Kill the Sun - Chapter 237

Published at 10th of January 2024 01:49:40 PM

Chapter 237: 237 – Can’t Tell

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Chapter 237 Chapter 237 – Can't Tell

Nick quickly found a Shweeb that he could rent and left the headquarters of the city guards.

A couple minutes later, he left the Inner City and walked towards Dark Dream.

The things that had happened today reappeared in Nick's head one after the other.

It had all started with Nick going into the dark room.

Then, he met Envy and was saved by Riker and Monica.

After that, he talked with the most powerful people in the city and even with a Protector from Aegis.

And he even got a mission.

'But I have no idea how to find Envy's servant,' Nick thought with furrowed brows while he was walking towards Dark Dream.

'Someone in this city must have Envy's servant, but I have no idea who.' You can trace the roots of this content at n0v@lbin

'It could theoretically be any of the four biggest Zephyx Extractors or the city, but there are obviously differences.'

'While Gemini could theoretically suppress and capture a strong Elder, I don't think that it would have been easy, and such a great mobilization of forces must have been noticed by other Manufacturers.'

'Even more, since Gemini would be working with the Specter, the number of new Experts appearing in their company would drastically increase, which would be too conspicuous.'

'While it isn't impossible that Gemini has the servant, the chances are extremely low.'

'For now, I should ignore Gemini unless they suddenly start gaining new Experts rapidly.'

'The chances of the city having Envy's servant is not very high. It's too much of a weak spot.'

'If anyone wanted to get rid of the governor, they would only need to report to Aegis about Envy's servant.'

'For example, Anatomy definitely has some issues with the governor. Additionally, they have many people in the city forces due to their power.'

'It would be much safer for the governor to hand over the servant.'

'That means I can also ignore the city for now, but I should still keep an eye on them.'

'That leaves Kugelblitz, Anatomy, and Ghosty's Lab.'

Nick furrowed his brows.

'It could be any of those, really.'

'Obviously, the most suspicious Manufacturer is Anatomy. They really didn't want to get investigated, and no one would notice it if five of their Experts vanished for a bit to capture a Specter.'

Nick entered Dark Dream and directly went to Wyntor's office.

As soon as Nick entered, Wyntor put everything to the side and looked at him with seriousness.

"I heard that you used the signal," Wyntor said. "What happened?"

Nick sat down in front of Wyntor and sighed.

"A lot."

Wyntor nodded and waited for Nick to tell him what happened.

Yet, there was an issue.

"Sadly, I am not allowed to tell you the details," Nick said.

Wyntor narrowed his eyes. "Why not?" he asked.

"Well, let me phrase it like this..."

"I spoke to a Protector today."

Wyntor's eyes shot open in shock.

"What?" he asked. "Do you know what a Protector is?"

"Yes, Wyntor. I'm not dumb," Nick said with a bit of annoyance. "It was a Protector from Aegis, and I talked to him for quite a while because of what I found in Riker's room."

"The Governor, Aria Light, and the Protector all told me that I am not allowed to tell anyone about what I have seen today, including you."

"I'm sorry, Wyntor. I really want to tell you, but I can't," Nick said with regret.

Wyntor rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Give me a couple of minutes," he said. "I have to think about this."

"Sure," Nick said.

Then, several minutes of silence passed while Nick went to grab a coffee from his office.

"Okay," Wyntor said after taking a deep breath. "I really, really, really want to know, but even my father refused to tell me anything. If even my father doesn't trust me enough to tell me, I can't expect you to tell me."

Nick nodded. "Sorry, Wyntor."

"Please, at least tell me that Dark Dream got something out of this," Wyntor said.

Nick smiled.

"Two very valuable Adolescents!"

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