Published at 14th of June 2024 05:42:36 AM

Chapter 36

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The day was bright and the sun was beaming. It felt hot despite the cold winterscape. Dwarves walked around the street, lugging around individual wares and merchandise. Their big arms yet stubby frame makes them excellent labor workers in the industry.

One of them built up a sweat as he plopped down a large box filled with produce from the East. “Er ya go!” His voice was gruff but hearty.

“Thank you, Sir Cavael.” An elf with tall pointy ears, long wavy blonde hair, and bejeweled green eyes. “You can leave them there. I’ll be ready with your pay in a second.”

“Oh, don't worry about that Boudicca.” The Dwarf, Cavael, scoffed and chuckled. “This ere’ was my last job under the morning sun. I’d rather you hand me o’er a pint eh?”

“It’s not even lunchtime yet and you're already looking for Alcohol?” Boudicca, the elf, sighed. “Mr. Cavael, Alcohol is bad for you, you know?”

“Not for my Dwarf Body!” He flexed his biceps and punched it as proof. “We are 50 percent mead inside. AHAHAHA!” He bellowed in laughter.

“Jeez.” Boudicca shook her head in dismay and poured the old man a pint of beer. “Just don't come to me when you have liver problems.”

“AHAHAHA! You don't have to worry about that!” He slapped the counter with a loud smack. “How's yer ol’ man?” He combed his long orange beard.

“He’s the same as usual.” Boudicca shrugged and sat down behind the counter. “He’s still up in arms about his research. He hardly manages to help around the house anymore.”

“Heh. All you elfies always going on about yer research.” Cavael smirked. “Sometimes ya gotta get out and kiss some dirt!”

“That's a bit…”

“I meant no offense with my statement, lass.” He shook his head quickly. “It's just…seeing y’all worked to the bone while your ol pops is satisfying is dream doesn't seem…all too kind.”

“I understand, Mr. Cavael,” Boudicca frowned, “but I’d like my dad to enjoy his study a bit more, it's keeping him happy.”

“What about you then?” The dwarf leaned back on his seat. “Who's gonna keep you happy?”


Her reply was cut off as the bell inside the store rang. Someone important had entered as she had a beautiful dress and coat and had Ducal Knights escorting her. Her face reminded Boudicca of the Lord of the North's, the aura of someone powerful radiated from them.

“Good morning!” Boudicca put her sales face on and greeted the noble. She didn't feel comfortable with important folks like them entering her establishment. Since most of them tend to be more frustrating than anything. 

Cavael simply raised an eyebrow as the noble girl took a seat with her two maids, surrounded by her Knights, who after some minor convincing shortly left the vicinity.

“This is a diner, right?” The noble lady asked, there was a familiar curious sparkle in her eye. It reminded her of her father. 

“Indeed it is, Miss. Do you have something in mind that you'd like to order?” Boudicca asked, fully expecting to have her reply with something entirely fancy.

“I’ve heard that the food here is starkly different from the ones in the other regions! My Lady.” One of the maids, the taller one, spoke excitedly. “It's a bit fun, isn't it?!”

“I would only expect so, with such unconventional ingredients.” The Lady replied with a chuckle. 

“Keep your voice down, Soyeon. We aren't some boorish plebeians, even normal civilians have class.” The shorter maid reprimanded the tall one. It seems that she was the older of the two.

“S-sorry, Miss Teresa.”

“Don't be so harsh on her, Teri.” The Noblelady gave the taller one a sympathetic look. “She has yet to complete her training.”

“Which is why I can't understand why you brought her along.” Teresa complained.

“Cause I wanted to get to know her better?” The Lady responded quite easily. “Same for the both of you.”

The shorter maid, Teresa, flinched at that remark. “Apologies, My Lady.”

“And you don't have to be so professional, it's just us three.”

“I’d rather not have Soyeon pick up on that attitude.”

The noble lady laughed as she chatted with her maids, which to be honest, was quite unprecedented for Boudicca’s perception of nobles.

Usually they won't even sit down with their servants, more so eating with them.

The noble lady then raised her hand as if she had settled on an order. Boudicca blinked before realizing she had to do her job and hurriedly approached the table the three girls sat on.

“What's on the table, Miss?” Boudicca walked over and waited for their order. 

“I would like some sort of simple steak or the like?” The Noblelady inquired. “Which type of meat would you suggest?”

“Horneagle meat is quite popular amongst the visitors these past few weeks.” Boudicca commented. “You could also try some Stonegator, a batch of those arrived only yesterday.”

“Hmmm…” The Noblewoman thought for a few moments. “I’ll take both and maybe a third option as well…some normal beef would work for comparison.”

