Published at 21st of October 2022 05:46:48 AM

Chapter 25: Twentyfive Tales: Even If There's Nothing Ahead

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For Elisia, her father, Gallia, was the most respectable person in the world.

Knights of Seirin

In that knighthood of meritocracy and thrashing, my father was in the position of a flourishing commander.

I didn't really feel it for Elisia, but apparently my father was powerful enough to be said to be the best regiment leader of all time, and in part he was called by two noisy names: Sword Ghost, etc.

He was a warm father in front of his family, even if he was called a ghost by the public.

Stronger sense of justice than anyone else, more sincere with the sword than anyone else.

Longing for such a father, Elisia continued to wave her sword from an early age.

"Do you want to be a knight like your dad in the future, too, Elysia?

When Elisia was five years old.

My father inadvertently asked Elysia, who trains with a sword for children.


'Right. Then let me tell you what's most important to a knight'

At that time, my father looked strangely serious.

To my father's serious expression, Elisia stopped waving her sword and listened.

Straight ahead, live.

'... straight?

'Oh. You live upright toward what you believe. That would straighten the sword as well.... The knight's sword must be straight.' Cause you can't protect people with a warped sword, and more importantly, people don't believe you. '

With that said, my father stroked Elisia's head.

"Live upright, wave your sword upright, and be a trusted man"

The next day.

People were told that the Knights of Zhenghong would participate in the Battle of the Brave Demons.

Naturally, my father will also participate in the battle.

Since then, my father has rarely come home.

Of the year, I could spend only about ten days with my father.

Still, on Elisia's head, that day, the words taught to my father were firmly burned.

I thought it was a very noble life.

My own father was convinced that he deserved sincere respect.

I felt so proud of that big back. I wanted to follow that back.

The war prolonged and days went by without seeing my father, but Elisia didn't think I was lonely.

If I had time to be depressed or sad, I would have even concentrated on my sword.

Celebrating her tenth birthday by herself, Elysia spent every penny she was saving to buy an adult sword and spend every day waving it.

Eventually the war entered its final phase.

The Brave Party has entered Demon King's Land.

The war will be over soon. I can see my father in a little while.

When I reunited with my father, I thought I'd show him who I grew up to be - that arrow tip.

I heard about my father's death in battle.

His father, who served as his lord in the retreat to let the brave party escape, said he had died honorably.

I wept. At the same time, I thought it was "father like". My father lived straight to the end.

But - one day, a servant of the Tergande family came to see himself.

My father did not return to the house, but, due to the duties of the Knights, he had returned several times to the mansion of the Duke of Tergande family. As a result, there were several relics of my father in the mansion, and my servant came to Elisia to deliver them.

"Oh, you know, Master Elysia. Actually, I need to talk to you a little bit... '

What was told from the mouth of his squire was an incredible story.

While not open in the Tergande family mansion. Apparently my father and Roberto-Tergande were arguing in it. Besides, at that time, you think the words "embezzlement" and "mouth sealing" were mixed in the words that were flying?

Zowari and I felt my whole body dominated by anger emotions.

But there is no certainty yet.

So Elisia decided to speak to an official of the Knights of Zhenghong.

Happy or unhappy.

Elysia, daughter of the captain of the regiment, knew many of the Knights of Zhenghong.

I guess they only saw Elisia, who asks about her father's death, as "a daughter who is sad about his father's death, everywhere".

Therefore, the information was leaked slightly.

During the retreat.

Roberto abruptly hired a mercenary to put him beside his father, apparently.

Apparently the hiring of mercenaries took place without notice, and the knights were puzzled, he said.

Moreover, the mercenary, at the same time as his father died, apparently escaped the scheduled route significantly off the front line, and Roberto determined it to be an act of betrayal, forcing the Knights of Positive Phoenix to punish him.

There is too much discomfort in a series of streams.

The knights seemed to have a similar idea, but they have not been surprised by Roberto himself because, unlike Elicia, they do not know that Roberto is charged with corruption.

Elisia was convinced.

My father's death was Roberto's fault.

My father, who lived so upright, was killed at the end by distorted human thoughts.

The fact collapsed something in Elisia.

It could have been rational.

It could have been the spirit itself.

Straight ahead, live.

My father's words come back to life.

I will never forget that proud teaching.

Even if my father ended his life with a distorted blade, he's not willing to waste what he's taught.

Elysia lived upright.

Towards my goal, I just kept living upright.

I haven't broken my promise to my father.

Everything is - - to kill Roberto.

Elysia lived upright.

morning of the day of the joint exercise.

Elysia woke up from a dream of the past.

"Dad... wait. I'll finish it all today."

Wash her face, change into a uniform, and then Elysia takes the sword that is standing against the wall of the room.

I haven't always neglected to take care of my sword, but I made it extra polite today.

At times of need, I have trouble if the sharpness has fallen.

I'd really like to boil it, bake it, kill it after I've tormented it scattered, but if I take that much time on the boulder, the knight will rush me.

So the aim is instant death.

Separate the man's neck from his torso in an instant.

After I lay my sword on my back, I head to school.

So I ran into my Sylphia teacher.

"Good morning, Elysia. Committee work today, please."


Hammered with the grin she made, Elysia begins the committee's work.

When it comes to work, it's mostly chores. After guiding the knight to the school with the other Executive Committee members, keep an eye on the students so that they do not interfere with the exercise.

"Mr. Elysia, give this to the people over there"

When a small hour passed after the joint exercise began.

A sophomore executive commissioner tells me so and gives me a box with drinks.


