Kill the Sun - Chapter 261

Published at 29th of January 2024 10:19:18 AM

Chapter 261: 261 – Mouths

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Chapter 261 261 – Mouths

L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

"Your city?" the Prison repeated in a mocking tone.

"You live in hiding just like any other Specter."

"This is a city controlled by the humans."

However, the mouths just laughed.

And then, the amalgamation of mouths walked away from the wagon.

The Prison witnessed as the amalgamation of mouths walked out of the Prison's illusory domain.

At this moment, the amalgamation of mouths was walking through the Outer City without any disguise.

"Hey, Julian! Haven't seen you in a while!" one of the stall owners said with an excited smile as she looked at the amalgamation of mouths.

"I've been busy recently, sorry," one of the mouths facing the stall owner said with a friendly tone.

"Of course! I get it! Hey, congratulations on becoming a Specialist!" the woman said.

"Thanks, Charlotte," the mouth said.

It slowly became bigger until it eventually assumed the form of a tree.

The trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits of the tree were made of laughing mouths.

The amalgamation of mouths flowed up one of the buildings and extended towards the sky.

It slowly became bigger until it eventually assumed the form of a tree.

The trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits of the tree were made of laughing mouths.

At this moment, the tree could probably be seen from all across the Outer City.

"This is my city!" the mouths said in a special rhythm.

"If I want to be seen, I will be seen."

"If I don't want to be seen, I won't be seen."

"Everyone that I have talked to is under my control."

"And the few that aren't..."

The mouths chuckled as two people in the streets started to run away, shouting in panic that there was a gigantic monster on one of the roofs.

Yet, all the people just looked at the two of them like they were crazy.

The two of them kept shouting that the blue-haired man had turned into a huge monster.

"Julian? He's not a Specter!" everyone answered with dark tones, annoyed that some people were badmouthing their good friend.

Two of the mouths on the tree extended towards the two panicked individuals.

"You seem a bit confused," they said. "Hi, I'm Julian! I think we haven't met yet."

"What do you want?" the Prison asked.

A trade agreement.

The Prison would deliver food and incredible goods that resulted in the production of more humans, which resulted in more food for the Specters.

"What do I want?" the mouths repeated with friendly laughter.

"I want you to go and never return," they said.

The Prison looked at the tree of mouths.

"You are not willing to compromise?" it asked.

"No," the mouths answered.


"Fine," the Prison answered with a neutral voice, "but I have to take one last person."

"No, you won't," the tree of mouths said.

"This is not for me," the Prison said. "This is for-"

"Envy, yes?" the mouths interrupted. "You want Nick."

"The one with the power of the Null."

The Prison looked with a neutral gaze at the tree of mouths.

If it were human, it would have felt some shock and surprise.

"Yes," the Prison said. "Lord Envy desires the power of the Null."

The mouths chuckled.

"And why should I care?" they answered, throwing the Prison's words back at it.

"Because Lord Envy will kill you if you refuse to comply," the Prison said.

"Lord Envy is vastly more powerful than this puny little Crimson Fungus City."

"Lord Envy even has two Fallen as servants."

"You have no choice in the matter."

"Keeping the Null's power for yourself will only end your existence," the Prison declared.

Yet, the mouths just kept laughing.

"Theoretically, yes," the mouths said.

"Practically, no."

"Lucky for me, Envy and its most powerful servants are busy fighting Aegis at this moment."

"Why should I be afraid of a sharp knife in your hand when you are so far away?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!