jewelry. By having the best artisans and access to a large amount of gold, silver, and diamond mines located in its territory, it's no wonder House Caruso became so influential.

The West, although in war, doesn't lack the supply due to its extensive iron and copper mines that makes it easy to create weapons and tools that it can also use for trade.

Compared to the other three regions, The North only has a couple of iron mines and a total lack of viable plant life due to how cold the climate is and how heavy the snow falls.

The North has one thing they have access to that the rest of the regions do not.

The Northern Outlands.

The Outlands are a place of complete utter scarcity. A place where no civilization can take a foothold. It is a part of the world where only two groups intermingle.

The rare elusive barbarian race, a group of individuals who settled in the Outlands for unknown reasons and are rarely seen and even heard about. 

Some find their way to the mountain pass but disappear as mysteriously as they entered.

However, the other group are the demonic beasts. Animals that are warped into disgusting vile monstrous creatures that seek to destroy all that they see. They wreak havoc in Northern towns and villages and kill anything that moves indiscriminately.

They are also a source of impeccable resources.

That is the true value of the North.

They deal in demonic fangs, fur, hides, meat, and other materials you’d usually get from normal animals and cattle. 

The North is known to actively hunt out Demonic beasts and use the game they collected to trade across the Empire.

Demonic fur has always been extremely comfortable and known to keep warmth for longer than most other animal fur.

Depending on the creature, their fangs, claws, and talons can prove to be good pieces of decorations or mixed into a weapon due to their toughness and durability.

Demonic hides, depending on the type, can be used to reinforce armor, create strong leather garments, and it is even used for luxury.

More than half of the North’s income and economy are from the demonic beasts found in its borders and in the Outlands.

As such, there is an occupation exclusive to the North: A Hunter.

People who deem themselves capable enough to venture out into the Outlands to hunt down Demonic beasts and earn money by selling it to the Duchy.

Of course there are also businesses that are formed by creating special guilds that trade the resources obtained from Demonic beasts for money, better gear, and even food.

Most of the cuisine in the North is from Demonic beasts as well. 

The North is a place filled with opportunity not for the normal people but for those who are adventurous and capable Hunters that can defeat beasts with ease.

That is exactly why Alejandra has always wanted to visit the Azarolla territory. As a swordswoman and as a businesseswoman, the entire culture of hunting and trading is completely different from all the other regions. 

The curiosity she has is about to tip over by how overflowing it is.

“Alejandra.” Amelia called to her and dragged her back again to the current reality. “We will stay at Hielo for a few days before we leave for Nieve. At that time you are free to enjoy yourself in this city.”

The Lady’s eyes sparkled like glitter. “Thank you so much, Your Grace!” She squealed and immediately started drawing notes and plans for her itinerary in this short vacation.

The Duchess eyed her niece who seemed brimming with enthusiasm. She could only look away and sigh as a frown forms in her head.

She wanted her niece to enjoy her first few days in the North because the Duchess was afraid that she would suffer in the next coming months of her stay here.

Azarollan Spirit is volatile. It is impossible to fully contain and control. Living with this blessing allows you to defeat almost any enemy with relative ease, but with the cost of losing your own sanity and a portion of your life being taken away.

“I DON'T WANT HER TO DIE!” The voice of Roselia rang in her head. The memory of their fight a few years ago replayed in her head.

“Your Grace?” The Lady called behind her, possibly wondering why the Duchess had stopped walking. “Is something the matter?”

“Alejandra…” Amelia said her name. A name she never thought she’d get to speak at all. A smile formed on her lips. “It's nothing… we shall head back into the Castle and rest there for the night. You can start your exploration tomorrow.”

Alejandra smiled with anticipation.

A new place. A new environment.

It was truly a brand new experience.

This next few years of her training…what could come of it?

The Lady could only ponder.

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