Published at 14th of June 2024 05:43:24 AM

Chapter 5

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Maddison was annoyed at what transpired earlier today as she sat at her office. In front of her stood three people, the three highest ranking officers in the Underworld after her. Two adults and one teenager.

The three of them were also Adjudicators and they all managed different sectors in the Underworld as per the order of the leader, who right now looked exceedingly frustrated.

"What happened?" The witch grit her teeth while asking, making the three tense up in fear. "Why was the life of the daughter of the Duke endangered?"

The three looked panicked and one of them immediately bowed her head into the floor and begged. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I was supposed to be in charge with the transactions in the Capital today but I failed to notice the hooligans going after the lady." She whimpered. "I beg for your gracious mercy."

Maddie stood from her seat and leaned in front of the table. She then stomped her foot on the woman's head before talking to the other two. "Hesser? Elijah? What about you two?"

"I am afraid I was off with our business in the West preventing the Kingdom from ruining our reputation any further." The man, Hesser, placed his hand on his chest and bowed to his leader. "Excuse my incompetence for not realizing the problems in the Capital sector's management." He snided towards the woman on the floor.

"I was assassinating the slave owners in the North and East as you had ordered." Elijah knelt and bowed. "Although I have no excuse for not sensing the danger in the Capital."

"I-I was making conversatio-" The woman under Maddison's heel tried to explain but couldn't continue her words as Maddison stepped even harder into the back of her bead, forcing her forehead harder onto the stone floor.

"I don't recall ever allowing disappointments to speak." Her voice was terrifying and the poor woman squeaked in fear.

"M-My apologies-AAAH." Her head was driven deeper into the stone causing cracks to form on the floor.

"Again, when did I say you can speak?" Her voice was borderline demonic now and the pitiful woman could only quiver with her head under her leader's heel. "Seriously...disappointment after disappointment."

No one dared to speak up against her frustration.

"Hesser, you said you were preventing our reputation from being tainted further?" The leader glared at the gentleman, who froze in terror. "Then why are there still conspicuous dealings between the black market and Delha? Why is there still a flow of unstable crime connected to the imposters?"

After him, her eyes set on the kneeling boy. "Speaking of the black market, how come slaves are still being sold? You, Elijah, were supposed to kill every noble that dared to conduct human trafficking, why are they still up and running?" She then slammed her foot down so intensely that the skull of the woman below her feet exploded into a pile of meat and blood, inadvertently completely cracking and denting the floor below.

The two immediately bowed their heads as well and apologized. "Forgive us, Ma'am and our incompetence, we will continue to make efforts to meet your expectations."

The brain mush and bone that splattered across the floor slowly began to gather back up as one and not long after the woman's head was reformed like nothing ever happened, however, her forehead still made contact with the floor, afraid to stop bowing her head. "We are ever so sorry for our failures." She squirmed.

She eyed the three officers as they shuddered in fear. She sighed and walked back to her chair and took a seat. "Stand, you three."

The three immediately straightened their backs and looked towards their leader, who had her legs up on the table and writing on some pieces of paper. "Ever since I beat that dumb scumbag of a master, the Kingdom took their chance to make a move during the shift in leadership." She snickered and each handed them the notes.

To which the three grinned and looked towards her. "We'll show them what a stupid decision that is..." Maddison removed her legs from the top of the table and crossed all her fingers together, leaning her chin on them. "I trust you all to do this job with relative ease, after all, we can't take another failure after this one." The three bowed their heads and then they vanished into the floor, absorbed into the shadows.

It was fairly simple, aid the Prince in the warfront, frame the nobles involved in the slavery, and catch the person responsible for tarnishing the reputation of the Underworld to the people. 

Her master had taught her how to handle affairs with the Royal Guard and the Nobility so that crime is systemized across the Empire. The deal was simple: the Underworld would work together with the Knights in handling loose Adjudicators and maintain order in the criminal sphere by carrying out the dirty work, in exchange the business of the Underworld would be maintained and left alone by everyone else.

It's been this way since five generations ago. You could even consider that the Leader of the Underworld had more or less the same power as a Duke. 

These days however, some Delhan scum have been using the name of the Underworld to commit heinous acts and even causing some of the men to defect to the other side. This entire ordeal is going to pop the vein of the current leader, Maddison.

She had inherited the title a year ago after a fight to the death with her master over something serious, and to showcase the extreme change in regime, she hung his body parts on the garden of the Capital. 

Of course this was considered a disgusting act and roughly changed the atmosphere regarding the bond between the city and the Underworld and ever since then the Empire has been in unrest over the actions of the organization.