Elisia nodded honestly and gave the knights a drink.

"Because it's work," Elysia looks at the target with an affectionate laugh at the knight's courtesy.


The man who killed my father to fatten his own personal belly.

I can't forgive that man.

If it's true, I want to slash that throat right now.


(... the escort is in the way)

There were always two escorts standing beside Roberto.

Regardless of the current Duke's lord, Chris, it is strange that his brother, Roberto, is also concerned about personal security. He's a tough man to use for diplomatic cards, whether you kill him or grab him. For the most part, Elysia speculates that she has made many enemies in the process of fattening her personal belly.

(Too Eight...)

Remembering the other day, Elisia searched for Tuate's appearance.

But there were countless students around, and it was hard to find one too-eight out of them.

What if Too Eight turns to the enemy?

In his own chest, great anxiety swirls.

From enrollment to the present.

Elysia was calmly observing Tuate.

The hang-up is that I worked with Too Eight on the entrance exam.

When she saw that out-of-the-box "sniper," Elisia vaguely imagined a future in which Tuate would stand before herself.

Maybe I can't win.

Now, when Too Eight shows up, the plan for revenge is broken.

(... Don't rush. fate, not now)

Ever since running for Executive Committee member of the Joint Exercise, Elysia has been planning revenge. That's why I've been absent for a while. Anyway, I wanted Elysia to have time to think.

After worrying about her troubles, Elisia made two timings for revenge.

One is now. I'm in the middle of a joint exercise.

If Roberto seemed to leave with the escort, he was going to kill him then.

But from what I've seen, there's no sign of it.

If so...

(- The battle is at night)

The work of the Executive Committee will also follow the conclusion of the joint exercise.

Night. After the exercise, the Executive Commissioners plan to help carry the instruments used in the exercise to reduce the burden on the knights. At that time, the equipment brought to the base of the Kingsguard Knights next to the Royal Castle is expected to be transported by the Knights of Zhenghong.

Roberto-Tergande will be attending a dinner party today at the Royal Castle.

Nor can a boulder Roberto bring an armed escort inside the royal castle.

I mean, the aim is the night. It was when Roberto entered the royal castle.

Neither. Murder in the royal castle and you can't possibly not be caught.

But I don't mind. Elisia's purpose is revenge.

I guess this is what Tuate calls "ruinous revenge".

But even if you know that, your vengeance will not shrivel.

Even if there is nothing ahead, this hatred will not stop.


At the end of the exercise, Elisia, who carried the Knights of Zhenghong gear to the base of the Kingsguard Knights, immediately executed the plan.

Put the gear in the warehouse, and at the same time take the sword of your own that was causing it to get mixed up. I could have borrowed the swords of the Knights of Zheng Phosphorus that were there, but for my own revenge, I did not sneak to use their swords, which admired my father.

It's also close to Roberto now.

The plan was to somehow break into the royal castle and kill Roberto there, but maybe we could kill him before then.

- The ideal is now at this moment.

The moment Roberto heads to the royal castle.

You might have the biggest gap, this moment.

With her hands on the sheath of the sword, Elicia looks for Roberto.

- There he is.

Roberto was on his way to the royal castle alone, away from the men of the Knights of Zhenghong.

Security is tight around the royal castle. I guess that's why you're relieved.

However, no matter how much surveillance eyes you have, you cannot cope with sudden raids.

Without escort, Roberto went to the royal castle alone - he didn't make his way.

(... Huh?

Roberto stops once in front of the royal castle for some reason and proceeds to the unpopular path beside it.

With that said, I had heard of it.

There is a beautiful garden next to the royal castle.

Especially that the garden of the night lit by the moonlight is so beautiful that it doesn't seem like it belongs in this world.

But, you know, right now, you're going?

Without an escort?

At this hour when it's totally dark.

Just by yourself?

No way.

No way - -.

- Can you kill him?

I can kill. I can kill.

You can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill, you can kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, now, now, now, now!

Do it, kill it! Never let them get away!!!

Get closer! Get closer! Come on! Never let them get away with it!!

Calm down! No! You don't have to calm down anymore!!

Slash his neck! Slash it!! Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

That's right. So slash, slash, slash!!!

Kill! Kill! Kill!!


Die - Shh!!!


I killed him.

I killed him for sure.

I snapped Roberto's neck.

Beautifully, I dropped my neck softly.

I felt great.

I can't stop laughing.

Throw your blood-swet sword into the garden and keep running.

My body was on fire so much that it wouldn't cool off in the night breeze.

The passers-by looked suspiciously at Elysia running with a mad grin. Ignoring such a gaze, Elysia even runs through the cobblestone.

"- What the fuck!!

When she ran out of strength and couldn't run, Elysia stopped and shouted.

"The Too Eight Guy! What won't survive! You're alive, me!!

Elysia looked back as she breathed with her shoulders.

None of the knights are coming after us.

The laughter spills off slightly and the head gradually regains its calm.

Heartbeat is severe. I find myself more excited than ever.

But - strange.

Why isn't anybody following us?

No way, nobody's noticed Roberto's dead yet?

- What should I do?

What do we do now?

Running away? Hide? How long?

I lived for this day.

I had no idea what the future lay ahead from here.

What are we gonna do?

Where can I go now?

"... let's go back"

Let's go back to school.

Maybe that's where I am now.

You just have to be grand.

Anyway, I already did what I had to do.

Now, where I was caught, it doesn't hurt or itch.

Elisia returned to the student dormitory at Builders School to let her body lie on the bed.

That day was due to excitement or I couldn't sleep at all

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