Published at 21st of October 2022 05:44:59 AM

Chapter 72: Thirtyeight Tales: Big Changes

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"Are you sure that's enough?

"Yes, I'm totally pulling my headache, and I'm perfectly fine!

Mize tells her well, as if to prove full healing.

The day after Mize collapsed due to a sudden headache. Having slept in the hospital bed for more than half a day, Mize was fully recovering.

Me and Oz, as escorts, were regularly checking how Mize was sleeping, but breathing was stable and sweating around the dawn today. It wouldn't mean I'm feeling better for this.

"Is it lunch already... we have to hurry to school"

After a brief lunch, Mize says looking out the window.

"Why don't you take a break today or so? You're only gonna get two classes from now on."

"Enough if you can take both. At the corner, I can teach teachers who are the leaders of my life things I don't know. Aren't you sick?"

From the heart, Mize tells.

For years she has been plagued by bondage as a princess, perhaps with values that cannot be described as common. Well, that's the same thing with me.

"Oz, we're coming too."

Speak to Oz, who was waiting at the entrance to the hospital room.

If Mize is going to school, I have to go to school with her, as an escort, and Oz has to keep an eye on the area.


"I have a problem with that... Chris just contacted me. That's enough."


With me in doubt, Oz called out to Mize.

"Mize, I'm sorry, but will you go to school first? Tweets need to talk to me for a second."

"I don't mind, but then the escort..."

"Haha, don't worry. There's nothing that makes Mize nervous."

Mize left the hospital room wondering and headed to the school.

I see Oz after I drop that back off.

"Oz. Enough means what?

"It stays that way. The escort mission is over."

"... End?

That is also a very abrupt instruction.

"You mean the enemy organization has been destroyed?

"Uh, that sounds like (...) there is, too. It turns out that the one who's been attacking Mize was a mercenary active in the Arkedia kingdom called" Red Dragon Fang, "because of that, it's devastating. Apparently" Red Dragon Fang "was a mercenary regiment specializing in assassinations... but you were no match for 28"

Oz says slightly, pleasantly.

I also expected it to be a mercenary regiment specializing in assassinations, so I'm not surprised by the information we have.

"So shall we go to the royal castle"

"To the royal castle?

"Yeah. Chris instructed me to."

I leave the hospital room feeling uncomfortable with Oz, who looks different.

Twenty minutes walk out of the treatment center. Me and Oz arrived at the royal castle in the heart of the king's capital surrounded by fortifications. We are invited to the Royal Castle as part of the Bureau, and we are allowed to enter the Castle as knight apprentices.

I somehow met the face-to-face guard and went inside the royal castle.

Oz guided us through a small extraordinary meeting room on the third floor of the Royal Castle.

"So, what are you doing?"

"Come on? I've been waiting for a while and I've been instructed..."

I have a lot to ask Oz, but it's better to ask Chris a question later. Oz is strong but still young. Even when I was a soldier in the institution, I was the bearer of sexual roots who moved on and was in charge of the end soldiers. Probably not at the heart of the operation this time either.

Me and Oz sat down and waited until we were given the next instruction.

"... that's a long time"

It's already been over an hour since I've waited in this room.

How long are you gonna keep me waiting?

"With that said, did you explain to Chris that the escort found out about Mize?

I was in a mood swing, and I spoke to Oz.

"Yeah. Maybe I don't blame you"

"No blame......? Then why did you instruct me to escort you in secret?"

"Things have changed."

Oz replies ambiguously and shuts his mouth.

Apparently Oz knows something more about this than I do. I was going to wait until Chris got here, but I feel uncomfortable when it's so late.

Yes - it's uncomfortable.

Originally, this escort mission lacked some information given.

The information given to Oz was almost the same as mine. So I was probably assuming that there were some smelly circumstances on this mission that we, the soldiers, should not know about.

But not now.

Somehow, I'm the only one who hasn't been given information right now.

