Kill the Sun - Chapter 487

Published at 31st of May 2024 06:25:28 AM

Chapter 487: – The Risky Plan

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487 Chapter 487 – The Risky Plan

Earlier, when Anatomy blew up, Nick turned into mist and left the building while it was covered in smoke by the explosion on the debris.

Escaping had been very easy.

An immediate escape had been necessary since Nick knew that the Doom Sayer would kill him with its ability otherwise.

Anyone who heard the Doom Sayer speak without any protection would die.

That was why he was so incredibly dangerous.

After Nick had escaped, he had waited in hiding near Ghosty's Lab.

He trusted in Vernon's will to survive.

Most likely, Vernon would quickly try to escape the building if he got a chance.

If he immediately ran out, he might meet with Anatomy's forces along the way, or he would get involved in the fight between the Heroes.

Because of that, he had to wait until the coast was clear.

And sure enough, Vernon left after about half a minute, giving Nick a shot.

Vernon was not a strong fighter, but he was still a Peak Expert.

Yet, as long as Nick's ability was active, he was more powerful than an Initial Specialist, and with a powerful attack, he would be able to kill Vernon.

Luckily, everything worked as expected, and he had killed Vernon.

The sole reason why Nick killed Vernon was because he was in the room while Nick told Ghosty about his ability.

Vernon was not trustworthy, and if he knew what Nick's ability could do, he would surely find a way to kill him.

After all, Vernon was still under the impression that Nick had killed Wyntor.

Additionally, Nick's success in the mission and Vernon's account of what happened during the day the Crimson Sea escaped would be enough to get an investigation going.

Vernon was the only one who knew that Nick had received the Shadow Shroud that day, which linked him to the black figure the Spartans had talked about.

There was a real chance that Vernon would have told the governor about the Crimson Sea incident after the Death Pact was resolved.

Like this, Vernon would have managed to get rid of Anatomy and Nick.

Nick rapidly descended to the lower layer.

He had already removed the Shadow Shroud from his body, and he now looked like always.

Nothing was linking him to what happened in Anatomy.

Only two people knew what happened.

Aria and Ghosty.

There wasn't anything Nick could do about those two.

Additionally, they were not like Vernon.

Nick had known Aria for about 15 years now, and her personality was quite clear.

She had some morals and tried to keep things stable.

She was never the one who argued about the blood supply.

That was always Vernon.

Nick assumed that she would rather have Nick as an ally than an enemy.

When Nick reached the lower layer, he hid between some of the fallen debris and did something.

That something took about half a minute to complete.

But after he was done, he left the debris and ran towards Dark Dream.

As he approached Dark Dream, Nick's heart rate increased again.

It was not over yet.

There was still something that needed to be done.

But it was risky.

Extremely risky.

Dark Dream's employees were already gathered in front of the building, looking up at the destruction in the middle layer.

Nick easily slipped past them and entered Dark Dream.

Mouths opened up all around Nick, and he constantly had to avoid them.

Luckily, the mouths weren't as fast as Julian's main body.

However, they delayed Nick enough that Julian easily managed to catch up.

Julian appeared behind Nick, and Nick turned to look back at him in horror.


Julian summoned a spear and thrust forward.


Nick's Barrier broke, and his body shot through several buildings, getting stopped by the megastructure.

Several of Nick's bones had broken, but even worse, he was out of Zephyx.

His Zephosis didn't work anymore.

Nick felt like he couldn't breathe anymore, even though he didn't need to breathe.

It was just the same feeling.

"What an idiot," Julian said as he arrived in front of the collapsed Nick. "But it was a good plan. You just forgot how Specters work."

"Anyway, it was nice working with you, but..."

Julian pointed his arm at Nick.

"I'll have to let you go now."

A mouth appeared beneath Nick, and his body began to fall.


But at that moment, a storm of white fire appeared around Nick, and the mouth was turned into pure Zephyx.

Julian's eyes widened in shock.

The power of these flames...

It was unreal!

He had never felt anything this powerful before in his life!

"What is going on here?" came a deep voice from above.

Julian looked up.

Nick, who was surrounded by white fire but didn't burn, also looked up.

Hovering in the sky was a tall man with bright red hair.

He wore Aegis' uniform.

Surprisingly, he wasn't alone.

There were four people behind him.

Aria and the governor stood behind him while Mundus and Zarren hovered behind him, surrounded by white flames.

'It worked!' Nick thought in exhilaration.

Earlier, when Nick had landed on the lower layer, he had done something.

He had removed Simon Francium's ball of Zephyx from his neck.

This was his way of contacting Simon Francium.

Naturally, Simon immediately felt what had happened and thought that Nick had been found by Envy or one of its servants, which was why he had immediately come to the city.

When he had arrived, he had seen Aria, the Governor, Mundus, and Zarren fighting outside.

After dealing with that conflict, he immediately went to find Nick.

And that was how he was greeted.

Nick almost being swallowed by a Specter.

"A wild Fanatic, huh?" Simon spoke calmly.

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