Kill the Sun - Chapter 386

Published at 12th of April 2024 12:08:41 PM

Chapter 386: 386 – The Abductor

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Chapter 386 Chapter 386 – The Abductor

Two days later, Nick returned to the Specter, and this time, it didn't immediately annoy him with constant scratching.

It seemed like it was finally cooperative.

For the next hour, Nick asked the Specter several questions, and it answered by scratching the floor.

Left scratch for a positive answer.

Right scratch for a negative answer.

Left and right scratch for neutrality.

No scratch for uncertainty.

It turned out that the Specter did not know what Extractors were.

It had been in the outside world all its life, and it had grown stronger by slowly capturing stronger and stronger humans, which surprised Nick since there were probably not very many Newbies running around outside.

After Nick explained the concept of Manufacturers and Extractors to the Specter, it actually became even more cooperative.

In the outside world, it barely received any food.

It had taken decades for the Specter to become this strong.

But now, it was going to receive regular food, and it wouldn't even be in danger?

If it had known that this was the fate that would befall it if it were found by a human, it would have voluntarily given itself up.

Of course, if it could actually enter one of the cities, it would rather stay free.

But how was it supposed to do that?

It was quite noticeable, and it couldn't disguise itself.

After talking some more with the Specter, Nick finally found out how it grew more powerful.

It abducted people, and it grew more powerful based on how many people it kept as prisoners and how strong they were.

There had been many cocoons attached to the walls of the cave where Nick had suppressed the Specter.

These cocoons had once been filled with humans.

The Specter had simply caught humans, surrounded them in the silk, hung them up on the wall, and never touched the cocoon again.

Over the coming days, Nick also hired a couple of new people to check what kind of ability the newest Specter offered.

It was silk.

Any Extractor that received its ability could release long and thick strands of black silk.

Sadly, the silk couldn't absorb Zephyx.

Another disappointment was the fact that the Specter's silk could only retain its physical form if the Specter was close to it.

If the silk left the Specter's side, it turned into Prephyx a couple of hours later.

That sadly made it worthless as a material.

Nick had hoped that they could compete with the Fear Queen's Ghost Wires, but sadly, they could not.

Eventually, Nick also came up with a fitting name for the Specter.

The Abductor.

As for its Stage, it was a Late Adolescent, making it one of the stronger Specters belonging to Dark Dream.

By now, Nick's days had become quite busy.

He had to deliver the trash to the Dung Heap.

He had to regularly check up on the Abductor.

He sometimes had to force one of the newer people to stop working with the Puppy.

He had to give the Money Sink money.

He had to give the Screaming Coffin its corpses.

He had to free the people working with the Fog.

He had to gather all the Zephyx containers.

And on top of all that, he had to deal with most of the executive stuff, like planning the future, dealing with personnel issues, working with the Investigation department, writing guides for the Specters, reviewing profiles, making budget reports, keeping the books, meeting with other companies, and a couple more things.

He was glad that he had Taren and Jenny dealing with the management of the employees.

Luckily, since Nick had so much experience already and since he was working 24 hours per day, he could deal with all of this without any issues.

Finally, two weeks after his conversation with the governor, Nick finally heard back from the city regarding the Spilling Bottle and their reward.

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