In the first place, I should have had command of this mission. Oz is rendezvous with my decision to follow my instructions. Then it is my role to receive the next instruction from Chris. That's why Oz was instructed, not me.

- No blame, even if you find out who you are.

Even though it was an instruction to escort him in secrecy, he was very generous. It's like now you don't have to hide who I or Oz are anymore -.

- Isn't that a pretty big change?

I had a bad feeling.

The assumption that we should hide who we are no longer makes sense. This means that so much has changed in the circumstances surrounding Mize.

It is called the end of the mandate abruptly, and the beginning and end of the mandate, even if you find out who you are, you are not to blame, and the Bureau's policy here these days is remarkable in crude terms.

Rather than coarse (...) being noticeable -.

By a rough (...) -like means, are you going to clean things up?

"... you know"

Oz, sitting face to face, uttered a small voice.

"Twenty-eight, on duty... what did you think when your people died?

"... that's a lot of sudden talk"

Answer me.

sometime serious...... no, Oz tells me how depressed he is.

I answered the question after thinking a little.

"I had no choice, I thought"

Return short.

"Death of our people is something we should always be prepared for. How much we have dyed our hands in outrageous places in the shadowy darkness... even if we are stuck with such tragic facts, it can only be rewarded and accepted"

So much so that a demonic state exists, guaranteed equal treatment with the human state. Many demons, under the command of the Demon King, opposed the war. But the Secret Service of the True Soldier has also been brutal against such demons.

"Yeah, that's right. I don't have a choice... you don't have a choice. Because that's what we do..."

Oz nods again and again as if to convince himself.

To that attitude - I perceived the worst.

"Where's Mize?"

Unexpectedly ask with a strong tone of voice.

nervous and stared sharply at Oz with his mouth shut.

"I'm gonna ask you again. - Where's Mize?"

Oz remains silent with his lips drawn and tied.

That silence is the answer.

"Shit, you mean that"

Get up and leave the conference room.

"Dear 28! Wait!"

"You have a standby order!

The guards waiting in front of the room are rushing to stop me.

He activated Ligament in an aggressive manner and pushed straight through the hallway.

The bureau... Chris wanted to keep me inside this conference room.

The reason is easy to predict.

Outside the castle, I headed down to Castle Town, maintaining my Ligament.

Time is evening. The sky was already stained with cedar. Just around the time the school picked up after school.

Jump over the roof of the building and hurry to find Mize.

There's no sign of Mize on her way back from school to the girls' dorm. But on that side road...

- I found it.

Capture Mize heading somewhere.

From behind it - there was an impending assassin who was willing to kill.

"Mize, get down!

Shortly before the assassin approached Mize and swung through the blade, I activated the Instant Blade, screaming.

The assassin was upset by my appearance and stopped moving. - The rigidity took its toll. Mize notices the assassin approaching puts on a surprising less ass cake. A thin blade passed over its head. The blade sinks to the right flank of the assassin and cuts smoothly to the left shoulder.

Karan, and a blade that made a noise and the assassin's grip fell beside Mize.

Blood build-up spread and contaminated Mize's hands and feet with buttocks.

Are you all right?

Mize nodded silently, trembling at my inquiry as she rushed.

"Wow, me, on my way to the dorm, I got a call from Mr. Tweet's people... so, if you're on your way to the rendezvous place with Mr. Tweet..."

"My people..."

Naturally, I have no idea. Someone used my name.

Lift the body of an assassin sinking into a bloodbath.

I looked familiar to that face.

- He's from the station.

During the war, when I was a soldier in the agency, I went to the Royal Defence Intelligence Agency, a parent organization, several times. This man's face, I saw it then.

The 'communication paper' in your pocket trembles.

I was alert to the perimeter, and I went to the comms.

"You're Chris."

'... Yep'

To that voice you hear.

I somehow pushed my anger to death and asked.

"Answer me. This is - what do you mean?"

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