Kill the Sun - Chapter 483

Published at 29th of May 2024 08:18:42 AM

Chapter 483: 483 – Ally

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Chapter 483 483 – Ally

Nick watched nervously as the Specialist read the letter.

After a couple of seconds, the Specialist was done and stared into space.

He looked like he was considering some things.

Then, he took a deep breath.

"Fine, I'm in," he said.

"Good choice."

The Specialist turned around in shock and saw a black figure standing between him and the door.

The Specialist almost felt his heart stop when he saw the black figure.

This person had not been here just now!

Where had he come from?!

The sudden appearance of the black figure terrified the Specialist.

How strong was this person?!

"You're the one that wrote this letter?" he asked nervously, holding the letter.

"No," Nick said. "Ghosty wrote this."

The man took a deep breath.

"Is it really true? Did Ghosty and Kugelblitz form an alliance to take down Anatomy?" he asked.

"It's as the letter states," Nick said. "Within 90 minutes, the last battle will start, and Anatomy will be destroyed along with everyone who is loyal to them."

"However, we all know that not all of you are on Anatomy's side. You just didn't have an opportunity to jump ship."

"If you are willing to help, you will survive. You don't even have to fight in the last battle if you don't want to. Standing on the sidelines is already enough," Nick said.

Naturally, the Specialist's heart raced.

He had to make a very difficult choice.

If he chose incorrectly, he would die.

"Who are you?" the Specialist asked. "Anatomy has never heard about someone like you."

"That's confidential," Nick said. "You can view me as help from outside."

From outside?

Then, the man realized what was going on.

This black figure had to be from another city!

The man took a deep breath. "How will Kugelblitz know that I'm not part of Anatomy?" he asked.

"First, I need to know if you want to stay neutral in the conflict or if you want to join Kugelblitz? Both options are fine with us," Nick said.

The man had trouble deciding.

"I have a family. Will something happen to them?" he asked.

"No. Your choice has no impact on them," Nick answered.

The man took a deep breath.

Then, he remained silent for five seconds.

"I don't want to be in this conflict anymore," he said. "For the last few years, I have constantly had to fear Kugelblitz's assassins. I know that they are not the bad ones in the conflict, but I don't want to join them."

"If there is a way to stay neutral, I would want to choose that," he said.

Nick nodded and took out the black sack.

When the man saw the sack, he became shocked.

"You have a Spatial Bag?!" he asked in shock.

"Ghosty is lending me his," Nick said.

Spatial Bags were extremely valuable treasures.

One of these things was worth as much as a Demon!

'No wonder nobody was here,' Nick thought.

"How will you explain to them that two other Specialists will come in here?" Nick asked.

"That's my problem, not yours. I'll find a way," he said.

"Fine," Nick said. "Then, that's all I need from you. The other two tasks will be left for your friends to make it fair."

The next moment, Nick grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before writing a long letter.

It took a couple of minutes, but he finished it.

"Hand this to the stronger of the two," Nick said. "I want to meet that person first."

The Specialist took hold of the letter. "Am I allowed to read it?"

Nick nodded.

The Specialist read it, and when he was done, he took a deep breath.

"That's..." he said before trailing off.

"You helped me with one of the tasks," Nick said. "You have proven your loyalty. The other two still have to."

The man took another deep breath.

"Okay," he said. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"No, your friend will call your second friend. You only need to hand the letter to your second friend and wait in your office until it is time."

"Okay," the man said nervously. "Then, I'm going now."

Nick nodded.

The man walked past Nick and went to the door.


The man wanted to say that he was about to go but stopped talking when he turned around.

He was gone!

The black figure vanished!

The man's insides shook.

Then, he left the room.

Nick waited in the crack above the door.

Several minutes passed.

He had to wait for 30 minutes.

Finally, the door opened.

This time, two people walked in.

"Okay, so?" a black-haired man asked with annoyance. "What's so important that we have to talk in here?"

"Well," a red-haired woman said nervously, "there was this thing in this place."

The door closed behind them.

When Nick heard the red-haired woman speak the code phrase, he knew who his ally was.

"Thing in this place?" the man asked with annoyance.


Suddenly, something landed on top of the black-haired man, and he looked up.

It was some kind of weird device he had never seen before.


Suddenly, his Barrier acted up, appearing and disappearing.

The red-haired woman gritted her teeth.

Pulled out a gun.

Pointed it at the man's head.

And pulled the trigger.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!