“Gotcha. I'll get back to you guys in a bit once I get your food done.” Boudicca nodded and walked back towards the kitchen.

“A lot more simple than ya expected huh?” Cavael smirked at the elf as she approached the counter. 

“Better than the usual upstart.” Boudicca smiled. “I’ll be in the kitchen. Can you keep guard for a bit?”

“What do you take me for, lassy?” The Dwarf grinned and laughed again. “If it wasn't for yer diner, I’d have no place to drink my favored mead!” 

“Alright. Settle down now.” She chuckled and went through a door that led to the kitchen.

In the dining area the noble lady waited patiently as she chatted along with her maids. Cavael thought it wouldn't hurt to spark up some conversation, even if it was to a human noble.

“—was delectable.” The Lady was speaking.

“Excuse my mouth runnin, ladies. But ya don't look like yer a local?” Cavael smugly raised an eyebrow.

“We’re visiting.” The Lady answered plainly and was about to turn back towards their original conversation but Cavael asked another question.

“Judging from yer clothes, ya probly someone high up in the ladder, aintcha?” Cavael smirked and scratched his big burly orange beard. “Why did a lil missy like you choose to shack up in this ridge?”

The Lady stopped speaking and sighed. “We don't really want trouble okay?” She pursed her lips and brushed her hair aside. “It's not like we're not allowed here.”

“Not saying you aren’t.” He shrugged. “I’m just a bit curious like an elf, wouldn't you say?”

The Lady frowned. “That sounds a bit—”

Their discussion was cut off by the door swinging loudly and a large group of shaggy looking people, covered in tattered leather, loose armor, and a smell that wasn't bad but it was bothersome.

“Urgh.” Cavael’s face scrunched up. Dwarves usually have a good sense of smell that helped them identify alcohol and wine but this time this certain skill of theirs did not help whatsoever.

The group of selected men and women stomped their way to an unoccupied corner table in the shop. Their clothes were covered in grime and musk. The weapons they carried were also dull and rusty. The lot of them marched down the place with an relaxed smirk plastered on their lips.

“Oi, bastard!” The one, an Elf, who seemed to be the leader of the group called. “Where's the girl that serves this damn place here?” He scoffed and laughed along with his group.

“Huh?” Cavael looked offended and mad. His hands drifted towards the small hammer he had in his pocket. “Laddie, that mouth of yers might need to smother itself in some soap, wouldn't you agree?”

“Hah!” The Elf’s face contorted into a hateful expression. “Shut up, damn hobbit. Nobody wants your opinion!”

The tall maid gasped aloud upon hearing that statement, which caused the noble lady and the shorter maid to look at her in surprise and confusion.

Well that confusion was about to be answered as Cavael slid down his seat and approached the group of rascals with his hammer drawn. “What in the damn goddess did ye just call me?”

The group leader glanced around before leaning forward with a scowl. “You heard me.” He spat at Cavael’s face. “Hobbit.”

Much happened after that. The Lady who was a few seats near them jumped out from the sudden crash noise that happened in that sudden moment.

The group leader’s body was bashed downwards until it broke the table that they were sitting next to. “Eat yer own shit, you filthy rat!” Cavael raged.

He stood up and recovered right away to draw his sword which he aimed at the dwarf's neck. “You fucking bastard! How dare you!”

Boudicca hurriedly ran outside to see the commotion. Upon her arrival, she saw Cavael and another person were about to engage in a fight that could essentially tear the whole place down. 

“What’s happening, I told you to protect the place not destroy it!” Boudicca complained, she walked towards them and recognized the man Cavael was fighting.

“Bou!” The Elf glared at her. “I thought I told you to keep these fuckin lesser shits out of this place!”

“Shut the fuck up, Nabel!” The waitress glowered. “I thought I told you never to show yourself here again!”

“The hell you mean!? I’m not leaving you alone here till you marry me!” He looked pissed. “I’ll be taking you back South with me.”

“That's NEVER going to happen, Nabel!” She raised her hand and shot him a middle finger. “Now fuck off before you bother the other customers even more!” Boudicca glanced at the Lady who coughed from the awkwardness.

Nabel walked towards her pushing away Cavael and grabbed her hand. “Goddamnit! Please Bou! You can't treat me like this. I’m telling you—” He stopped speaking as a sword shined its way by his throat.

The hands holding it were that of the Noble Lady’s. “I suggest you do as she says.” The woman spoke with freezing venom. 

“Tch.” Nabel, the elf leader of the group, clicked his tongue and stomped out the diner with the rest of his company.

Boudicca sighed and turned around to thank the Lady who was sheathing her blade after the ordeal. “Thank you so much and I’m also terribly sorry for the commotion.”

