Kill the Sun - Chapter 422

Published at 12th of April 2024 12:07:48 PM

Chapter 422: 422 – The Bitch

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Chapter 422 Chapter 422 – The Bitch


Nick pulled the screaming Taren away.

Both of his arms had been severely injured.

However, only his right arm was comparable to Nick's damaged arm.

That was because Nick had to pull Taren out after only two seconds since the other arm had been in there for one second already.

If he kept the arm in there for longer, it might be unsavable.

Nick put Taren's arms under the faucet and pressed the button.

One drop of liquid came out, and Taren rapidly rubbed it across both of his arms.

Taren's arms almost completely recovered within three seconds.

They were only a bit red.

Naturally, as a Peak John, Taren didn't need as much Recovery Liquid as Nick.

One drop was enough for both his arms.

Taren took a deep breath and sighed in relief.

His arms still hurt, but it was nothing compared to before.

"If you want, you can do that once per day per appendage," Nick said. "Recovery Liquid counts as foreign Zephyx, and if you use it too often on the same part of your body, your control over your Zephyx will permanently lower. Your body needs about 20 hours to fully assimilate the foreign Zephyx and make it its own."

Taren looked with surprise at Nick. "I didn't know that," he said.

Nick nodded. "It's not common knowledge since it's not relevant to many people. Not many Extractors need to use Recovery Liquid on a daily basis."

Of course, the two didn't even consider not using the Recovery Liquid.

The pain was crippling, and without the Recovery Liquid, they would be paralyzed with pain for hours.

Taren looked at the Blaze for a while.

The first time was always the most difficult, and now that the ordeal was behind him, he wasn't that much against working with the Blaze again.

"Once per day per appendage," Taren said.

Then, Taren looked at his legs.

But he shook his head.

Maybe tomorrow.

"I think I will work with it from time to time," Taren said.

An Adult Possession Specter.

Quite valuable and rare.

However, the existence of the Blaze had also given more credibility to Ghosty's theory regarding the origin of Possession Specters.

Apparently, the burning stick had been a torch that had been used to torture the people the Mistress' cult had abducted.

And back then, the burning stick had not been a Specter yet.

Based on Ghosty's theory, countless people had feared the torch, which had surrounded it with negative energies.

Not many objects had caused so much suffering in Crimson City, which was why this object had materialized as an Adult.

At least, that was the theory.

Ghosty's theory seemed quite credible.

Maybe a person had been put into a coffin and then thrown into the sewers, which could have created the Screaming Coffin.

Maybe the Glasses had caused an influential person to make many horrible mistakes in the past.

Maybe many people got injured while kicking the Can before it became a Specter.

These levels of suffering could correspond with the powers of the Possession Specters.

Of course, out of all these Possession Specters, the Blaze had caused the most suffering, which also made it the strongest.

'Maybe the Spilling Bottle was once used to poison someone,' Nick thought. 'That would explain why it's so weak.'

After looking at the Containment Unit for a bit more, Nick checked the Zephyx container again.

He wanted to know how much Zephyx Taren had produced.

'49 grams,' Nick thought. 'That's for both of his arms.'

'If we deduct the Recovery Liquid, that's about 39 grams of Zephyx in profit.'

Nick took a deep breath.

'No wonder the city gave us this Specter. While its potential is frighteningly high, effectively working with it is so difficult that it has a below-average output in relation to its power.'

'If Taren and I use it with both of our arms per day, it will come to about 220 grams of Zephyx per day, but we also need to deduct 30 grams for the Recovery Liquid.'

'190 grams a day is less than the Dreamer, which is an entire level lower.'

Nick closed the Zephyx container again.

'I don't think anyone else inside Dark Dream has the will to work with the Blaze.'

'I guess it's only Taren and I working with it.'

'Anyway, I should look at the other two Specters.'

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