Kill the Sun - Chapter 484

Published at 29th of May 2024 08:18:41 AM

Chapter 484: 484 – Unexpected Surprise

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Chapter 484 484 – Unexpected Surprise


The man's brains splattered across the wall of the office, and his headless corpse fell to the ground.

Luckily, the red-haired woman had enough mastery over her Zephyx that she managed to suppress the sound.

The powerful bullet was about as loud as a cup falling over on a desk.

The red-haired woman took several deep breaths.

She had only killed three people before in her life, and in all of these cases, she had never known the victim.

This was the first person she had killed who she personally knew.

It was difficult for her to come to terms with it.

But she needed to do it!

Anatomy would turn her into a slave!

"Well done," Nick said.

The red-haired woman immediately turned her head in fright and saw a black silhouette in the corner of the room.

"Are you the one?" she asked, breathing heavily.

"I am," Nick said.

Then, Nick told her the same thing he told the person before her.

Just like the other guy, she fell into thought.

"I want revenge!" she said as her buried frustration broke out. "I hate Anatomy for what they have done to my team! I want to join the fight against them!"

Nick nodded and took out one of Kugelblitz's uniforms. "Welcome to Kugelblitz."

She took hold of the uniform and looked at it with rage.

This uniform symbolized an opportunity to kill the people who had destroyed her life!

Nick walked over to the ground and pocketed the device he had dropped onto the other guy's Barrier earlier.

Ghosty produced all the Barriers for the Extractors in Crimson City, and naturally, he had also put a failsafe in those.

The device Nick had used could disrupt a Barrier for a couple of seconds.

Sadly, it only worked on the Barriers that Ghosty produced.

The longer Nick remained in Anatomy, the clearer it became to him why not even Kugelblitz or Anatomy wanted to mess with Ghosty's Lab.

"You're the strongest Specialist in Anatomy?" Nick asked.

"Well," she said, looking at the headless corpse. "I guess I am now."

Nick nodded. "Tell me about the hidden Fanatics," he said.

The woman became nervous.

"I know about Envy's servant," Nick said. "I need to know where I can find it."

The woman's eyes shot open. "Wait, what?" she asked.

"Envy's servant. I know about it," Nick repeated.

The woman's brows furrowed. "I am not sure if we have one of those. If we did, I would have left as soon as I knew, even if it were dangerous. Messing with Aegis is a horrible idea."

Nick raised an eyebrow, but the woman couldn't see it through the Shadow Shroud.

"How many Fanatics does Anatomy have, then?" Nick asked.

"Officially, four," she said.

Then, she frowned. "Unofficially, five. There is a top-secret Specter on the next floor."

"The white snake," Nick said.

"White snake?" the woman asked.

"I've seen it earlier," he said. "It seems to be the cause of Debilify."

The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I knew it," she said with a sigh.

"But what about Envy's servant?" Nick asked.

The woman shook her head. "I don't know about one of those."

"Is there any place where you are not allowed to go to?" he asked.

The woman thought for a while.

After that, Nick checked the Containment Unit here.

'Sure enough, the Bloated Corpse should be in here,' Nick thought.

Nick put the gadget onto the console and put in the timer.

The Bloated Corpse didn't have any intelligence, which meant talking to it was meaningless.

As soon as it broke out, it would immediately go on a rampage and destroy as much as it could.

It was similar to the Pit of Corpses.

The only difference was that it didn't kill people.

Freeing it was not as risky as freeing the Pit of Corpses.

After putting the timer in, Nick pocketed the gadget again.

'Only 37 minutes left. Gotta hurry,' Nick thought.

Nick went to the next Containment Unit.


He went to the next Containment Unit.

'According to the floor plan, this is where Anatomy's mascot is,' Nick thought as he looked at the Containment Unit.

Anatomy's logo was the silhouette of a puppet.

Additionally, Mundus, Zarren, and Ariel all had powers related to puppets.

The Specter in this Containment Unit was what gave them these powers.

'The Puppet of Suffering,' Nick thought. 'It's intelligent, but talking to it is too risky. The Containment Unit might not be able to isolate its unique power.'

Nick sighed. 'I don't want to do it, but the Death Pact forces me to free it anyway.'

Nick put in the timer and left for the next Containment Unit.

When Nick saw the Containment Unit being active, his eyes shone.

He immediately put the gadget on the Containment Unit and opened it.

Did he finally find Envy's servant?

Yet, when the door opened, Nick knew that this was not Envy's servant.

However, he wasn't disappointed.

Nick walked into the Containment Unit and approached the Specter.

He bent down and picked up the Money Maker.

As Nick looked at the sniper rifle, he couldn't help smirking.

'I guess Anatomy is suspicious that Kugelblitz might have done something to the Money Maker. It's a perfect weapon for Ariel, but what if it suddenly explodes or something? That would kill one of their Heroes.'

'That's probably why they put it in a Containment Unit instead of using it.'

'Well, allow me,' Nick thought.

Nick put the Money Maker into his Spatial Bag and left.

Then, he went to the next Containment Unit.


'Does Anatomy really not have Envy's servant?' Nick thought.

'Is it really Kugelblitz that has it?'

Nick frowned and went to the last Containment Unit.

When Nick looked at it, he saw that the console was active.

Nick's eyes shone in excitement, and he approached it.

He was about to put the gadget on it, but then he realized something.

'This one is not made by Ghosty!' Nick thought.

The console was completely different from the other ones.

'This means this Containment Unit wasn't made in Crimson City!'

Nick's eyes narrowed.

'This has to be it!'

'Envy's servant has to be in there!'

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