Kill the Sun - Chapter 418

Published at 12th of April 2024 12:07:53 PM

Chapter 418: 418 – Coral People

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Chapter 418 Chapter 418 – Coral People

A moment later, Aria and the governor turned back and flew towards the city. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

They didn't want to stay too close to the northern sea.

After all, even a Hero had vanished there.

"Close your eyes," Aria suddenly spoke as she appeared beside Nick in an instant.

Nick did just that, and the next moment, he felt himself getting pulled into the sky.

Naturally, Aria was carrying him back towards Crimson City.

About a month ago, Julian had started negotiations with the governor regarding the information Nick had gathered on his excursion.

Nobody knew why the north was so dangerous, and Julian was sure that this information was worth a lot.

Of course, as soon as negotiations started, the efforts of uncovering why the north was so dangerous increased.

The city believed that they would be able to find out what was happening to the north.

After all, Dark Dream managed to find out about the north.

Why wouldn't they be able to?

So, they had sent more people toward the shore to investigate.

Yet, they hadn't found anything.

Well, that wasn't completely true.

They found out that three researchers mysteriously vanished after they investigated the sea at different places.

Naturally, the governor was very annoyed when he heard that.

How was it that a little Manufacturer like Dark Dream kept coming across such valuable information?!

The governor debated whether or not he should join the research.

But in the end, he decided against it.

It was just too risky.

He had already lost an Expert and two Veterans.

Might as well just pay Dark Dream and avoid the risk.

So, Dark Dream told the governor what Nick had seen.

When the governor had heard about the coral people, he already had an idea of what was going on.

Most likely, the coral people were the minions of a strong Specter.

So, the governor tried to catch some of them.

He kept using people as bait.

And yet, it didn't work.

"Thanks for helping us catch these two. Kugelblitz will be sure to remember that favor!" Aria said with a smile as she jumped and flew out of the megastructure again.

She flew up the side of the megastructure and entered through a small entrance near its peak.

That was the same place the governor had entered with the two coral people.

Meanwhile, Nick jumped onto the Shweeb railway and ran down.

After about a minute, Nick reached Dark Dream and entered.

Naturally, while Dark Dream had been involved in uncovering the mystery of the north, they were not part of the investigation.

The governor would not tell them what they had found out.

The city had paid for the information, and they had the right to keep it to themselves or to share it with whomever they wanted.

Maybe that was the governor's way of taking revenge on Dark Dream for all the people the city had lost.

But that didn't stop Dark Dream from obtaining that information just days later.

Aria Light had been part of the investigation, and Aria Light belonged to Kugelblitz.

Obviously, she told the other major shareholders so that Kugelblitz could come to a decision about what to do.

One of these shareholders was Vernon Melfion, and Vernon Melfion just so happened to be close friends with Julian.

Sure, Vernon hated Nick, but he didn't hate Julian.

After talking for a while, Vernon told Julian, but Julian had to promise that he wouldn't tell Nick.

"So, anyway," Julian said with a smile. "Turns out, the coral people are people that went missing a long time ago."

Nick didn't show a strong reaction. "I thought that's what was going on."

Julian chuckled a bit. "Just as expected, the corals are controlling the people."

"But what is surprising is that they are still alive. As in, they are not reanimated corpses."

"They've never died."

"From what they found out, the corals enter the nervous system near the neck and completely take control of it."

"This means that their brains have not been touched."

"However, the corals also release a paralyzing agent that destroys every nerve outside the brain, even the ones in the face."

"All the nerves inside them have been dissolved, basically."

"If the city were to remove the corals, their Zephosis would end, and they would die as soon as their Zephyx storage gets empty."

"This means the coral people only have two choices."

"Follow the Specter's command or die."

Julian chuckled.

"Although, I don't think they really have a choice."

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