Kill the Sun - Chapter 295

Published at 7th of February 2024 11:35:52 AM

Chapter 295: 295 – Status

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Chapter 295 Chapter 295 – Status

?After the Bleeding Lady entered her new Containment Unit, Nick checked the next one.

Everything seemed to be in order.

The only thing in the Containment Unit was a distressed puppy.

Nick just petted it for a bit before leaving.

"Did your Containment Unit get damaged?" Nick asked the Money Sink, who was just leaning on a wall.

"No," she answered. "What happened?"

"An Adolescent Force Specter broke out and destroyed the Dregs and about half of the Outer City," Nick answered absentmindedly. This essence is securely nested within the heart of Nøv€lß¡n★

"Am I in danger?" the Money Sink asked.

"No, everything has already calmed down again," Nick said. "In fact, you're very safe in here. The outside has become much more dangerous for Specters now."

"There was a big announcement earlier. Apparently, everyone who looks at the new Specter will jump into it. They even said that it eats other Specters."

The Money Sink furrowed her brows. "A Specter that eats other Specters. I've never heard of something like that."

"It's a big red sea," Nick said. "It replaced the sewers. Want to take a look?"

The Money Sink just looked at Nick with a neutral expression. "Didn't you just say that taking a look would kill me?"

"Yes," Nick said with a neutral voice. "It's a joke. Ha ha."

The Money Sink just looked at Nick with an even expression.

"Alright, bye," Nick said before he exited the Containment Unit again.

Nick walked up to the fourth floor and opened the door.


Immediately, a red blur shot at Nick.


But Nick just slapped it.

The red blur hit the wall and landed on the ground.

'The Blood Hawk broke out,' Nick thought, looking at the red hawk.

In the distance, Nick could also hear something heavy hitting the walls again and again.

Nick walked over to the Blood Hawk, grabbed its throat, and carried it with him.

The Blood Hawk tried to break out, but it was helplessly inferior to Nick.

After rounding a corner, Nick saw a hole in the Blood Horse's Containment Unit.

It just felt like everything that happened within the last hours was just some dream.

Had these things truly happened?

Had Nick really done all these terrible things?

It just didn't feel real.

It was like Nick was navigating a dream or a fantastical scenario he had made up in his mind.

Eventually, Nick just turned around and walked down the stairs again.

When he exited the building, all the employees looked at Nick with worry.

Nick also saw three new people in the group.

Three guards.

All Veterans.

Nick jumped down from the entrance and landed in front of them.

The leading guard nodded. "Are you the Chief Zephyx Extractor of Dark Dream?" the guard asked.

"Yes," Nick answered.

"What is the status of the Containment Units?" the guard asked.

"Six damaged Containment Units," Nick said.

When the employees heard that, they felt a cold shudder run down their backs.

They were very happy that Jenny hadn't told them to go in.

"But only four of them were occupied," Nick added.

"What about the four Specters?" the guard asked.

"We had a couple of spare Containment Units," Nick said nonchalantly. "I dumped three of them in stronger ones. Sadly, I don't have one for the last one, but that's not that big of an issue in the short term. It's a Late Hatchling Physical Specter, and I put a Zephyx Suppressor around it."

The guard furrowed his brows.

"Please, show us," the guard said.

Nick just gestured to the entrance. "Come with me, then."

Nick and the three guards jumped into the building, and Nick showed them all the floors.

The guards checked the monitors and Containment Units, and sure enough, the only problematic one was the one with the Blood Horse.

A bit later, Nick and the three guards gathered in front of the building again.

"Thank you," the leading guard said with less severity in his voice. "We're going to send someone to repair one of the Containment Units on the fourth floor. Expect them within the next five hours. Until then, please keep an eye on the suppressed Specter."

Nick nodded.

Then, all the guards jumped away.

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