Kill the Sun - Chapter 469

Published at 15th of May 2024 11:48:37 AM

Chapter 469: 469 – Eternity

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Chapter 469 - 469 – Eternity

He had done it.

He had let go of his way back.

Finding the rope again would prove to be almost impossible.

The subtle sensation of touching a rope could barely be felt under the endless assault of torture.

Nick took controlled and deliberate steps forward, trusting his feeling of balance more than his sight.

This was the only way he could hope to find the rope again.

He only needed to retread his steps, but that was easier said than done.

If his angle changed in any way, he might completely miss the rope on his way back.

In fact, relying on that method was idiotic.

The chances of success were minuscule.

Nick might as well just randomly run into the darkness.

And he knew that.

He knew all of this.

But he still did it.

He took a risk.

The biggest risk a human could take.

Either he succeeded or died.

There was even a possibility that he would succeed and then die.

After all, as far as he knew, no one had ever gotten the Nightmare's ability.

But that might not be completely accurate.

What if someone had gotten the ability but died before anyone else could see it?

What if the Nightmare killed anyone who got its ability, like Nurse Alice?

That might be possible.

However, Nick believed that this wasn't the case.

Everyone suspected that the Nightmare was not conscious.

The reason for that was the fact that it killed anyone who fell unconscious in the darkness.

Most Specters, even weak and dumb ones, tended to keep their food source alive unless they gained power by killing somebody.

For example, the Talker let people go after it became impossible to get them to engage with it in a conversation anymore.

The Grey Room let people go before their minds vanished.

It was quite obvious that the Nightmare gained power by torturing people, and based on how Specters generally worked and operated, experienced Extractors were quite certain that it didn't get power from actively killing people.

But it still did so, even though that reduced the amount of food it had.

Usually, people would just believe that this was a Specter without any intelligence, but that didn't seem feasible when it came to an Eternal.

An Eternal must have had enough time to evolve intelligence.

So, why was it killing its food?

The most likely explanation was that it was unconscious.

Maybe it was sleeping.

Maybe it was in some form of trance.

'I deserve this!'

He kept walking forever.

Time had long since lost its meaning.

The hatred became more and more overwhelming.

Nothing made sense anymore.

What was his body?

Where was his body?

What was he?

What was his mind?

What was his soul?

Pain, hatred, and reality turned into a colorless sludge and became indiscernible from each other.

The illusions of the Nightmare had become so abstract that they turned into random colors.

Pain turned into colors.

Colors turned into space.

Space turned into time.

Time turned into pain.

Forward became later.

Earlier became less painful.

Later was red.

Pain was backward.

Nothing made sense anymore.

Only one thing was certain.

Only one.

'I deserve this!'

This was the only certainty.

He deserved this.

And he knew it.

This was the only thing he knew.

Step by step.

Deeper in the endless hatred.

A step.

Another step.

Another step.

Another step.

Another step.

Another step.

On and on.

For all of eternity.

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