For the longest time a lot of evil had been ignored by the Underworld because of a Noble's position and power but ever since the Witch took over, no one was spared. As long as someone commits an inexcusable wicked act, the Underworld will hunt you down.

This has caused a massive disruption amongst the nobility and has divided them into those who think these murderous acts of justice are nothing more than vigilantism and the other side who sees this as beneficial for the Empire's future.

Maddison couldn't care less about all that political business going on between them. She had business on her mind. In the year she had taken over, the Underworld had expanded from the Capital and a couple of outposts to the entire Empire covered in marks of the Underworld, and because of that she had a lot more work to do in regards to managing the organization. 

For her, true evil must be brought down no matter the cost and who else is she talking about but the Delha Kingdom. 

The Crusz Empire has been far too afraid in engaging the Kingdom for fear of inciting a bloody war and has so far been satisfied with skirmishes on the border, but for Maddison she wants the Kingdom to burn after what it did to her and her family.

She rose to this position because this was the only place she could take action.

"I will raze your castle walls to the ground until not even dust will be left behind." She whispered looking at the Delha kingdom in the continental map in the office. 

Her first step in her plan to take down the Kingdom required access to a massive trade industry and when it comes to trade and agriculture, nothing beats the East. 

The East had an amazing Duke who managed everything as cleanly and intelligently as possible. Sly thefts against other nobles here and there but its people prospered and even the poorest citizens had work to do in their territory. 

The Duchess's military strength is comparable to that of an army, so even in security the East wasn't something to take lightly. 

Then those two amazing people gave birth to a skilled and genius daughter who could elevate their duchy to even greater heights. Maddison found that particular lady interesting as well and made sure to keep an eye on her.

The sooner they made contact the better since befriending the genius daughter of Duke Ramirez will finally give Maddison her much desired access to trade routes and economical advantage.

The Lady as well, Taylor, as she had disguised, was a fairly tough and excellent young lady. Even in the face of something as terrifying as Maddison herself, she held her ground, kept her cool, and even decided to talk business. Maddison laughed remembering the scene. The Lady looked quite adorable squirming and walking eggshells around her.

Then her annoyance rose again remembering the reason they met in the first place. One of her major officers, Katherine, couldn't do her job right at keeping an eye on the Capital so Maddison had to act on it herself. Some random grunts almost hurt her most valuable pawn.

Katherine would've died right then and there if something had happened to the Lady. Not even her extreme regenerative factors could work when her heart is crushed into a globbery mess.

She looked at the time and it was clear. The Lady would probably avoid looking for her after being consulted by the Duchess, and now that their reputation is at its lowest, the Underworld probably looks like nothing but organized crime to her, which to be honest it is.

"I better meet with Lady Alejandra soon." She leaned her cheek on her wrist while staring at the clock. "I hope she isn't too afraid of me this time."

As the night went on and the daughter of the Duke slept soundly on her bed. Maddison used her abilities and crossed the walls of the mansions silently and reached the Lady's window without much trouble.

Alejandra was sleeping like a baby, she was turned to the side and a pillow each in between her arms and legs as she embraced both of them tightly, with a slight drool leaking from her lips. Maddison stared at the beautiful mess in front of her and held herself from laughing. The Lady was far too defenseless, after a few seconds she decided to wake her up.

She began knocking on the window in an attempt to catch the Lady's attention. The Lady shuffled on her bed once. Twice. Thrice. Finally, she opened her eyes, mumbled something before looking towards her window, in which her expression shifted immediately from sleepy to alert the moment the two of them locked eyes.

The girl sat up and stepped down from her bed. She wore a gray nightgown and her black hair loosely lay on her back and shoulders.

She walked over and opened the window and a breeze of wind entered her room, blowing the witch's red hair forwards. The Lady was a bit speechless at the beauty of the woman in front of her as the moonlight illuminated her and her smile as she pulled back her hair behind her ear. She almost forgot that this girl is the leader of an entire criminal organization and had countless people die by her own hands.

"Hey." The Witch's voice was soft and gentle, like her terrifying nature was nothing but an imagination.

"H-Hi." She stuttered at her reply and the red hair chuckled as she slowly floated herself inside the room, with the lady making way for her.

"A nice place you have here." Maddison complimented the dimly lit room as the moonlight provided the only source of illumination for the both of them.

"You think?" She silently giggled and looked towards the menacing figure that was now in her presence. "Now, I am guessing you're here to talk business?" Her face once again turned from lighthearted ro serious in a second.

"Straight to the point hmm? You impress me with your bravery everytime." The Witch grinned as she walked around before sitting cross legged at the Lady's bed. "Let's hear your terms first, I am the one offering after all."