“Tch… my bad for escalating it.” Cavael scratched the back of his head and couldn't meet the young elf girl’s eyes. “I’ll pay for the table too.”

“What happened here exactly?” Bou asked the three ladies that were able to witness the whole thing.

The tall maid was the first to respond. “Well…that elf guys called Mr. Dwarf here a uhhh…the uhh…”

“Hobbit. That bastard friend of yers nounced me a damn hobbit.” He clenched his fists.

Boudicca blinked and pursed her lips and sighed. She turned to dwarf with a sorry look in her eyes. “I’m sorry Mr. Cavael, he of all people should've known better than to say that.”

“That kid—He never learns no matter what anyone tells him.” Cavael grit his teeth. 

“He seemed to know you as well?” The noble girl asked. 

“Ah— He’s an… old friend.” The waitress seemed to struggle to put a label to their relationship.

“I see…” The Lady raised an eyebrow. “You can call me Alejandra by the way.”

“Okay then, Lady Alejandra.” Bou placed her hands on her hips and put a beaming smile on her face to liven the atmosphere. “As thanks for helping that bastard out the door, your order will be on the house!”

“What about me?” Cavael smiled and pointed to himself. “Do I get a free beer?”

“You broke one of our tables. You get nothing.” Bou grinned and Cavael sighed.

“Thanks!” Alejandra replied but also shook her head. “But no worries, I’ll pay for everything in my tab…and for the repairs.”

“My Lady?” Her short maid seemed hesitant.

“It’s okay, Auntie will understand.” Alejandra insisted.

“Ah–Ah I see…” Boudicca blinked, this was the most generous person she's ever met, was she a saint perhaps, an emissary sent forth by the Goddess Asmodeus or even the Laliette of the World Tree?

No living being could be this generous.

“AHAHAHA!” Cavael laughed at what had just happened. “Yer really somn miss!” He showed his beady grin towards the ladies.

“It's my pleasure, I simply can't wait for the amazing food you have prepared.” Alejandra held her hand and squeezed it.

The young elf girl panicked and snatched her hand back. “I–uhhh— I’ll make you guys something that’ll be sure to send you over the moon!” She ran straight back to the kitchen.

“That's that lass for ya?” Cavael chewed on air. “Anyhoowee, I’m gonna take my leave fer now. You young ladies seemed capable enough to defend yerselves anywho.” 

“See you around, Mr. Dwarf.” 

“It's Cavael.” He said as he walked out.

“See you, Mr. Cavael!”

Alejandra waved before fixing her posture on her seat once more. As we return to Alejandra’s viewpoint, she notices a strange stare coming from Teresa’s direction.

“I never thought of My Lady as extremely social and generous. You learn something new everyday.” She teased.

“Why do you think I never reprimanded you for your quips, one like the one you just made?” Alejandra shrugged her shoulders and sassed the young maid. “It's because I’m humble enough to forgive your impertinence each time.” 

Teresa sighed and shook her head. “Of course my oh so gracious Lady, you truly are the most humble.” 

The maid next to Teri giggled. “I didn't know Miss Teresa had a sense of humor!” Soyeon covered her mouth quickly for courtesy.

“Shall I take offense to that?” Teri raised an eyebrow.

“Hardly. I was merely surprised since you were always so strict with me.” Soyeon smiled. “I didn't know you could be so cute as well.”

“That’s—” Teresa’s face winced and she looked away as she became flustered from how casual the compliment she got was.

“Hehehe…Teri’s such a softie.” Alejandra teased.

“My Lady, can you please…not.” Teresa groaned as the Lady herself only laughed even harder.

“A little muffin cinnamon roll aren't you?” 


The diner was filled with hearty chuckles and giggles as the food soon arrived bearing the most flavorful of aromas.








Author's Notes!

Extras•••• Names and Descriptions of some Adjudicator Magic: 


Benjamin O’Neal - Hemokinesis

It allows Ben to control his own blood as he pleases, turning it into weapons and or using it as projectiles. He prefers using a spear more than any other weapon.

Ben can only control the blood he sees with his own eyes if it's not from his own Body.


Roselia Azarolla Ramirez - Mass and Density

This ability allows Roselia to have full control over her own weight. Though might seem powerful at first, getting the hang of when you make yourself heavier and lighter requires extreme skill and precision. This gives her capability to walk on water and air but needs extensive practice to do so.


Hughie Monroe - Illusory Veil

Hughie can fully shift the environment by creating an illusion that is even more impressive than the best mist magic. He can also create clones of himself that carry some of his attributes but are significantly weaker than him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!