Kill the Sun - Chapter 290

Published at 6th of February 2024 12:12:08 PM

Chapter 290: 290 – The True City

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Chapter 290 Chapter 290 – The True City

?290 Chapter 290 – The True City


A mass of people was shouting in fear as the floor beneath them quaked intensely.

While one part of the Dregs had fled to the walls, the other part had fled towards the Outer City.

The red mist came through the grates and holes in the ground, and the Outer City barely had any holes.

The only holes were the toilets, and not much red mist could get through there.

On the edge between the Dregs and the Outer City was a wall of red mist that was rising upward.

From time to time, red faces seemed to appear in the mist, but they were not nearly as numerous as the red faces in the Crimson Sea itself.


The floor shook again, and the people ran closer to the Inner City.

The Crimson Sea exploded upward, its liquid splashing against the floor of the Inner City.

The governor was surrounded by a halo of fire, and the spear in his hand was rotating rapidly, leaving behind a trail of fire.

The liquid that was about to hit the floor of the Outer City was burned away as a humongous beam of light swept past it.

Above the governor was Aria Light, the Chief Zephyx Extractor of Kugelblitz, and right now, her entire body was shining like the sun itself.

Her eyes were completely white, and she waved a very wide but flat sword from side to side.

The sword almost looked like a white fan.

Whenever she moved her sword from side to side, a domain of white light extended into the distance, turning the red liquid into red steam.

There were three more people flying through the air below the city.

One of them was protecting the enormous shining pillar that supported the megastructure.

The other two were getting rid of the majority of hands and red mist.

All five Heroes of the city were working together to protect it.

The governor pulled his spear back and threw it towards the endless red sea.


Another explosion occurred, and the water exploded outward.

The laughing faces seemed to mock him endlessly as he kept attacking.

Each attack created humongous explosions and shook the entire foundation of the city.

Luckily, the megastructure was on top of the biggest structure of the ruins.

The materials of the ruins on the highest layer were so hard that they could only be damaged by powerful Veterans.

While such materials weren't unconventional, it was almost unheard of to have an entire city made out of them.

Even more surprising was that the materials of the ruins below these were even harder!

And most shocking of all was that these materials hadn't been produced with Zephyx!

Aegis had no idea how such powerful materials could be created without the use of Zephyx.

Luckily, this meant that the megastructure was extremely stable.

Its foundation was even more robust than itself, and the foundation of this foundation was even harder!


The people on the edge of the Outer City ran towards the Inner City as the floor and building began to creak and crack.

As the governor destroyed more and more of the ruins, more and more foundations supporting the Outer City were destroyed.

The further away one was from the Inner City, the shakier and riskier things got.

Some minutes later, the true appearance of Crimson Fungus City was unveiled.

When looking at it from a distance, one could see the megastructure, which had the form of an elliptical pyramid.

In a way, it looked like a spearhead.

Below the megastructure was an amalgamation of dense, chrome-like materials that had been compressed into a round cylinder.

This foundation was supporting the megastructure.

More and more chrome-like buildings were unveiled as the Crimson Sea sunk through enormous holes in the ruins.

Parts of the Outer City were collapsing, falling into the ruins that were slowly revealed.

And amongst these parts was a huge building.

Dark Dream.

The metal under the building shook and cracked.

And then, it broke.

The building started to fall.

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