Kill the Sun - Chapter 309

Published at 21st of February 2024 01:01:06 PM

Chapter 309: 309 – Back to Business

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Chapter 309 Chapter 309 – Back to Business

?"But I know why they did it," Wyntor added.

Nick raised an eyebrow.

Wyntor didn't know who tried to kill Nick, but he knew why?

"The Crimson Sea," Wyntor said.

"The Crimson Sea is a Specter, obviously, and Specters produce Zephyx when they grow more powerful, and when an Extractor is close to a Specter at that moment, they also grow more powerful, right?" Wyntor said.

"Whenever anyone falls into the Crimson Sea, it produces a ton of Zephyx. However, since it's not in a Containment Unit, we can't harvest the Zephyx."

"But Extractors can still grow more powerful by absorbing it."

"This piece of information is highly confidential, but it's not that difficult to figure out, actually. Veterans are already pretty good at sensing Zephyx, and they are bound to feel the burst of Zephyx whenever anyone falls into the Crimson Sea."

"I'm quite certain that someone was trying to kill you so that they could absorb more Zephyx and become stronger."

"You might not even have been their first target," Wyntor said.

"They didn't target you for yourself but for your identity as an Extractor."

Nick's eyes widened. N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

That might have actually been it!

Even more, maybe that man had been responsible for more deaths before he got to Nick?

At that moment, Wyntor chuckled.

"Remember the name of the Crimson Sea's level?" Wyntor asked.

"Fanatic," he added. "Fanatics are called as such because cults are often created around them."

When he heard that, Nick imagined a couple of people in black robes sacrificing other people to the Crimson Sea.

That sounded quite dangerous.

"I think I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am surprised," Nick said with a slight chuckle.

Wyntor nodded before standing up from his corner.

"I'm going to deal with your issue with Anatomy," Wyntor said.

Nick felt relieved but also a bit guilty.

"Don't stress yourself out about it," Wyntor said when he saw Nick's expression. "You went through enough bad things for one day."

Nick nodded. "Good morning. Jenny isn't here yet. I can assign you some work if you want to earn some money."

The Newbie nodded. "Yes, please."

"Are you familiar with how to work with the Puppy?" Nick asked.

The Newbie's eyes shone in excitement. "Yes!"

"Then, go to the third floor. I'll send someone to get you in eight hours. The Puppy is still in the same Containment Unit as before."

"Thanks, Boss!" the Newbie said with excitement before they left to work with the Puppy.

Everyone wanted to work with the Puppy.

Working with the Puppy was a lot of fun, and time passed very quickly while working with it.

A couple minutes later, three more Extractors came.

They were the three that Dark Dream had gotten from Gemini some time ago.

All three of them were Peak Newbies and were on their way to becoming Initial Johns.

Yet, when Nick assigned work to the three of them, they became terrified.

The Dreamer?!

None of them had worked with the Dreamer before!

The reason was that the Dreamer produced Zephyx based on the level of the Extractor, and Dark Dream used to have plenty of Johns to work with it.

Sadly, that was no longer the case.

Nick assured them that it wasn't dangerous.

He even said that it made no sense to covertly get rid of them since they have been exemplary employees ever since that little revolution a year or so ago.

The first couple of clerks had also arrived, and Nick told the clerk manning the reception to tell the Extractors that he would be back to assign work soon.

Then, Nick took the three Extractors to work with the Dreamer.

He simply talked to the Dreamer a bit and told the three of them how to work with it.

Naturally, Nick wasn't scared that the Dreamer would kill them.

After all, Nick and the Dreamer had had a talk about a year ago.

Two of the people from Gemini left since their shifts would start later.

When Nick reached the entrance again, he saw over five Extractors.

'At least we still have a couple of people left. I thought it would be worse,' he thought.

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