Khorium Martial God - Chapter 120

Published at 26th of December 2023 05:49:20 AM

Chapter 120

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"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The sound of another heavy object landing on the ground shocked him. Lu Chen was directly thrown to the ground by the guard, the guard was also tired, although he had the support of the spirit energy, his own strength was not bad either.

However, physical exhaustion was unavoidable. He was even carrying someone on his back as he sprinted, almost dying on the spot.

His mind and body were both in pain, and it was not easy for the guards either. He stopped to catch his breath, threw Lu Chen onto the ground, and walked over to a large boulder to rest.

Lu Chen's face was full of shock. I just wanted you to put him down, but you threw him down instead. You're too disrespectful, you're too much of a bastard.

At this moment, Lu Chen really wanted to turn into a monster and directly attack the guards. He gathered all his hands and planned to attack.

"Aooouuu ~ ~ ~"

Suddenly, a terrifying wail completely broke Lu Chen's train of thoughts, a huge pressure descended from the sky, and the one bearing the brunt of it was Lu Chen himself.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

Just like a dog gnawing on the mud, without any preparation, Lu Chen directly laid down. If it was in normal times, Lu Chen would definitely scold people, but no matter what life, he had never eaten dirt before.

This first attempt had left him unsatisfied. His expression was exceptionally unsightly, and his heart felt extremely uncomfortable. He even had the urge to kill someone.

But at that moment, Lu Chen knew that it was not the right time to do so. The surroundings were extremely quiet, the guards by the side all stared with their eyes wide open.

His sharp eyes scanned his surroundings, trying to find where the howling sound was coming from.

What a terrifying scream, just what kind of Demonic Beast was it?

The guard thought. He did not know what kind of Demonic Beast they were, or if they were a group.

After all, both he and Lu Chen had reached the peak of their stamina and were currently very weak.

"Aooouuu ~ ~ ~"

The Demonic Beast screamed once again, this time, regardless of whether it was Lu Chen or the guards, their faces both darkened, their eyes filled with killing intent, killing intent even slowly accumulating in their bodies.

The two of them simultaneously felt that terrifying pressure getting closer and closer to them.

At this time, although Lu Chen and the two guards wanted to defeat the Demonic Beast mentally, in reality, their stamina had already reached its limit and they did not have enough strength. In such a situation, no matter whether it was Lu Chen or the two guards, they were both nervous.

Lu Chen thought to himself, damned, coming here to the Demonic Beast at this time, what a waste of time. It looks like I'm going to die today.

How could something happen when he was with Lu Chen? Normally, nothing would happen, but once he came into contact with Lu Chen, there would be a problem, what the hell was going on? Am I going to die?

The two of them had their own thoughts, and turned their heads at almost the same time to look at each other. In that instant, both Lu Chen and the guard had a flash of inspiration.

He was going to die anyway, so let's chat for a bit!

With that in mind, Lu Chen and the two guards started to chat.

Lu Chen: Bro, what do you think the Demonic Beast look like? Will it be single or in groups? He felt that the pressure was getting stronger and the smell of blood in the air was getting stronger.

Guard: I don't know!

At this moment, the guards were all thinking about you, unlucky bastard. If I was with you, I would be screwed, I would have something to answer your question, treat me as an idiot, it's also my first time coming here, how would I know if the Demonic Beast are social or just one, if I knew, I would have said it already.

The guard didn't even smile as he scolded in his heart. He only replied with a few cold words before falling silent.

After Gao Leng and Ao Jiao's guards answered, Lu Chen was also dumbfounded. What kind of answer was that, it was too perfunctory, could they still chat happily?

The guard did not know what Lu Chen was thinking in his heart.

"Woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"

As they spoke, a gust of wind and a terrifying aura flowed over, bringing with it a fishy stench. The aura felt like they were facing a poison aura bomb, Lu Chen and the guards sealed their five senses at the same time.

It was so smelly. Lu Chen berated him in such a manner but on the surface, he was staring coldly at the place with the densest aura.

It's coming! Now you know whether it's solitary or social. The guard spoke with a hint of sarcasm, but his expression was ice-cold.

Lu Chen:...

Faced with such mockery and such words, he was at a loss for words for a moment. He simply didn't want to speak anymore.

At the same time, rustling sounds could be heard from all directions, bringing with it a fishy wind that assaulted their faces.

That smell was really unforgettable, a burst of sour smell caused Lu Chen and the guard to cover their noses.

At this time, Lu Chen didn't forget to answer the guard: I saw it, I can still challenge it by myself.

Once he said that, the guard looked at Lu Chen with an unspeakable expression. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, nothing came out of his mouth.

"Aooouuu ~ ~ ~"

After crazily howling, the Demonic Beast finally revealed its appearance. When Lu Chen looked at it, he immediately became more cautious.

The Demonic Tiger looked a little like the saber-toothed tiger of ancient Earth, but there were still differences in its appearance.

It opened its mouth, revealing its red fangs. The fangs inside were clearly seen, reflecting the sunlight with a cold glint.

Following the roars of the Demonic Tiger, gusts of wind started to blow violently, causing Lu Chen and the guards to be blown into the air.

At this moment, the two of them stopped bickering and focused on fighting the Demonic Tiger.

F * ck, this is too freaking scary. It's just a roar, how am I supposed to kill it? The wind was too strong, Lu Chen had no choice but to shout.

Take the opportunity to act! The guard did not care about that at first, he was not injured, but his stamina had recovered by a little. When Lu Chen was speaking, he had already charged up to fight with the Demonic Tiger.

After this scene, Lu Chen: I went up too.

Both of them came together, one to fight, the other cannot stay idle, at this time, Lu Chen took a deep breath, took a wrong step, and followed suit with a whoosh.

Fire Eagle Fist Art!

A gigantic eagle formed from the image of flames faintly appeared behind Lu Chen as a terrifying aura instantly exploded outwards.

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