"You're mistaken, I am not here to humor your words and promises so," Alejandra shook her head,"I'm afraid I will have to deny such a generous offer."

"Oh?" Maddison raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think making a connection with the Underworld will be beneficial for my side." She paced around the room explaining her decision. "It's far too risky of a business, it could ruin not only mine but my entire family's reputation, my road as an heiress would be put at stake."

Maddison smirked, she had foresaw this would happen. "Understandable." She tapped her lips then her temple. "But I believe you think too little of us, My Lady."

"What do you mean?"

"The Underworld has large amounts of connections throughout the entire Empire. When it comes to trade, we regulate all the dirty stuff that goes on below, and even help with your legal crap above." The Leader of said organization, proudly exclaimed. "You can also ensure that whenever something happens, the Underworld would be the first to know, our informants are top notch and highly credible."

"But if that is all-"

"Our military capabilities are also not to be laughed at, we are an organization based on controlling and systemizing crime across the Empire." She smirked. "You wouldn't expect a small army to take charge of such a gigantic operation now would you?"

The Lady sighed and leaned by the window and looked directly into the Red Witch's eye, Alejnadra knew these weren't just words of persuasion but also threats.

The witch was basically saying that she can make the Ramirez Duchy suffer if Alejandra doesn't take this deal. The Lady would not be easily pushed around, however. "If I have to be completely honest, you are far too evil for my taste in clients." She waved her hand and pouted her lips.

"I'm afraid you too are also mistaken there, My Lady." She laid down at the bed and reached her hand upwards. "Did you ever think as to why the Kingdom is losing so hard in the war at the borders."

"Isn't it due to our superior military?"

"Ha! If only, my Lady, in fact the Kingdom has delegated all their resources into inciting a civil war in the Empire."


"Hahahaha! It seems this is news to you. Yes, the Kingdom has been posing as the Underworld and committing destructive activities to cut the ties between us and the upper echelons of society." Her hand that was reached out clasped suddenly and she sat straight up again. "And judging by your refusal to help me, it seems their plan is working quite spectacularly."

"How can I trust your words?"

"Trust my words? My Lady, the truth is right there ripe for the picking." The witch chuckled. "The more we fight a one-sided battle at the border, the more vulnerable we are in the center. By splitting apart the two halves of society, us and you, they divide the power of the Empire."

"My mother would say otherwise."

"Then either your mother is blind or she's a fool." Her face turned serious and spiteful. "I'm sure if you speak to your father about this, he will know, after all, he has quite the connection to his and her majesty."

"Are you calling my mother an idiot?!" Alejandra glared and the witch raised her hands in defense. 

"Your mother has always been a stickler to the rules. She can't see the snakes that crawl between her legs." Maddison clarified herself. "Your mother isn't stupid, she's just too narrow minded."

"Then what am I supposed to do?"

The Red Witch stood up and approached the Lady. She raised her arm for a handshake. "Make a deal with me, grant me access to your trade and distribution and I will provide your duchy with information, power, and connection to all the things you need to become the greatest Grand Duchess in history." 

"Or the most foolish one. I don't expect that that is all you want from me." She clenched her fists and the witch chuckled and caressed the Lady's cheeks.

"You know, I didn't expect you to be taller than me." She commented.

"I am older than you."

"Hmm." She floated upwards again and out the window, hovering just out of reach. "My purpose and true intention is to destroy the Kingdom of Delha once and for all, and right now your support is all I want from you, My Lady. Let us meet again in the future."


"Collect your own information, make your own opinion, and tell me your final decision, fate is in our hands." She floated slightly closer and grabbed the Lady's hand kissing it with her supple lips. "Farewell and sleep a thousand good dreams, My Lady."

A massive gust of wind from the window made Alejandra turn her eyes away and by the time she had looked back again, the woman was gone and all that's left was her faint scent in the breeze.

Alejandra slammed the window shut and closed the curtains. She stressed over to her bed and laid down in an anxious silence. She touched the top of her hand, her face completely smitten. "The hell..."

She shook off any thoughts about the woman's farewell out of her mind and focused more on her words. "To bring down the Delha Kingdom." She repeated the words of the girl. "How does she intend to do that?" 

Whatever the Red Witch's true desire was, it didn't matter right now. She has to learn more about the Underworld, if what that girl is saying is true, then the Empire is in danger. 

"I haven't even gotten the Duchy yet and I am already going through this." She laughed and sat down on her bed. "The Underworld, who are you people? And are you truly who you seem to be?" She laid those thoughts out into the empty air before falling back to sleep.

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